比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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比特币经济学 1 : 开讲
比特币经济学 2 : 法律
比特币经济学 3 : CSW
比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调
比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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Conversation : 聊去中心化和比特币历史 2020.4.29 #

Today I want to talk about decentralization.

First of all, I think the most perfect decentralized system evolution, is in the eyes of the Darwin nature ecological system, in the absence of a unified subjective existence to determine biological reproduction and destruction, so any natural species can be eliminated, which makes the rest of the competition of natural species must be more and more species adapt to the environment, this is to ensure the whole system of biological evolution logic, if nature is a centralized system dominated by god, so a equal love, kindness, god may make all living creatures have the resources and the same rights, so the final result, biological always stays in the stage of single-celled organisms, There is no evolutionary imperative.

Second, to the economic and social development, decentralization of achievements of the human material civilization prosperous market economy, the evolution of human social organization form began to replace the evolution of the human genome, don’t need a plan for the centralized organization resources, let all the people through the game form the balance between supply and demand of the market price signal to adjust their production and consumption strategy makes huge market information is easy to understand for everyone and operation, the invention of the limited liability company makes this system have been greatly improved, more so in the business world we see a thriving technology innovation and business innovation, The economic progress of mankind is incomparable to that of any era. Market economy will produce the gap between rich and poor, however, was eliminated by the market economy and individual has no way to completely disappear like natural evolution, so the market economic system itself to create a large number of poor people will become violent source of burial system, form the egalitarian ethos, so people would require the political balance of wealth.

Again, the most complete decentralized political system in modern society, should be advocated in the west, the separation of powers of the division of the executive, legislative and administrative power, makes any single strongman can monopoly of political power, political serve humanity rather than the slavery of people, take the lead in the reform of western democratic society actually made great civilization leading and leading system, regardless of any single political mistake, a decentralized system of political system seems to always put the wheel back on track again. However, the separation of powers is only a state system, and the financial, political and economic evolution in the world is still dominated by the unipolar world (the western world), which has caused a lot of natural and man-made disasters caused by the arrogance of civilization and system to people all over the world.

Finally, every time we see the progress of the decentralized system, it leads to the leap of human civilization. So what is the problem of centralized organization in the world today? In a unipolar world, the state hegemonism, the federal reserve and the central bank legal and monetary system, and the state violent machine with unlimited responsibility and power, all these three problems are essentially one question, namely, what should the future decentralized rules of the world be based on? BSV system gives us the answer, that is, honesty and credit, regardless of any system, all countries, civilization, should not deviate from the reality of the real world feedback, the development of human beings must take honest history as the initial starting point, otherwise any partisan ideological battle didn’t make any sense, the dispute of political system, economic system battle, battle of state power, civilization evolution, the real records should be in the real world for proof, What people need may be the high welfare brought by big government, or the high freedom brought by small government, or the trade offs, games and transformations of these two political forms in different external environments. And only the bottom rules of an honest decentralized world can be truly grounded and sustainable; Both to understand each other, but also to achieve harmony and difference. This is my understanding and perception of the decentralized system.

整理中本聪发表比特币的历史Sort out the history of satoshi nakamoto publishing bitcoin #


2,2009年CSW正式发布比特币软件并注册了早期比特币的官网窗口www.bitcoin.org,也就是大家都知道的btc,当时CSW是主要架构师,Dave Kleinman是他邀请的代码贡献者和主要合作伙伴,还有一个数学家David Rees负责椭圆曲线加密技术的部署应用,后期Hal Finey也获得了一定的系统权限。

3, 随着比特币的上线,初期的比特币遇见了几次致命的漏洞,而当时比特币的开发人员团队也开始不断扩张,于是很多人都拿到了比特币系统的早期权限,比如代码开发权限和软件维护权限。

4, 2010年,当时的几个主要社区参与者计划用比特币做暗网的流通货币并鼓励Ross U创建丝绸之路,在CSW沟通反对后,当时的bitcoin.org权限管理者Sirius、Theymos将CSW彻底锁在了官网之外,完全接管了比特币的对外宣传和定义工作,CSW与比特币早期社区的恩怨就此结下,其中就包括后来一直制造伪证诬陷CSW的维基解密创始人等各色骗子。

5, 2011年,为了防止这些人利用比特币做违法的事情,CSW离开了社区,将比特币代码权限委托给当时他的追随者Gavin Anderson保管,他本人利用比特币的可溯源技术和他自己的安全专家技术协助多国警察去破获了多起暗网人口走私、非法交易事件,并将早期的大量利用比特币做违法事情的人送入监狱。

6,2011年-2013年,CSW通过自己的钱买入了大量的早期比特币,并直接导致了2013年的比特币牛市,从而让比特币进入大众视野,Gavin Anderson引入了大量的开发人员来完成代码升级工作,自己慢慢退居二线。

7, CSW将自己的早期挖矿所得和后期市场买入所得存入了一个基金“郁金香”,并将这个基金交给了自己的好友Dave Kleinman负责,该基金是一个定期锁定基金,基金的内容主要是约定被锁比特币资产在未来的特定时间(2020年1月)交还给CSW,在此之前的基金重要信息将交给不同的人负责,没有人能够动这笔基金。早期因为比特币没有价格,或者价格很低,粉尘攻击可以花费大量比特币可以使系统瘫痪,因此当初Gavin Anderson在经过CSW的同意前提下,加上了一个区块上限硬顶1M,并约定后期比特币市场成熟后,逐渐放宽这个硬顶。


9, 同样因为SPV交易的废除,比特币的整个账本体系将只能以密码学为基础,比特币的交易速度变慢,比特币的扩容也将变得异常复杂,由于当时的开发组人员对比特币的采矿模型不理解,因此开发组一直坚持树莓派的网络结构,也就是每一个普通用户都有一本账,这样可以防止政府抄家,而为了让每个用户都有一本账,区块大小必须长期维持在普通用户硬盘可以承受的位置,也就是BTC主张的永不扩容。

10, 在扩容之争达到顶峰的时候,CSW试图重回开发团队,用中本聪的身份统一思想,贯彻区块链一致扩容的思路,然而在CSW向Gavin Anderson展示私钥和身份后,Gavin Anderson作为当时的比特币开发领袖也支持中本聪身份的时候,Gavin Anderson的代码权限被当时的几个程序员给联合吊销了,这也就是后来的Core党。


12, 2017年CSW找到比特大陆,试图联合大部分矿工力量来施压开发团队,让比特币坚持链上扩容,然而吴忌寒在并未告知CSW的前提下,在当时的比特币交流峰会上,一力主导了比特币的第一次分叉,BCH和BTC。

13, 2018年CSW在得知BCH的开发团队要通过更改协议来完成BCH的开发权把持后,CSW通过nchain主导了BCH算力战,试图通过算力干掉比特大陆,然而比特大陆通过加入BCH检查点和挪用云矿机的方式改变了算力的对比情况,使得BCH基本成了开发者的操弄玩具,于是nChain主导了比特币的第二次分叉BCH和BSV。

这就是BSV的由来和CSW前面这些年的经历,因为早期的很多重要贡献者都应去世了,比如Dave Kleinman,David Rees、Hal Finey,所以这些信息的主要来源于CSW和一些我认为值得信任的信息来源,解释权也属于CSW,前面说了,很多信息都是二手信息,所以准确性无法保证,只能帮助了解大概的BSV历史脉络,仅供参考,如果有错误的地方,也希望大家修正一下。

Today, a group of friends asked me to sort out [satoshi nakamoto’s history of publishing bitcoin]. Since what I got is also a second-hand information source, I will give it a try and ask my friends to correct me if there is something wrong:
1, In 2008, CSW officially published a white paper on bitcoin under the pseudonym satoshi nakamoto after years of accumulation and research.

2, 200 CSW released early currency software and register the window the currency’s website, www.bitcoin.org, namely the BTC is known to all, the CSW are the main architects, Dave Kleinman is he invited the contributors and the main partner, and a mathematician David Rees is responsible for the deployment of application of the elliptic curve cryptography, the late Hal Finey also obtained a certain system permissions.

3, With the launch of bitcoin, the early bitcoin encountered several fatal vulnerabilities. At that time, the developer team of bitcoin also began to expand.

4, 2010, when a few major community participants made dark net currency COINS and encourage Ross U created the silk road, after the CSW communication against the bitcoin.org access manager Sirius, Theymos locked CSW thoroughly in the website, completely took over the currency’s foreign propaganda work and definition, CSW and COINS early community have personalities, and including the later has been framed perjury CSW wikipedia founder, etc all kinds of liars.

5, 2011, in order to prevent these people use COINS do illegal things, CSW left the community, the currency code authority delegated to his followers Gavin Anderson, his use of the currency can be traced back and his own security experts to assist the international police to break up several dark net human trafficking and illegal trade events, and the early use of COINS to do illegal things people into prison.

6, From 2011 to 2013, CSW bought a large number of early bitcoin with its own money, which directly led to the bull market of bitcoin in 2013, thus bringing bitcoin into the public eye. Gavin Anderson brought in a large number of developers to complete the code upgrade, and gradually stepped aside.

7, CSW to early late mining income and income in the market to buy a fund “tulip”, and the fund to his good friend Dave Kleinman, the fund is a lock on a regular basis, the content of the fund is mainly stipulated locked the currency assets at a specific time in the future (January 2020) returned to CSW, important information before this fund will be liable to different people, no one can move the fund. In the early days, because bitcoin had no price, or the price was very low, dust attack could cost a large amount of bitcoin and bring down the system. Therefore, Gavin Anderson added a block with a ceiling of 1M under the consent of CSW, and agreed to gradually loosen this ceiling after the bitcoin market matured.

8, as the early currency use scenario is illegal, so the unknown truth, subsequent developers began to slowly COINS to bring down the wrong path, first because the criminal is the most afraid of the government, so the currency features early point-to-point SPV trading has been abolished, transaction process became sellers miners for buyers to this model, this model is to prevent the police analog IP tracking criminals, and once abolished the SPV, then zero confirm the transaction would be impossible, only through block confirmation to confirm the transaction, which makes the speed of currency trading is greatly slow down, Because the confirmation time of the block is at least 10 minutes, and the security degree of the single block is not enough, generally use the 6 block confirmation.

9, also because of the abolition of the SPV transactions, the currency system of the whole book will be based on the cryptography, slow to currency trading, the currency of the expansion will also is complicated, because at the time of the development team to understand COINS mining model is not, so the development team has been sticking to raspberries pie network structure, namely every ordinary users have an account, this will prevent the government property, and in order to let each user has an account, the block size must be maintained for a long time in ordinary users can afford to pay the location of the hard disk, namely BTC claim never expansion.

10, the peak of expansion of CSW tried to return to the development team, in our hearing the identity of the unified thought, block chain expansion and consistent implementation of the idea, but in CSW to Gavin Anderson, show the private key and identity, Gavin Anderson as the currency development leader also supports the hearing status, Gavin Anderson code permission was suspended by a few programmers to united, which is the Core of the party later.

11, as a result of the BTC village block locking block problem, even the function of the currency was only on the transfer function and block chain network structure is a kind of credit, however, it can record information for almost all industry brings the effect of credit blessing, so at the time of programming the V in the currency of the etheric fang chain can not be achieved, to start his own block chain ETH, hope to complete intelligent ETH, make the ETH credit computers around the world, it is later than chain have logic, COINS have been planted hidden danger, if the currency has been stick to the path of chain expansion, There might not be an ICO mess.

12, In 2017, CSW went to bitmainland and tried to unite most of the miners to pressure the development team to make bitcoin stick to the expansion of the chain. However, without informing CSW, wu jihan led the first fork of bitcoin, BCH and BTC, at the bitcoin exchange summit at that time.

13, 2018 CSW in BCH development team by changing the agreement to after completion of the sale of BCH holding CSW through nchain dominated the BCH happeneth to attempt to force through calculating kill bit continent, however, mainland bit by adding BCH checkpoint and misappropriation of cloud mill to change the work force of contrast, making BCH basic became developers wielders of toys, so nchain dominated the second bifurcation BCH COINS and BSV.

Before this are the origin of the BSV and CSW experience over the years, because many of the early important contributor should be died, such as Dave Kleinman, David Rees, Hal Finey, so all the information the main sources of CSW, and some I think trusted sources of information, interpretation also belongs to the CSW, front said, a lot of information are secondary information, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed, can only help to understand about the historical trace of the BSV are for reference only, if you have the wrong place, hope everyone correction, too.

Conversation : 2020.4.30 #

What do you think of “nasdaq and R3 cooperate to build a digital asset market platform on Corda blockchain”?

Before kill BTC BSV system has no formal system, chain blocks, and the main idea of digital currency is money qi qi, chain, namely every industry can have its own chain, the chain block features and any industry together blessing may give birth to a new credit market, the news is nothing but another industry chain to try, the difference between essence and tencent chain, ali chain is not big, are trying to use in the field of a traditional block chain technology, through the field of digital and XinYongHua change. The essence and many of the local area network (LAN) before the birth of the Internet application is the same meaning, I remember around 95, when there are a number of local area network (LAN) games popular in the world, but then after the Internet was born, many basic LAN game are doing Internet transformation, applications and network nature is a blessing to each other, there is no application of network and network application is very limited, and the prosperity of block chain must be based on application and network of bilateral prosperity for the underlying logic. When the BSV system kill BTC system, all of the industry chain, ecological reserve is BSV, are BSV fuel in the future, all chain unto a itself is not only good for BSV, huge to the industry application of the same interests, the expansion of data dimension makes a tiny application demonstrating great potential in the global markets, make all cross validation of network data may give BSV system of application for credit.

I remember that when Internet games were just born, people really played games with their souls. It seems that behind each ID, there is a fresh life. However, with the development of Internet logic, this trend is gradually diluted, and people’s sense of participation and fun are declining. What’s the reason? Because the Internet is an anonymous network in nature, with the exception of a few government departments, no one can go after the Internet bullies, rumor mongers or even malicious cheaters. Slowly, people are getting used to not trusting anyone on the Internet. But BSV system is likely to fundamentally change this kind of problem, the private key of the KYC system makes each network nature of the participants are real name, then the network trust degree will be better, because all words and deeds is traceability tamper-resistant, this will increase the irresponsible remarks to spread cost, to shape a better environment of online trust, it makes a lot of participation and trust are greatly increased, the Internet has too many functions, they might be able to thoroughly implemented by block chain the trust network.

Ca said that there will be exchanges on the BSV chain, I do not know how the progress is now, the entry of such players as nasdaq, will the impact on the BSV chain exchanges lead to difficult labor?

You said this application should be tokenized, the essence of nChain BSV system model project is doing, if the tokenized program competition of similar products, however, that also must follow ecological out logic, but light chain competition won by a single industry chain blocks is not realistic, to occupy the niche block chain in the field of industry, must have the rules on the largest network, but for now, the biggest network can only be BSV, model project success is not important, the biggest mission is to let people see the BSV model project ability and potential, Let all the industry chain to join the chain of the greatest vision, the completion of the bottom of the honest world ecological construction.

Thank you! So now although it is a hundred flowers bloom, but in the end there will only be a BSV alone

Block chain nature is either a zero or to a network structure, if BSV no sudden death, I believe he’ll eat all complete industry chain chain unto one, but this is only my idea, not to, only for 😊 test

关于锁死协议(set in stone)的一个个人想法:
我们都知道蛋白质(朊病毒不清楚)是DNA指导生成的,具体是由信使RNA上面的密码子指导生成的。那么不管对于哪种生物,一个密码也对应一个氨基酸,这个规则在生物出现的几十亿年都是没有变过(生命怎么起源的就不知道了),可以说这个规则 已经锁死了,当然DNA里面定义的规则远不止这些,但也都是锁死的。
The nature of life is such that once life  was generated, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime

A personal thought on the set in stone protocol:
We all know that proteins (prions are not clear) are made by DNA, specifically by the code on the mrna. So no matter what kind of organism, a code also corresponds to an amino acid, and this rule has not changed for billions of years (how life started is not known), this rule is locked, of course, the rules defined in DNA are far more than that, but also locked.

Prion replication actually depends on the nucleic acid of the host cell

So prions follow the same rules?


This further illustrates the importance of the lock protocol, whose stability provides the soil for biological evolution. Perhaps there were life forms that didn’t lock the protocol in the history of life, but life forms that didn’t lock the protocol have been eliminated from the competition, and there is no trace of their existence

Impossible without locking consensus agreement, decentralized this concept, the final result, who mastered the rights definition, who is the new center, once you have the power, then the authenticity of the network data must be discounted, center may at any time by adjusting the competitor winning agreement to screen in their interests, essentially as the federal reserve and the relationship about Wall Street. Once we get back to the game of centralized system, it’s actually a political issue to see who has the strongest ability of violent integration to kill the competitors. The white paper of bitcoin in 2008 is just the seed of a civilization system. What a seed needs to nourish the whole world for a long time before it grows into a towering tree, while what BTC does is to strip away the relationship between this seed and the real world, and the final blight is actually foreseeable.

In many cases, effective information is sent out based on the sunk cost of the signal sender. The higher the sunk cost is, the more credible the signal will be from the probability. This is also why the business has to spend money on seemingly useless decoration and star endorsement, because the sunk cost will increase the customer’s trust and thus increase the brand value. In fact, the coin-free blockchain cannot solve the problem of decentralized sunk cost, so the final development result of coin-free blockchain is also a centralized network system. Decentralization is a difficult thing, how to let everyone is convinced, how to let the system be oligopoly, how to make the system of sustainable development, this has always been a myth of the philosophy, the Byzantine generals problems before the COINS out has always been a philosophical questions unanswered, so want to through a simple copy code and change the agreement is the core idea of block chain plagiarism walk is too simple, sometimes naive dilettante behavior, there is no reshaping the courage of human civilization, the people without power challenge BSV system, this is the greatness of the hearing, and also the BSV system huge moat.

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What do you think of this?

@任小重 这篇文章其实写的挺好的,在不了解BSV体系的前提下,在BTC逻辑当道的今天,这就是对区块链行业的最深刻理解。只有BSV万链归一的逻辑成立了,区块链的价值才能真正体现,区块链的信用来源并不是代理人制度,而是多维数据比对带来的数据诚实问题和不可篡改数据的可追责问题,只有万链归一了,比特币的合法地位取得了,区块链的行业价值才能被真正看见,否则行业链的数据信用本身就是开发公司本身的信用,这篇文章在这个方面的理解是很对的,如果作者在这个群里面,我相信他会有改观,BSV对人类的意义我在之前已经写了很多了,包括彻底治愈全球经济的通胀型金融危机、全局连锁型经济危机、金属货币的交易单位不够带来的通缩型经济危机,比特币可以彻底治愈人类不同政治体系间的猜疑链和共同规则问题,甚至可以彻底治愈人类的文明底层的暴力驱动逻辑,具体的内容可以看看历史记录回溯,有不明白的,我们针对问题一个一个展开讨论。
In fact, this article is well written. Without understanding the BSV system, this is the most profound understanding of the block chain industry in today’s BTC logic. Only but BSV logic was established to a chain, chain blocks, can truly reflect the value of block chain source of credit is not agent system, but the multidimensional data than data integrity problem and not tamper with the problem of data can be held accountable, only all the belong to a chain, the legal status of the currency has achieved, block the industry value chain can be really seeing, or the data of industry chain credit itself is the development of the company itself, this article’s understanding in this respect is very right, if the author in this group, I believe he will have a change, the meaning of human BSV I have written a lot before, Include complete healing of the global economic inflation of the financial crisis, the global chain of economic crisis, the metal currency trading unit not bring deflation type economic crisis, the currency can cure completely different political system the suspicion between the chain and common rules, and even can be completely cured at the bottom of the violence of human civilization drive logic, the specific content can look at history back, don’t understand, we discusses the questions one by one.

Let me give you an example. If the BSV system has come true, the return of the chain has come true, you go to a tourist area, you have never seen a small trader, in the traditional field, we dare not trust him, because of information asymmetry, afraid that he will carry passengers. But if his information on the chain, we can know others on his evaluation, knowing he sells food supply chain is legitimate, know that he is the store’s health system was fine before, know how long his business history, and this information may not be from an application and an industry, but in all directions to the front of you defines the data gathered before you this person is reliable, then strangers can become infinite low transaction cost, you can trust a willing to show you his chain of credit, because you know once he deals with you, You with your transaction records can get him at any time, with credentials in the chain of the outlaws to justice, which is linked to a power, the more the more dimension data, participation main body, to accumulate the longer, the easier to accountability, this person can be trusted, more easy to build trust between strangers and strangers, is this world a better world? Anyone who doesn’t understand the BSV system has yet to really understand what a blockchain is, and all the answers to the blockchain are in the BSV logical framework.

csw 不喜欢 hal 的无政府主义思想就是了,虽然那时候确实帮了不少
CSW didn’t like Hal’s anarchism, though it helped a lot

嗯😊 无政府主义的路肯定走不通,这正是因为开始有人把路带歪了,后面才有那么多对比特币的误解
Well 😊 nihilistic way must go impassability, precisely because someone start with slanting, the road back to have so many misunderstandings of the currency

Laissez-faire is not freedom, the boundary of freedom is the property rights and personal security of others, can not violate the property rights of others
Violence and coercion and racketeering are infringements of other people’s property rights. There is no freedom. Everyone has the freedom to hit someone with a gun. Mutual fear makes people lose their freedom. Do you now understand the liberal connotations of modern civilization? Freedom has a boundary!! Liberty means duty. Non-violent, fraudulent aggression is the principle. Defaulters are punished by law, and no one can violate your legal property rights. Neither can the emperor. This is the rule of law. Rules are bigger than life. The rule of law is that the law is a tool to control the people. A small case concerns the law, a middle case concerns the impact, and the answer concerns politics. This is the rule of law, not the rule of law. Governing by law and controlling people by law are two distinct meanings

The rule of law and the rule of law are all manifestations of the will to power, and the will to power is determined by the strength of violence. Violence is the underlying logic of modern human civilization

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That’s the conclusion of top biologists published in a regular journal. Take a closer look and see what kind of world we live in. Before, the justice of history is the face defined by the winner.

What if you chain up something fake? Offline false when really on the chain

That is the evidence of crime, the more data dimensions, the less the possibility of fraud, which is why the chain.

Where does the violence in the country come from?

The country is a violent machine, beat to win the ability to become a country, there is no violence or can’t win that is at most bandits or rich.

American imperial power from the Democratic Party versus the republican party?

The violence in the United States came from Washington’s leadership in the revolutionary war and the civil war that followed

That’s not right, I’m talking about the present tense, not the past tense, how the right to violence is transferred.
Is it a tournament?



America’s declaration of freedom and constitution were defined by the founding fathers, and modern violence is derived from the violent victory dividend after world war ii. Internal competition belongs to the superstructure, which is built under the framework of violence

The victors of violence themselves desire internal order, so every country has internal order, but the essence of the will of nations is the demonstration of the capacity for violence, which is the underlying logic of human civilization, and I hope not, but that is the world after the realization of bitcoin, not today

I spent six years in a foreign country, so I don’t think I was five neutered MAO thought, democracy and freedom that a I hear really too many, the fact is, don’t let us shut up on violence in China, the yellow race will never inferior, at the beginning of the Japanese economy development of cattle, a square deal back to prototype, the world of perfect political system has not yet been born, fairness and justice is far from realization, in the west that a theory of democracy and freedom is used to fool the student.

I really don’t agree with the classification of the upper class and the lower class. Maybe you have a good ego, but I can’t accept it. The fact is that, without the blessing of force, americans are not so good as to feel superior.
I think it’s because americans feel so good about themselves, they feel so good about themselves, that there has been a backlash around the world, that there has been terrorism, because no one wants to be a lowlife, let alone allow others to define themselves as a lowlife.
In fact, the final decision who is right and who is wrong, in the existing system of civilization, or the ability of violence, so your so-called individualism, is also supported by the violent group, there is no violent group, you run in the crowd shouted you are all inferior people try ~~

暴力集团的使用原则呢 谁指挥 听谁的 专质听皇帝的,美军听谁的?朝鲜听谁的,家军和国家化一样吗?
What about the use of violent groups? Who commands and listens to whom? Who listens to the emperor? Who listens to the American army? North Korea listens to whose, home army and nationalization are same?

Listen to who wins, listen to the United States, because they won
The underlying logic of violence is that it’s not really defined by humans, it’s defined by nature

Why win? By military? A mobilization? Luck?

Why can the lion win over the deer? Is it because he represents justice?

Why is he a lion? Born? They also have a head on one shoulder,

(Yann sayed:大胡子这哥们这句话很明显的在抬杠了,为啥他们是狮子,你为啥比你的同学挣得多? 人和人当然有差别,身体,智商都有差距。会使用工具的人类就是在暴力层面超过了狮子,所以人类可以控制狮子。市场可以创造一切,除了市场本身。市场需要终极暴力来支撑。包括未来万链归一后的BSV也需要终极暴力的支撑。力量定义规则,而非反过来。)
(Yann sayed: why are they lions and why do you earn more than your classmates? Of course there are differences between people. There are differences in body and IQ. Humans who can use tools are more violent than lions, so humans can control lions. The market creates everything except the market itself. Markets need the ultimate violence to sustain them. The BSV, including the future after the chain is one, also needs the support of ultimate violence. Power defines rules, not the other way around.)

The old lion is also the food of the jackal. Violence does not always win

I’ve never been hostile to the United States in this country, on the contrary I am very respect the culture and civilization, they brought a lot of personal freedom fruit industry innovation and civilization, after the victory of world war ii, the German and Japanese to construction is very good, also proved that the richness of this culture is very good, but do not represent the result of good motivation, the decades of external cultural colonialism, indiscriminate shoves democracy, don’t respect other countries’ reality and historical process, a pair of democracy is definitely not cure-all. Motivation, when a lot of ignorance is not civilization itself is arrogance, and now the disease is proud of western civilization, there is no great revival of China, the national equality and datong almost no broken mouth, so I am said the opening of the currency economics, currently the world’s main government are all very responsible government, which includes the Chinese government also including the United States government, I believe that a lot of problems is the prisoner’s dilemma in game theory, the external environment improved, well-meaning civilization can always find the direction of extension. How to eliminate the logic of violence? It is to rely on BSV system to build an honest world. Only when honesty replaces violence as the logic of the bottom of civilization, all political choices based on facts are truly meaningful.

A lot of times, actually, I don’t like to think in terms of good and evil and right and wrong dualism, but I think in terms of causality and game theory, and a lot of times people think that politicians define the world, and my view is that the game relationship and the opening rules define the end game. Political power game is essentially a zero-sum game, so over to their final victory is almost nothing, in the monarchical society and democratic society is actually about the same, and later, if the government form is limited ZeRenHua, epistasis also represent nothing, or may at any time, and do well can even do a lifetime as professional managers, this makes a great difference to the game rules of political, maybe it is more important than big well done, and to achieve the government’s limited ZeRenHua, first have to unload arms race game logic based on logic of violence, Must also make it possible for the government and orderly bankruptcy, the government after the collapse of the local people’s property and personal safety guaranteed, it must have a human identification of the underlying framework of civilization can go beyond the government authority to protect the basic order and property safety, and I think that this rule can be through the BSV system to achieve, and only really able to allow the government to bankruptcy, allowing the government to limited ZeRenHua after the evolution of human social system can truly do not fear of violence, evolution and orderly progress, before this, the government’s reform is still can only tap, And the end of the life cycle of the big government is likely to create a disaster for all mankind.


In addition, the reason why I say BSV is the medicine of civilization that can cure the underlying logic of violence of civilization is this:

  1. Metal currency and legal currency are both currencies that can be usurped by violence. This monetary system can naturally nourish the violent system. The bitcoin system would be hard to exploit through violence, which would require the control of all the miners in the world, making violent usurpation of bitcoin virtually impossible. This reduces or even eliminates the rewards of violence. 2, fiat system of debt and inflation makes the property that the state had an inexhaustible library, library really belongs to the property of their citizens legal tender deposit, making the cost of the country’s arms race has been passed on to all their citizens in his pocket, this will make the country more have the ability to add to the global arms race in the game. However, bitcoin itself is a non-inflationary system, and the state has no coinage right, and every source of state property can only be completed by tax revenue, which restricts the property capacity of the state and greatly reduces the amount of capital that can be invested in the military field. The logic of an arms race is constrained by cost, and a militaristic political strategy can lead even to a military power’s rapid economic collapse. This makes the cost of violence dramatically higher. 3, BSV global data system created a completely equivalent information rules, when all use the same set of rules for communication and exchanges, information chain will reduce suspicion, when the multi-dimensional data confirm the formation of the source of the only truth, human beings is easier to a state of mutual trust, when military information disclosure rules and intelligent contract happen together, people may be because the transparent military stock and is willing to jointly achieve military force synchronous weaken until finally abandoned the military force to solve international disputes, I think this process is very likely, this is to eliminate violence provided soil. 4, when the BSV system can be independent from the local government and to protect the safety of the local people’s property, the government’s limited liability system is likely to be born, poor government was eliminated, it is for the government to social form the orderly evolution of soil provides a good economy, let the old political system can peaceful retirement, reducing the violence of soil masses.
  2. If any dispute can be priced and settled through the purchasing power of BSV, good governments can buy more territory, and people will always live under the jurisdiction of those governments with better ability to pay, political disputes will become economic problems, and such a system will no longer have the political soil for violent demands. 6, the currency economy essence is a kind of commercial transactions, the occurrence of any transaction must be based on the two sides mutual benefit as the prerequisite, this has to do with political zero-sum game has essential difference, when almost all relationship is converted into the currency, the world’s almost every relationship has become a win-win relationship, this makes the violence root soil lost the game. 7, is the emergence of the United Nations, can make the big political game rules can always get the best implementation, once a political body began to decline, its ability to calculate force will also continue to transform into the other camp, this completes the traditional backward forces out smoothly, and calculate the force the United Nations always mastered the greatest violence defined rules, which makes the currency the real violence this natural rules for forever in the bottom of the civilization, violence has no chance to come out the trouble, because one of the biggest body count on behalf of mankind’s greatest force violence and economic ability of the United Nations itself. This allows the order of violence to be permanently established, and without a violent migration, there will be no more wars. This is the road of civilization change and civilization upgrade of BSV in the future that I conceive. Decentralization represents not only the change of wealth and finance, but also the revolution in all aspects of the change of the underlying organization of human civilization.

So, my all topics of collectivism and individualism are not strongly advocated, I think the social system needs to constantly in the individualism and collectivism to find the best balance point, and this kind of balance can even continuous movement because of the change of the external environment, such as during the outbreak during the disaster, is big government direction moving over a little, if the normal time to develop the economy, on small government moving over a little, I advocate is limited in the form of social and political ZeRenHua, then in BSV system through economic competition to gain political system, to make a good system to stay, bad system is eliminated, With limited accountability, politicians do not have to be viewed with suspicion or even become willing servants. Politicians can enjoy the same high pay, high respect and tenure, and those who fail to do so will soon be discredited. The system civilization, regardless of religion, and political system, regardless of racial distinction, the only distinction is the pros and cons of the stand or fall of economic development and social order, perhaps every place, every civilization applicable system type may have differences, but each place the balance of the system, must be the most suitable for the local culture, habits, customs, history of the system. This is the social morphogenetic evolution based on the BSV system that I advocate.

(Yann sayed: 当前世界格局问题的根源,就是三体中写的黑暗深林法则,只不过国与国之间的信息不完全黑暗,才可以形成一定周期的世界和平,当这种猜疑积累到一定时候,世界就需要重启。而BitcoinSV正是照亮黑暗深林的光。BitcoinSV是未来文明的火种。)
(Yann sayed: the root of the current world pattern problem is the dark forest law written in the three-body problem. Only when the information between countries is not completely dark, can a certain period of world peace be formed. And BitcoinSV is the light that illuminates the dark forest. BitcoinSV is the spark of future civilization.)

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 11 : 代际剥削


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比特币经济学 1 : 开讲
比特币经济学 2 : 法律
比特币经济学 3 : CSW
比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调
比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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