重新造物 Recreating
原创作品 Original Works
Recreating Bitcoin , Written by Yan HE, Translated by JC,
Tells a fictional story of Satoshi creating Bitcoin at a cafe in a small town, selling at Amazon -
重新创造比特币 , Written by 何岩
讲述了中本聪在小镇咖啡馆,从零开始设计比特币的故事 -
重新创造Lisp , Written by 何岩
讲述了Rick & Morty,创造Lisp的故事 -
比特币经济学 , Written by hslayj ,
Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV. -
文明升级 , Written by hslayj ,
Upgrade of civilization : A work comparable to Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, a masterpiece of human civilization.
目的 Purpose
Recreating the world view, based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV.
介绍 Introduction
“What I cannot recreate, I do not understand.” - Yann