比特币经济学 2 : 法律


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
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比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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Conversation : 2020.2.26 #

btc会不会存在这个问题其实很简单,你想一下你希不希望有个一个不受监管的货币存在,如果是 那btc就会存在。如果bsv不受监管 我想随着科技进步,更廉价 大容量 更快的网络,个人要运行bsv全节点应该也是没问题的,这样才是完美的bsv。
The question of whether BTC will exist or not is very simple. If you think about it, do you want an unregulated currency to exist? If so, BTC will exist. If BSV is not regulated I think as technology advances, cheaper, larger, faster networks, it should be fine for individuals to run all the nodes of BSV, which is the perfect BSV.

Embraced the government, or is this reason, our elder brother want to from the river’s lake, but there is no way we’re to the world, so we have to rely on the force of law, however, want to rely on the force of law, their products will need to be legal, the government and legal reasons on hearing brother side, so BSV to design a heap of embracing the government receiving regulatory rules, as for the demand of the unregulated, anonymous system may have more advantages

BTC is as easy to track as BSV. Only by embracing regulation can BSV attract new capital into the market. Money has dried up. It’s time to cut the biggest leek btcer.

I think so, so satoshi nakamoto concealing his identity is also afraid of causing trouble, so does not also confirm that the original intention of satoshi nakamoto blockchain is to decentralize and not be regulated? Being tracked is a way of saying, is there a lack of money laundering on BTC? Anybody caught

丝绸之路1.0  2.0。最大的洗钱货币是美元现金,并非btc
Silk road 1.0 2.0. The largest money laundering currency is us dollar cash, not BTC

交易所被盗币都追不回来 你换美元试试
You can’t even get your stolen money back

Those who steal money are already set legal currency, why not change? With the scale effect of large blocks, the more transactions users make, the faster they will be, and the stronger the privacy will be. The city looms large.

One address for all your transactions is as clear as day, where privacy comes from

The general meaning is that the tulip money will be thrown at BTC and BCH, and BCH will soon become unable to take care of itself. The market value of BTC will be very small in the middle of next year, and then the assets sold will be mainly replaced by BSV and USD

Isn’t the lawsuit still pending

It was a pre-action market announcement, and if he didn’t, it could be legally charged with market manipulation

Are you sure to win

I’m not sure if I win, but if I lose, half of BTC, all BCH and BSV

Why lose also can have

Things in the courts, a lot of things are very random, especially the jury system, you don’t know what ordinary people think

从一万美元  跌到一百  那是怎样的天翻地覆
How did it go from $10,000 to $100

If you lose, it’s going to be an early piece of wealth, and the court says it’s Dave and his joint property, and Dave’s share is going to be given to Ira as Dave’s estate

The logic of money dish is once the volume is far exceed daily average volume, then can have the logic of rise and fall

So if BSV is to be stable, there must be enough trading volume. For example, if everyone USES BSV, the global trading volume will become the currency price regulator of BSV. BSV will not rise and fall

所以bsv 价格想到一万美金  可能还需要很久很久   还有不确定性
So it’s going to be a long time before BSV gets to $10,000 and there’s still uncertainty

Block chain name, BSV is also ten thousand yuan to a unified river lake, the price is no matter, because as long as the block chain application, only BSV can choose, this is similar to the Internet as a natural monopoly, no one can reverse this trend

How long it takes depends on a lot of variables, and it’s really hard to predict, like how fast politicians react, how fast big capitalists react, how fast ordinary investors react, how fast the ecology matures, and so on

官司如果输了,法院判Dave那一部分就要给Ira,lra 也是会把他的那部分BTC抛售,一部分交遗产税,一部分付律师费,剩下的才是他自己的钱,所以不论谁拿到这些BTC,最后的结果都是要抛售变现
If the case is lost, the court decides that Dave’s part should be given to Ira, and lra will also sell off his part of BTC, part of which is to pay inheritance tax, part of which is to pay the lawyer’s fees, and the rest is his own money. Therefore, whoever gets these BTC, the final result is to sell off and turn into cash

Yes, the estate tax in the United States is very high, over 40% is taxed, so if you take the money from the Ira, you’re going to have to break the BTC

Anonymity is not the same as privacy. Privacy means that your counterparty can know who you are. When you do something illegal and criminal, your counterparty can submit the transaction record to the court as legal proof. Anonymity means that even if your counterparty doesn’t know who you are, you can do whatever you want with your property and other people’s property, which leads to a lot of criminal problems. So once a digital currency is designed to be anonymous, it’s illegal, it’s designed to be private, and it’s fine.

For example, in the case of key loss, anonymous currency has no solution, while BSv actually has a solution

That’s right, and the first to react is likely to be the big vs that have been tarnishing CSW at the hands of ordinary investors with poor access to information. Once a multimillion-btc copycat offer is thrown out, the market is doomed

The growth of BSV must be achieved by smashing BTC

So just say besides BSV outside, it is person blood steamed bun, be cut by banker, be cut by big V, people do not even have this consciousness at all.

To destroy BTC is just to correct the name of BSV, it is the first step on the road, and then it is to return to one, return to one chain, and finally become the only time credit ledger block chain, finally to transform human civilization

最近可能是因为我接触bsv   然后关注了几个微博   都是在砸btc   突然给人一种bsv没格局的感觉
Recently, it may be because I came into contact with BSV and followed several microblogs, all of which were to smash BTC, which suddenly gave people a feeling that BSV had no pattern

Haha, many people in BSVer have inherited CSW’s resistance, because BTC has done too many things to CSW beyond the bottom line. I can understand CSW’s desire to destroy BTC. For example, you are robbed of your child and then stigmatised as a human trafficked person

It’s like going to the antique market and buying a fake at a high price. You can’t blame the original for your mistakes.

Moreover, in BSV’s theory, blockchain is a zeroing system or a zeroing system, which either unifies all rivers and lakes or is worthless. Therefore, this kind of competition determines that the two kinds of thinking are mutually exclusive

无政府主义 这种思潮,放到社会层面是有很大问题的,诚然政府有很多问题,但是如果没有政府,问题会更大,比如没有政府,就没有人会去管穷人,穷人的怒火会用暴力焚烧掉所有成果,共产主义革命就是先例。如果没有政府,社会的最基本暴力都无法压制,你可能出门就会被人抢,而抢劫犯没人会去抓他。最重要的是,如果没有政府,一个社会就无法形成足够的暴力机器去抵御外界的暴力入侵,在人类彻底降伏暴力之前,政府是必须要有的
Anarchism is a very big problem on the social level, of course the government has a lot of problems, but if there is no government, the problem will be bigger, for example, without the government, no one will take care of the poor, the anger of the poor will use violence to burn all the results, the communist revolution is a precedent. If there is no government, the most basic violence in society cannot be suppressed, you may go out and be robbed, and no one will catch the robber. Above all, if there is no government, a society cannot form enough violent machines to resist the violent invasion from the outside world

So for all builders, the question is how to make the government to do more good, less do bad things and useless things, rather than say completely without a government, this kind of thinking is very dangerous, no rules of society is the tomb of all people, everyone living in the dark jungle, chain of suspicion and mistrust, make people can not form the basic cooperation

To subdue violence, honesty is probably the most useful tools, illegal business deals, when all can be permanent record, it will regulate their own behavior, the government of all the behavior will be the supervision of public opinion to get the biggest, the sun is the best preservative government, when some regime in blatant use violence, transparent books can let all people see this kind of behavior, and then people will all can take away from this regime hand, out of the regime there would be no nutrients, so the credit world can truly understand block chain optimization of government behavior, Instead of advocating pure anarchism like the BTC, losing one’s private key is the end of the world

As a matter of fact, the government mainly faces the problems of efficiency and power constraint. If these two problems are dealt with well, many government problems will be solved readily. And these two problems are actually blockchain can be improved.

CSW’s case is supposed to be resolved by July, and American courts are open to progress

BSV rollback problem, don’t call block rollback, which is called block restructuring, is a kind of design concept, which means that if there are two piece of packaging at the same time, such a long chain to win, a short chain of the block is not count, the block above all fair was back into the memory in the pool, at the back of packaging, this kind of block restructuring are essentially part of the design, will not bring trading loss, at most is on the chain of time delay a few blocks, validating BSV is zero, the chain of time is similar to a bank for a few months a liquidation process, does not affect the actual transactions, don’t know the answer is not satisfied

In addition to calculate force is not determined by the miners, miners is to earn money, dig who earn money even, calculate the force is directly determined by the market price of the digital currency, whose price is high, whose work force is high, the highest is BTC is force, and then the BCH, finally the BSV, because the market price is so arranged, wait for the market price reversal, miners are the most realistic a batch of people, will soon turn to earn the chain with high price, it is force

Half of the market did not start, half in April, is only the early preheating of the market, half of the line should be from the output reduction in the second half of the follow-up market feedback, to peak next year, at least this is the last round of BTC trend logic

BSV has gone up a lot, I think

Yes, it only doubled in January, and the short-term price is already very awesome, but relative to what he’s going to do, this is just the beginning, like BTC in year 13

In 2010, btcwent from $30 to $1. Looking back, do you think BTC was worthless at that time? That’s what I mean

Short-term prices are determined by those with the most money in the short-term market, which is why the money table is so easy to manipulate.

But in the long run, the long term price of an asset must rise and fall around its true value

BSV because to become the world’s credit expansion and radical of database, application industry chain, inclusive of all blocks eventually finish, belong to a chain that is the only way to make the currency block ecological chain, you only have land, just may grow trees flowers and plants, then we will to cattle and sheep butch, this can be called ecological, BCH apparently did not understand this.

Bull market is originated from the debate, the end of the unity, when the masters think BSV is very good, maybe the bull market of BSV is over, as if everyone knows that ali and tencent are very good, but his market value has been very high, you really dare to invest

In fact, at the beginning of ali was scolded the most vicious time, is also the rise of ali stock, all feel cattle, all sit inside to make money, who will push up the price.

Now everyone just thinks that BSV has a pull, so it comes in. BSV when speculative products look, no matter how long BSV after, at least now is down, I can not buy BSV at a low price I am very happy

Big shots are long-term holdings of zhuang, such as satoshi nakamoto, CA, take more than 10 years

Why does CSW want to tell everyone about his trading methods, what he buys and sells, for fear of being regarded as a farm by people, and then facing legal difficulties, so even if he sacrifices some money, as long as there is no problem in the law, the money is just a number

As long as good beforehand mistakes, can not be a zhuang, can only be a large volume of investors

Where is BSV safe


Investment is a personal decision, to be prepared for losses in the short term, and BSV also has political risk, not completely can be, to have a sense of risk, do not put in the group, you make losses are their own, this awareness should be very clear

It is best not to put the exchange, the exchange may face the risk of a run, and the domestic law can not reach, you have a problem, you can not find people, which is the biggest problem of anonymous currency

@hslayj bsv怎么查地址余额呢?交易所账户有多少bsv应该查的到吧
How does @hslayj BSV check the address balance? Exchange account how many BSV should check it

Before the real-name system, complete security is not done, so their own balance of risk, some wallets can be generated offline offline cold wallet, relatively high degree of security

@hslayj bsv拥抱政府,接收监管,政治风险会是什么?
Hslayj BSV embrace government, accept regulation, what is political risk?

At present, it seems that there is no legal sale in China, which is political risk

Let’s say I just sent you an address with 50 million eos. It is the withdrawal address of the fire coin. BSV is medicine learning. But the basic things like auditing and transferring aren’t that hard.

不管是bsv 和shitcoin 转出转入还不是都要通过地址来转?
Whether BSV and shitcoin are transferred out or in, they all need to be transferred through the address.

「 hslayj: 目前国内好像不能合法买卖吧,这就是政治风险 」
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Hslayj: it seems that there is no legal sale in the country at present. That is political risk.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Domestic individual trading is completely legal without risk

Domestic seems not to let the transaction, but can hold, the transaction is likely to be blocked account

Before WeChat and pay treasure isn’t to say fictitious money business can be blocked number

It just like the early reform and opening up, then called speculation, and two-way merchants doing business, now called entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, government up to accept new things always is slower, so want to wait for the system, BSV everything get government permission, that time is shine, the policy of each country are not clear now, there is some political risk, so can’t consider profit, don’t look at risk

Can I understand that? BSV is regulated, not censored

It is understood that BSV will formalize the entire blockchain industry, and that acceptance of regulation and review is the first step. Only if the court can freeze the account or even reverse the transaction can the key loss not be a disaster. At that time, the key loss is like losing a bank card, you go to replace a line

Process must be twists and turns, there are a variety of mixed feelings also not strange, this is done in the real world, at least BSV is honest, he won’t tell you without risk, also won’t tell you forever, and all other assets are based on lies, this distinction is decisive, only a person with a long construction will pay attention for a long time, many speculators just want to make a change

The leek is cut to death sooner or later, capital dried up coinage ring is finished

Yes, you can’t expect gamblers to change the world, the truth is, the end result is probably gamblers and anarchists funding BSV builders to change the world, isn’t it ironic?

The contract harvest is so severe that the market still needs to be driven by capital. Bsver head is the most iron, do not sell, cut the contract more safe.

The current market situation, should be coingeek conference to do a long burst warehouse bill, no turnover, waterfall diving. Many may have used leverage to bet that the coingeek conference would have a big market impact and rise

When expectations are dashed, long leverage becomes short, which is why you shouldn’t use it. Just one butterfly wing can blow the wind and hurt short-term investors who put their fate in the hands of the market.

I in charge a group, group manager speak very sincere, always patiently advise everyone not short-term, don’t touch the lever, it is good to hold their mainstream currency for a long time, but when it comes to BSV often said BSV is wen COINS, also can say so, weibo let everyone don’t touch the BSV, that now many big V and the mainstream sound actually is limited

It is not easy to understand BSV, when I transferred from BTC, I was in a cold sweat with fear. To understand BSV, I need to systematically learn all the CSW’s discussion about block chain, and then combine it with the current form of block chain industry. This transformation is very difficult, especially for many people with preconceptions

When BSV was successfully expanded last year, many people said before that expansion was impossible. Last year, it was the superstar upgrade, which reached the 2G limit. At that time, it felt wrong. A study found that BTC what is right, but encounter BSV what is not, the more understanding, the more calm, the more can see through the vicissitudes of the market, instead of being emotional become leeks. The basic investors in digital currencies are people who hate fiat inflation

My angriest thing is not the line fight, the line fight can be their own attempt, my angriest thing is that everyone except BSV is lying and discrediting the real originator, Dr. Satoshi nakamoto.

The count of monte cristo in action

Just know that there is no bitcoin or blockchain except BSV, and many countries have put blockchain into their national strategies, so BSV must have a fighting chance.

不管是钱包还是交易所 eth能做到为什么bsv不可以,这就是你的短板
Whether it’s wallet or eth, why not BSV, that’s your weakness

If the wallet does not carry SPV verification, that is the set of BTC on the chain verification, on the chain verification some exchanges are required to more than 30 blocks, that will take 5 hours

诶我也是希望bsv能更好 发现问题解决问题
I also hope BSV can better identify problems and solve them

The early stage of ecology is such, what is still lacking, the channel is not wide, the ecosystem is not complete, the quality of developers are intermingled, this is the early characteristics of ecology

But without the ecological, 20 years later, there is no credit data in the chain of large fees, the miners have to starve to death, block chain was ended, and this is why it takes so much effort to block chain ecology, ecological, because only just have irreplaceability and sustainability, and only real parents, didn’t care about these problems.

Ma yun didn’t say, today is very cruel, tomorrow is also very cruel, the day after tomorrow is very beautiful, most die in the night of tomorrow, this is a typical ecological platform thinking. Roger has changed, and the underlying logic of BCH is hard to justify. The logic of BCH is the logic of Internet products

The views of each spiritual leader can influence his followers, and more and more people will study BSV

Yes, the patent wall guarantees the legality and exclusivity of the path, and when everyone gets back to it, it’s basically hard to copy. It is not easy to grow into a legal frenzy, and the political environment is a big test before the ecology grows

Our group has been optimistic about BTC and other mainstream currency, and long-term investment, but have not really known BSV group friends, BSV on the rise and fall and the doctor is a fraud on the news, let these friends start to change the cognitive concept of BSV? They are also rational investors in the stock market as well as in mainstream currencies after a wave.

It’s hard to change a person’s stereotype, and it’s often hard to convince someone if you don’t trust them. Only a doubling of prices or even an exponential shift can make a rational investor rethink his or her investment framework. If you trust someone with a strong relationship and he is willing to listen to you, you can actually start with the expansion, start with the lies and loopholes of BTC, and finally show him the blog updates of satoshi nakamoto in the past four years. Once the door is opened, it is clear who the real satoshi nakamoto is.

@清风徐来 我一般推荐从 https://metanet.press 看起
I generally recommend starting at https://metanet.press

Yes, qiu shao is the skull group master, we feel that knowledge is enough, can find qiu shao to apply to join the skull group, which is a lot of cattle, including the BSV business pioneer

Well, I know some of our group friends, and most of them have had followers in terms of investing over the years, but their attitude towards BSV is vague at the moment, so we’re going to be serious about preaching, and I think we should think about how to get people who want to invest in BSV to put down their stereotypes and change their minds.

说俗气一点 想让一些改变印象 bsv 最起码要到1000
To be tacky, you need to get at least 1000 BSV to change the impression

Right, price is the best guide, because the most important feedback on investing is actually the feedback of the real world. The lion never CARES what the sheep think and will only eat them when he is hungry. BSV’s task is not to persuade the neutral, but to win everyone’s follow with the facts

Self-consistency of their own logic is the most important, what others think is not so important, when the time comes, naturally will take the initiative to understand the truth, at that time, as long as the BSV’s logical system is solid worthy of scrutiny, naturally can lead and lead them

BSV is a similar to the theoretical system of the Internet to learn up to still have a lot of tasks, learning motivation is not established, people are not focused view of the document, and the learning motivation must be based on the BSV based on trust, this trust is not easy, because I think expanded successfully the problem let I began to doubt the people who say expansion in the chain of impossible is a liar, then add the watch the interview, a few Core thought pattern is a little small old saying stupid things, also with some doubt read CSW blog, then establish a comprehensive trust, then start to all aspects of learning

Short-term price fluctuations mean nothing to the stalwarts, and are designed to drive speculators out of the market.

Yes, so BSVer’s most important task is really to learn, to conceive the value of the Internet that doesn’t yet exist in the real world, but will eventually come

share link: bsv blog

Currently, Internet application transplant BSV of simply will not be able to have the market, now can’t and the Internet, rather than because of infrastructure, BSV currently on chain cost, and the characteristics of the BSV are prominent credit data and value, if an application can highlight this aspect of the value of potential possibility is big, such as before the unisot enterprise erp data, tokenized pass card data, and cases on the chain and medicine on chain.

Conversation : 2020.2.27 ~ 3.2 #

https://svskull.club/ 是骷髅会的聊天记录页面,我平常会在里面讨论BSV,有兴趣的可以看下,鼓励大家学习到一定地步可以申请进入骷髅会,里面有很多很有想法的BSVer,如果平常有关于BSV的疑问,也可以在这个群里分享和讨论,没有反馈有时候也不知道应该说些什么,或者大家对哪方面感兴趣。
https://svskull.club/ is the skeleton will chat page, I will discuss in BSV usually, interested can look at, to encourage everybody to learn to a certain extent can apply into the skull and bones, there are many very thoughtful BSVer, if you have any questions about BSV, ordinary also can be Shared and discussed in this group, there is no feedback sometimes also don’t know what to say, or you are interested in what aspects.

At present, BSV is still a high-risk investment with high return, we should have the awareness of investment risk prevention, those said before are macro strategic level of interpretation, but how will the short run, in fact, or by a few large holdings of thinking, who also can’t control

There is some risk, the BSV logic is belong to a chain, that is to say the first step he kill BTC, BCH, need a second to do money unto one, kill the counterfeit currency, chain unto a third have to do, let all the blocks in the main chain of the chain have succumbed BSV, finally also transform the world’s political, economic structure, all of which are successful, BSV can call is successful, any ring out of the question, may be delayed, optimism is good, but the investment market in addition to focus on distant scenery, the most important still is at the foot of the step by step how to come out, for BSV, Each step has its challenges.

In the west, capital determines politics.

Yes, the idea of a one-size-fits all is a good one, which requires an unprecedented level of human civilization, or maybe Marx’s communism,

Chain block is a zero or to a system or belong to a chain, or wither chain, because subsidies is diminishing over time, ecological if there is not a role of the chain will die, and the network effect determines the block chain winner-take-all logic, in the field of development in the end, big chain will eat the small chain, while the BTC and BCH even without space and possibility to eat small chain. The biggest risk for BSV is not the currency, but the possibility of political strangulation.

With a market value of $8 trillion, gold is still within the palm of its hand. BSV, with a market value of $5 billion, has more pricing power and offers a combination of fire and ice. Ants have to grow 100 times before they can attract the attention of giants.

Yes, the political risk is greatest, and BSV leaves all errors to the law, not to the maximum extent possible to solve procedural problems technically, and the law calls for no favours, which I think is a bit inappropriate here, although BSV’s untamable calculations are characteristically unconsensual. In addition, to tell the truth, cross chain is not just cross chain, when all the chains are in a card, and at the same time the bit ether included in it, and it is not all chain, the road is different [naughty]. I try not to publicize other projects. Secondly, some chains break through the status quo of performance from the perspective of the underlying technology. They not only take into account the performance expansion, but also the security, perhaps, the program error. There is a strong trend to capture Berlin, each from multiple directions to the encryption of the world launched a storm, see who fast!

It is ok to hand over the law, the whole human society is built on the basis of the rule of law to have common rules to speak of. Natural law is a unified understanding of various situations developed in civilization, and it is itself evolutionable and adaptable. Pure technology cannot solve all problems.

Across different chain logic of the biggest problems is not chain technology is mature, but across the chain itself is a paradox, because the entire across ecological chain based on different criteria, each strand of the economic system and independent from each other, the end result is like build castles in the sand, any change will let the sand castle.

In fact, the legalization of bitcoin is also the key to its success. When the whole currency circle is considering how to resist censorship, if only one ecology is legal, you can imagine which direction the huge commercial society will go. When legalization is resolved, the blockchain will explode.

Leek is very anti - wisdom, superstition anti - censorship, was cut to the police.


In fact, it is enough to understand BSV’s metanet as a piece of white paper. There are several preconditions for the use of this white paper: 1. The project should be legal and subject to legal supervision. 2. Accept the setting content of bitcoin’s 2008 white paper. 3. Participate in the ecological construction and competition of bitcoin. 4. Use metanet as a tamper-proof database.

As long as the accepted these preconditions, application and project can do, in fact what all ecological participants can draw on this piece of white paper on what they want to draw, all of the projects have endless possibilities and scalable, want to understand this, just understand why it is not necessary to have so many chains, because the currency itself can do all things.

How to understand the umbrella prefix of meta - net

For example, if you define some metanet protocol, you can use the protocol to access a data location or data format defined by the protocol by using the protocol abbreviation as prefix. HTTP, for example, is a hypertext Internet access protocol

In the eyes of most bsver, BTC is counterfeit, the real currency is BSV, they may have a certain correlation, the price of the independent, but the BSV mainly BSV startup logic is mainly caused by application developers feel good mass increase of triggering pulse rise, and retail and leverage after blowing up huge market price callback. With only $5 billion worth of plates at the moment, the ups and downs will be the norm, so keep your seat belts fastened and be sure to operate frequently and even with leverage in the short term. The French story was an old one, but it didn’t go away. The logic of BTC existed only if satoshi nakamoto disappeared. Now that satoshi nakamoto is back, the decline of BTC is a matter of time

BTC application etf will never be approved, from now on BSV mature, may once again.

Right, once BSV is legalized, the whole ecology is in line with the legal system. This is the key point of BSV’s ecological maturity.

Will it go through the etf in the future

Probably, but BSV doesn’t rely on etfs and can be converted into a wallet anytime it is legal, and in seconds.

In fact, as long as the legalization, no etf, some institutions will be comfortable to buy BSV

GBTC, the bitcoin trust product of grayscale company, is the most active trading target next to tencent’s b-shares on an OTC platform in the United States. Currently, the total market management scale of grayscale trust is 2.8 billion us dollars, of which GBTC asset scale of bitcoin trust is 2.54 billion us dollars.

At present, the main reason for BTC holdings is to cut by half in the second half of the year. When BSV is legal, the whole BSV ecology will be legal, that is, the block chain industry will be completely legalized, which is the basis of ecological explosion.

@hslayj 对于btc高昂的挖矿成本,我们是不是过于悲观了
Hslayj are we too pessimistic about BTC’s high mining costs

BTC 的价格高到一定程度,没人接盘它就崩了,那么问题来了,别人为什么要给你接盘?
The price of BTC is so high that it collapses when no one picks it up. So the question is, why should someone else pick it up for you?

Not necessarily. Bitcoin has a great team, and they’re constantly improving their technology

Don’t be blinded by appearances

Nothing is permanent

Bitcoin is an economy-based self-incentive system

Well, maybe bitcoin can go over $1 million and BSV can succeed. We should treat bitcoin with a tolerant attitude, can we understand it like this?
BSV is excellent, but bitcoin is also scarce

No, the meaning of the picture may be misunderstood, the guy seems to mean that the cost of power consumption should not be considered, I wonder what you think

Suppose the doctor’s 1.1 million bitcoins were put on the market, and if everyone liked them, they were instantly bought [facepalm].
You know the total is 21 million

Bitcoin can split into three, even 30, so why is it so rare?

A total of 21 million is a lot, not scarce

Their main consensus is that BTC is gold, and you mention the scarcity, so will not consider the practical value, only think of the value, so they have no brain to hold

BTC is built on a series of lies, and it’s built on the premise that the lies are true, and the lies are certainly not sustainable. The day the lie was discovered, the day BTC crashed, is not too far away.


The miners are a group that goes with the price of the coin, the higher the price of the coin, the higher the hash, the miners tend to dig, when the price of the coin collapsed, the miners left.

Currency is not resistant to review, core said he fight censorship, the currency was invented by CSW, core to decry CSW, COINS disappeared in subsidies need to live by fees, after the core is castrated BTC chain expansion possibilities make long-term economic model can not be completed sustainable closed loop, it is illegal to lightning network technology, the currency network can be controlled by the government through the miners, it makes the core of the plot against the government government awakening of that day of, completely evaporated.

This example with antiques is emphasized the scarcity of the currency, if BTC COINS, that is no problem, this is an example of the currency is likely to have high prices through scarcity, but the problem is the original currency BSV appeared, BTC capable BSV universal dry, BSV capable, BTC most do, this makes the long-term network effect makes the value of the BTC to BSV, finally complete the BSV blood siphon effect of BTC, therefore BSV BTC terminator.

If BTC really can resist censorship, the government can’t control, BTC may still have black market demand, but the situation is that the United States has killed too many dark network members and money laundering cases through BTC network tracking, using BTC to do bad things is even a stupid thing to do.

Bitcoin is not perfect, and perhaps bifurcation is the inevitable and most logical course of action. BTC is perfectly suited to digital gold as a one-meter block and as a creation of digital currency. And BSV without block upper limit can enjoy the development of its public chain ecology, a grand plan. As a bit system, different development paths demand different forms of currency that are not in conflict with each other. Why either you die or I live, why not coexist?

Because BTC stepped on too many legal red lines, the law will not let it go

全世界这么多国家各自法律 谁说了算
In so many countries around the world, who’s in charge of their laws

@CHEER不舍 因为比特币本身就是只能有一个的
@cheer does not give up because bitcoin itself can only have one
share link

比特币需要吸收资源,把电力转化成数据,BSV 和 BTC 始终是竞争关系,只有一个能拿下王位,剩下的都将会发配边疆(沦落到地下黑市)
Bitcoin needs to absorb resources and turn electricity into data. BSV and BTC are always in competition. Only one can take the throne, and the rest will be distributed to the frontier (reduced to underground black market).

liberty reverse,本身是合法的,因为资助了洗钱等地下网络交易,一夜之间被42个国家联合取缔了,这也是为什么国外很多大亨不碰btc的原因,因为他们知道这玩意踩红线了,政府要取缔它,一夜之间就没有了。
Liberty reverse, itself legal, was shut down overnight by 42 countries for sponsoring money-laundering and other underground transactions, which is why many foreign tycoons have stayed away from BTC because they know it’s a red line and the government wants to ban it.


This is also why the bitcoin blockchain must reach a legal consensus to talk about its growth and development, because illegal means there are no participants, those big players dare not come, only legal, blockchain will have the possibility of outbreak, and BSV is now on this road, BSV legal, blockchain ecology is legal

There are only 19 BTC data centers for miners in the world. Do you think the government has a hard time finding them?

BTC has been around for 11 years now. And now the country means bitcoin is a commodity, held legally.

是比特币到现在 11 年了,BTC 是 2017 年加了 segwit 分叉出来了
Bitcoin is now 11 years old, BTC is in 2017 with segwit bifurcated out

The government not to clamp down on BTC because BTC represents the currency, the currency is the first successful application block chain field, and lightning network is added in the 17 years, if the BSV legally, the government found block chain to open the right way is the BSV, and BSV legal, you said that the government is allowed to exist in the field of the illegal.

If put aside illegal use, then ordinary investors invest in BTC, the only role is to increase value, that is to say, BTC only forever rise, there is value, but before the BSV ecological explosion, after the government to catch up, you think BTC will really forever rise?

Brilliant. Solved some of my doubts. [applause]

Last year British tobacco shops sold BTC, and this is the BTC ATM in the United States, does this look like something to be replaced

Last year, the us was planning to join the BTC ETF, but it all came to nothing because CSW wrote directly to the securities and exchange commission in the name of satoshi nakamoto. CSW also helped the us government complete human trafficking chase.

If BSV proves from the law that it is famous family authentic, that BTC is tort and pilferage, that broke the most basic law

liberty reverse 当初也是合法存在的
Liberty reverse was also legal

That’s enough

The government hasn’t figured out what blockchain is yet, and the mainstream still thinks BTC

So if BTC collapses in a flash, there will be no buffer period. The investment was risky and you had to call yourself out of luck.

When the BSV real return of the king, the currency is defined in the law, and then there are the thousands of COINS of all chain unto a market development logic, because the chain of blocks since the day I was born is zero or to a system or chain to become the world’s time, or are nothing, because of the late only through the chain of ecological economic incentives, ecological chain long not to come out, the chain will die, ecological chain is too small, will be eaten by the big chains.

当初就是因为btc core那群人不愿意链上扩容,甚至直接说链上扩容不可能,从而导致了后来很多其他功能链和联盟链的出现,最后引发了ICO这类庞氏骗局大爆发,这都是BTC因为缺乏对区块链生态的了解引起的区块链生态灾难,这就是典型的猪队友行为,导致了大量的投资人被骗和区块链投资亏损。你觉得世界还会给这群蠢货多少次胡来的机会呢。
At the beginning because BTC core expansion, the group of people are not willing to chain expansion could not have said chain directly, even leading to a later appeared a lot of other features of chain and chain alliance, and finally caused the ICO such massive ponzi scheme on this is BTC caused because of the lack of understanding of the ecological block chain block ecological disaster chain, it is typical of a pig teammates behavior, lead to a lot of investors has been tricked and block chain investment losses. How many more times do you think the world will give these fools a chance to mess around?

Conversation : 2020.3.3 ~ 3.8 #

最近一直从https://metanet.press 反复学习,大家有空也可以翻翻看
Recently, I have been learning from https://metanet.press, you can also read it when you have time

Some articles there are still some stiff translation, so I recently opened a public number, will try to be more down-to-earth, the public number is: “邱少闲聊Metanet”

老罗就图片内容也给评论一下@hslayj ,我是BSV铁头,博士忠实粉丝
@hslayj, I’m BSV iron head, a big fan of doc

I really don’t understand the compliance issue of the exchange because a lot of things are done in the dark. However, if there is no legal supervision on the currency itself, it may be a problem. I am not sure whether the problem will spread to other exchanges. Let’s see how the law is interpreted. The key is whether they actually launder the money, which is the key question.

Well, it’s a good point. There is no legal supervision of the currency itself, or neither legal persons nor entities are regulated, which is a big difference. Other exchanges by regulatory or entity is located by regional control, this illegal including money laundering can more easily get legal punishment to the illegal price, the government will be more at ease, but essentially a killer that I accept the decision, but I want to report a murderer, the law also won’t no matter, currency, if fail, especially the exchange of the currency circle is a major earthquake

The specific case depends on the chain of evidence and legal provisions, but the doctor helped the government to catch a lot of criminals, there is a certain amount of research on the bitcoin address of the flow of funds, the legitimacy of the exchange, may indeed be a currency ring of a big earthquake

Right, is that the doctor only to track money money laundering chain even, if also conveniently check other trouble, or extreme point, the money in the money and money to the fire, was found by the doctor, how to do, the doctor can not know not to report, otherwise is also a crime

Well, this involves legal recourse in the area of blockchain. If we keep pursuing this, maybe all the traders will be involved. There should be a degree problem

So a lot of people are very happy for the doctor to make money, in fact, the analysis is still very nervous, especially just speculation currency

Yes, the creation of new fields is not easy and should be taken for granted, it is explored step by step. There can be detours, there can be casualties, and that’s not surprising. That’s what innovation is.

Is that difficult

所有加密货币均为财产,并受法律作为财产的约束。当您从Binance购买硬币(比特币),并且与流经同一家数字洗衣店的犯罪资金混在一起时,您并不是在购买自己可以拥有和调用的比特币。法律上有一项原则被称为nemo dat规则,即nemo dat quod non habet。这是不拥有好头衔的人不能将其授予他人的基本原则。比特币是可分割的令牌,而不是帐户。有混合规则,这在一定程度上适用,但是当通过诸如Binance之类的犯罪设施洗钱时,仍可以跟踪令牌的所有权并将其分配给原始产权持有者。因此,当您从一个从一个国家驱逐到另一个国家的犯罪企业购买商品时,一次又一次逃离了不可避免的终点,请记住:您甚至可能都不拥有所购买的商品。犯罪收益并非您应有的称号。
All cryptocurrencies are property and are subject to law as property. When you buy COINS (bitcoins) from Binance and get mixed up with criminal money flowing through the same digital laundry, you’re not buying bitcoins that you can own and call. In law there is a principle called nemo dat rule, nemo dat quod non habet. This is the basic principle that people without good titles cannot bestow them on others. Bitcoin is a divisible token, not an account. There are hybrid rules, which apply to some extent, but when money is launder through a criminal facility such as Binance, the ownership of a token can still be tracked and distributed to the original owner of the property. So when you buy from a criminal enterprise deported from one country to another, fleeing the inevitable destination over and over again, remember: you may not even own what you buy. Proceeds of crime are not your proper title.

That’s the latest post from the doctor on the applicability of money laundering laws

不过这里面可能涉及到很多法律条款的具体执行问题和法律本身的发展问题,数字货币是新生事物,和旧资产的属性不太一样,而且流动性可能非常大,按照nemo dat规则完全执行,在旧资产上没问题,在数字货币上可能牵连的人群就比较大了,我估计执法部门的主要经历应该是放在大额的犯罪行为和犯罪中介上,而且涉及到国家法律适用范围和国际法律执行边界的问题,英美法系很讲究执法成本的问题,不过普通投资者还是要避免自己陷入比较尴尬的境地。
But it might involve a lot of the specific terms of the law execution and the development of the law itself, digital currency is a new thing, and old assets attribute is different, and liquidity can be very big, according to the nemo dat rule execution, completely no problem on old assets, may be involved in the digital currency the crowd is larger, the main experience I estimated that law enforcement should be put on the large amount of crime and criminal mediation, and involves the national law and international law enforcement application scope boundary problem, have common law enforcement cost problem, But ordinary investors still want to avoid getting into a more awkward position.

Yes, thanks for further clarification

When investment entry or try to understand the logic behind the market context, do not excessively believe that those seem to be very mysterious concept, the more understanding, the more clear the logic, metaphysics will find excuses for their own impulse a lot of times, is not conducive to more objective view of the problem, and investment is a need to be very very rational things.

Many textbook traders are essentially luckier gamblers and are not necessarily very good to learn from. Investment the effectiveness of the methodology is contemporary, the same way of thinking, different times are not the same as a result, a lot of time in the history of successful experience, and even the opposite of contemporary teaching material, it is not easy to read and understand the contemporary logic, there being no one to explain to you, you may not have the correct answer, the correct historical summary law of gold mine has been lighting, things change, a lot of things is the dynamic development. Only by seeing opportunities that others can’t see can you make a living in this field.

@hslayj 转帐usdt遇到一个问题 怎么知道自己属于什么类型的usdt?比如我从交易所转这个地址 我怎么知道交易所是哪个类型得usdt,为什么会有不同三条链的usdt,什么区别
@hslayj transfer a problem how do you know what type of usdt you belong to? So let’s say I go from the exchange to this address how do I know which type of exchange is the usdt, why are there three different chains of usdt, what’s the difference

You can look at the first few letters of the address string, which generally define the address format. It is issued using three sets of technical standards

omni是比特币标准,erc-20是发型在以太坊链上的,EOS mainnet是发型在EOS上的。可能怕单一的链会因为某种原因系统崩溃吧,比如以太坊要是堵了,可能系统就崩了,多放几套标准就降低了对单一链的依赖。
Omni is the bitcoin standard, erc-20 is hair on the ethereum chain, and EOS mainnet is hair on EOS. Maybe the single chain will collapse for some reason. For example, if ethereum is blocked, the system may collapse, and a few more sets of standards reduce the dependence on the single chain.

Block chain industry is associated with this time by half and the global financial turmoil into a new chapter, the concept of citizen of the world, and distributed concept will start formal penetration into the life of people, all this is not encrypted currency game so simple, prejudice is the source of profits, go out and embrace each has the potential to the corner of the story has only just begun. (from Internet)

嗯😊 世界公民这个提法挺不错,我喜欢
Well 😊 a citizen of the world, this idea is good, I like it

Since after the second world war when the President of the United States Wilson, modem nationalism trend began to full of world politics in the air, on the premise that the national consciousness, created after decades of racial conflict, religion and national chain suspicion, even let the superpower in the long war in the Middle East, and continues today. Taking the logic of state machine violence as the starting point to organize the current international situation, the problems of this bureau can not be solved by the internal, need external motivation, and now it seems that it is likely to be the block chain represented by the BSV system, maybe in a few decades, human beings can fully solve all problems with honesty and credit, rather than violence.

Therefore, the concept of world citizen will be more representative of The Times in the field of blockchain

The world will be much more peaceful after the disintegration of the United States

It doesn’t have to disintegrate completely, but it’s necessary to keep the gun in place

There will be no peace and chaos, especially in the Middle East. The focus of the world is still there, and the historical roots of religious conflict are too deep

In the bitcoin era, capital and politics are separated. If there is chaos, capital will run away, and people may run away. Without the disorderly intervention of the United States, perhaps the economic self-organization within the region will start, the politics do not do evil, the people actually have a way to live

All that promotes social progress is the natural demand of human beings for a civilized society after continuous development of wisdom. Religious contradictions, nationalism, regime democracy and, in the final analysis, seeking protection of human rights

In matters of faith, fire and water do not agree

The reason why the United States dares to fight in the Middle East is simply the age of fiat money. The United States has the right to coin us dollars and spends the money of people all over the world recklessly. After the age of bitcoin, the United States cannot have the financial strength of the previous age of fiat money

When the underlying capital logic changes, the scope of state functions will also change greatly

What are the big changes in the scope of the state?

It should go in the direction of small government. Big government mainly deals with foreign enemies, and economic development depends on small government
The government itself would be limited and insolvent, as capital and politics were stripped away
The previous county-level competition system in China may become the mainstream competitive ecology of politics, and the basic political unit with the city as the unit may assume more political roles.
This is all a guess, a guess based on the premise that the government is out of money, not necessarily true

Well, there is a lot to be said for capital and politics. The national conditions of different countries, their capital soil, the role system of big government and small government, and the overall change of a chain need to be improved and coordinated from the top down from the inside to the outside. It will not be so easy, but we are still looking forward to the new world of honesty and credit.

Yes, even if the realization will be long and tortuous

I designed a blockchain election political game these two days, let’s see if there are any loopholes. First of all, a city as a company, the company shares in accordance with the registration number of adult city was divided and the shares may be freely traded, bear loss of the cities or profit, the shares will directly decide the leaders of the city, every four years and the stock of the same amount of new shares, free to average assigned to the registered number of adult, and then to choose leaders, the rules are the same as before. When the holder of this model never buys or sells his own city stock, he is a qualified voter, a middle class; When the holder of this model always sells his city stock as soon as possible, he is a poor person and can get some subsidy by selling city stock; He was the city’s leader when the model’s holders bought city stocks on a large scale, but his leadership was diluted every four years, making it impossible for him to be a dictator.

This is a game, we need to find bugs, and then I will see if I can improve it

Everyone’s share is the same at the beginning, trading freely in the middle, so I want to buy a wide range of city stocks where to make money

The big plutocrats and the rich, if they think they can get more out of an election, may buy city stocks on a large scale

Because city stock is not just power, it’s an asset, because the city makes money, and it’s distributed to the holder of the stock.

其实前期能把选举投票电子化放到区块链上就很好了。tokenized 每一张选票即可
In fact, the early stage of the election vote on the block chain is very good. Tokenized every vote

Without blockchain, this consensus is impossible to reach, just suspect chain, can make people dead, must be built on the BSV blockchain

Mainly for democratic countries and also for totalitarian states, this scheme is available, the democratic people don’t want to buy and sell votes, the totalitarian states are expected to buy the votes as soon as they come out, which is very good for the transition of many different cultural and political systems.

And the vote will not be empty; it will determine the share of income that everyone in the city will receive for the next four years

Ordinary people in democracies don’t want to buy and sell votes. Didn’t the big plutocrats in democracies buy and sell behind the back to manipulate the votes of facebook users to become President trump

Yes, democracy has a lot of problems. You can’t let the losers have a say in politics. It’s fine to subsidize the poor, but I think it’s a big problem to let the poor decide the fate of the country

However, if the interests of the poor are completely ignored, the social security will be very disorderly, the poor will make trouble, the social resentment against the rich will be very strong, and finally the rich will not suffer. So finding a reasonable way to subsidize the poor by giving them political power to complete the financial subsidy, I think is a viable idea.

This is the POS mechanism, money is the last word.


In the field of international chain blocks of the wealth of public governance, the city can form the national urban alliance, so the country’s political logic is smooth, the existence of the country will not only is the embodiment of nationalism, but take care of the interests of the community, city alliance that leaders can completely by city leaders to vote for.

In international chain blocks, on the other hand, execution of law and legislative process, when a city alliance with exceeding 10% of the entire network to calculate force, has a bench, each justice law enforcement command with miners and chain blocks veto to upgrade, so to prevent the legal authority to abuse of the international community, also ensure the BSV block chain in the field of political neutrality. In addition, the total network power of each city alliance should not exceed 20% of the total power, so as to ensure that blockchain is not completely monopolized by economically developed regions. Through this mechanism, the underlying logic and superstructure logic of blockchain are basically clear, mainly depending on whether this logic will produce unnecessary Nash equilibrium in the game process, resulting in excessive zero-sum game, just like the international situation today.

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 3 : CSW


比特币经济学 : 首页
比特币经济学 1 : 开讲
比特币经济学 2 : 法律
比特币经济学 3 : CSW
比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调
比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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