比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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Conversation : 2020.4.6~4.10 #

Now BSV feels like an orphan of zhao family, with pure blood and unlimited prospects, but still in the situation of being crushed to death at any time, and is still in its infancy, we fans of BSV, like a minister in charge of gu, day by day worry, night by night fear, want to bring him up, the throne

Hahaha, speaking of which, I wrote one before

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曹丕为了巩固自己地位不惜加害曹植,本质上还是希望自己能够占有足够的资源,但要成就一番伟业,光靠耍那些小聪明是远远不够的。比特币 SHA256 矿机挖矿所消耗电力的是资源,Metanet 上不断积累的信息亦是资源。如今,一方面 BSV 内修贤德不断提升以容纳万物,另一方面中本聪初心不改坚持不懈欲以正其名义,萝卜与大棒双管齐下,距离 BTC 这个庞氏骗局泡沫破灭还有多久呢?让我们拭目以待。
In order to consolidate his position, cao PI wanted to have enough resources, but it was not enough for him to achieve great things. The power consumed by mining by the bitcoin SHA256 miner is a resource, as is the information accumulated on Metanet. How long will it be before the bubble of the BTC ponzi scheme bursts? Let’s wait and see.

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We can see it as a group or skeleton of BSV whampoa military academy in the world, currently studying group could officially tube, several thousands or even tens of thousands of study group, after the official may not tube, then you need to early BSVer accepted the task of a sermon, for learning group of fresh blood, through BSV system logic, achieve targeted to solve every problem, and constructive opinions and the logical problem, can through the group or skeletons of an in-depth and extensive discussions, enriched the currency theory from different perspectives, at that time the official has the gripper, early BSVer channel, Fresh BSVer has teachers, which is what a good win-win and common growth community should look like, instead of talking about the ups and downs like BTC, new people as leeks, BSV came to the world has its natural historical mission, for the benefit of all mankind is the ultimate goal of BSVer.

Today to discuss the possibility of the economic crisis, the currency system said the conclusion first, later a a, I think that the currency may be completely solve deflationary economic crisis, inflation, economic crisis, the global chain of systemic economic crisis, the only cannot solve the economic crisis type is a local chain type economic crisis.


First, deflation is the economic crisis, the occurrence of a typical case is the qin destroy the social and economic crisis after the six countries directly lead to the collapse of the qin empire and in the last century before the second world war of the great depression directly led to the rise of militarism, deflation in the economic crisis is usually metal currency system, trading unit caused enough underlying economic transactions small cannot lead to economic crisis, because after qin unified qin casting have been introduced in unified currency, the abolition of the original states of the warring states period currency, currency, so lead to market led directly to the underlying working people without money, seriously affect the operation of the bottom layer of the economy.

In gold, silver, for example, “two” is commonly used in ancient China for trading, “an ounce of gold” is commonly used in western for trading, this is because the trading unit can feel from the volume and weight in the human body flesh of anti-counterfeiting, smaller units may be lost for the sensitivity of the body perception, however the current global gold reserves in about 5 billion ounces more, and probably in less than 50 billion ounces of silver reserves, in the now hundreds of 10 trillion dollars of world trade, a trading unit of under $2000 worth of products is that there is no way through normal metal currency trading unit to complete, And normal economic activity, almost more than 90% of the trading behavior belongs to small trading behavior, the shortage of the currency unit, directly caused the fall of the qin empire and the birth of the great depression of the last century, so my judgment is the cause of the deflationary economic crisis caused by inadequate because of metal currency trading unit, not a monetary value preservation, and the smallest units of currency satoshi has a total of 2.1 quadrillion, that will be much more than the existing legal tender units and metal currency trading unit, so the currency will not appear shortage of units, This would not lead to a deflationary economic crisis, which is the Keynesian hat for bitcoin, but bitcoin should not be blamed for the deflationary economic crisis, which is better given to metal currency.





Second, inflation is the economic crisis, the occurrence of a typical case is before the second world war, Germany mark hyperinflation and the republic of China’s millions of stamps of hyperinflation, this led directly to the German set off world war ii and the downfall of the government of the republic of China mainland, even in venezuela, Zimbabwe, can still see the similar economic crisis, inflation type economic crisis can be said to be associated with fiat money system.

After the government took control of the monetary system, the government will gradually begin to rely on the printing press to populate the government finance, when this kind of addiction, the government will not be able to kick the dependence on the printing press, and kept increasing banknote printing behavior will directly lead to the currency of the whole society trust system collapse, people will find other things to fight inflation, if inflation is low, people will through the metal currency to fight inflation, if inflation in general, people will through the real estate investment against inflation, if inflation is high, people will even use daily necessities such as grain and oil to fight inflation.

When monetary system was unable to complete store value function, there will be a lot of seeking to combat inflation in hot money everywhere to seek a way out, this part of the hot money ran to where, where there is a bubble, ran to the stock market has given rise to a stock market bubble, and ran to the housing market has given rise to a real estate bubble, and ran to the bond market has led to the debt bubble, so the economic crisis of the inflation system, usually present a cyclical, every bubble burst, is hot money and ran away from a bubble in the field of manufacturing process of a new bubble.

Inflationary bubble has periodic characteristics not only, still have a lot of irreversible characteristics can lead to the final collapse of the whole credit system, because inflation above the level of the currency interest, debt will not risk behavior, but the profit behavior, when everyone started to profit based on debt and national debt, debt levels will happen to interest level for the index index level rise, and cut interest rates even negative level control behavior will make the system was damaged the interests of the driving force and finally a direct credit system collapse.

As for bitcoin, since it cannot artificially adjust the interest level and inflation level, and it is already a constant stock system, there will be no inflationary economic crisis in the bitcoin economic world.




Finally, the so-called chain type of economic crisis, in short which is the gourd Eva save grandpa or big to fail, when there is some nodes in the centralized system has decisive effect to the system as a whole, then the node out of the question, the system will have to take big risks to save the node, and finally make the node the cancer of the entire system cannot be abandoned, sustained damage system health. The typical example is the collapse of many dynasties, the collapse of the planned economy and the subprime crisis when the United States rescued Wall Street with the national Treasury, and China even used domestic quantitative easing to save the United States.

In traditional economic activities, some of the center is not around the past, such as the central government, the central bank, and of the more important large national enterprises, so the problem in these places, people realized the the node has a problem, also can’t let it, as if a person can’t bear your own heart and brain problems, existing economic system also can’t stand the key regional problems. The problem, however, is that once elimination is not allowed, the cancer of the system does not automatically disappear, and the state can of course nationalize itself to take on all the problems, but then the state itself becomes the root of the problem, and the state gets deeper and deeper into the cancer of the system, and more and more burdensome, and eventually the system completely collapses.

Said the currency would solve the global chain of systemic economic crisis, because of the currency itself does not depend on the long-term existence of the organization with a centralized power system of any parts are removed to allow and eliminated, and there’s no big to fail system cancer, the currency system is more like a natural ecological system, superior bad discard the survival of the fittest.

And local chain type cannot solve the economic crisis is not only the currency system, and any other economic system couldn’t find a solution, because the human society come in different local what accident, disease, disaster, war, government policy, errors of economic behavior will lead to local chain type of economic crisis, and the currency system, the only can do is to make local chain type economic crisis can influence area is as small as possible, just let the local resources in the organization restructuring or organize refactoring, let local chain type economic crisis will not everyone on the macro into hell, nor in the micro let ordinary people suffered, Because even if the partial collapse, the affected individuals are still in the protection of the bitcoin economic system, their personal and property safety is still guaranteed.

In short, the COINS to the significance of human civilization, as the sun is to the earth’s ecological meaning, probably COINS for mankind to build a sustainable evolution of the economic environment provides the possibility that human will completely liberated from centralized dynasty type economic cycles, humans will likely escape destruction, after creating a trap to create after the destruction of civilization, the BSV block chain will really let human civilization into a dating back forever and reflection of the civilization system, which is the currency system of economics in the upgrade of human civilization.

The separation of power and money is the great socio-economic challenge of our generation.

It is unrealistic to completely separate power from money. Power still needs to collect taxes and feed the poor to keep the government running. However, the central bank system of various countries will be greatly impacted.

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Today I’m going to talk about the impact that the bitcoin economy may have on the future design of the world’s top political architecture, the United Nations.

In the traditional logic of violent states, every change of civilization and evolution of national power may be accompanied by the emergence of large-scale wars. Thucylide trap makes the decline of conservative forces or the rise of new powers become the source of war disasters for all mankind. We can even imagine today, no currency after the dollar hegemony once the decline, the hand lying on economic fail the exam, another hand holding the mankind’s largest equipment armory, what they do, will be dying is that, while the existence of nuclear power, will make the destruction of human is just a strongman fingers can decide things. Therefore, the international political logic under the bitcoin economic system should no longer be such a prisoner’s dilemma game trap.






A few days ago, I put COINS international union once monetary unification and political unity around the world, so the chain within the country because of the huge cost of war and war of tiny income asymmetry problems, will make militarism in political thinking history in the short term, this time I put forward a kind of based on the force balance of the United Nations organization structure, in order to completely eliminate the possibility of violent regeneration.

UN can let each region or country is willing to join and can only join a work force union, when a work force union work force stability more than 10% cut in work force over the past four years, the work force union representative or gain a justice of the United Nations, and the work force union must be commitment to the alliance’s work force growth above shall not exceed 20% of the entire network to calculate force forever, in this case, the justice of the United Nations should seat only 6-9.

Each justice will have general veto of events, so that the alliance of participating countries or control his political security and economic security, and when all justice does not exercise veto, generally the case in accordance with the principle of majority superior decisions, both to prevent political majority tyranny political persecution in minority areas, and also can make the BSV system has a normal legal framework to protect and prevent the problems such as theft, robbery, money laundering, war of COINS the illegal infringement of the property.

Since the seat is determined by calculation, this system only focuses on economic input, has no ideological characteristics, and fully respects regional cultural, ethnic and religious differences. When regional economic contraction brought force after degradation, can through the way of new Allies or complete dissolution of the alliance’s way to calculate the force restructuring, the legalization of a permanent United Nations balance, this design makes the existence of the United Nations logic neither by regional power monopoly, also won’t say because of the shift of civilization collapse, so the form can be sustainable.

Region due to the overall UN power structure is relatively stable, power structure allows the reorganization, so there is no relationship between the ability of war restrict each other, state and national relationship may now and ministry and province or state and state relations, in the political structure, the comprehensive nuclear containment and deterrence becomes possible, people will put a major force in the economic development and competition, and even winning countries may be facing collapse problem because of the work force excess, won’t produce the world’s political problem of literal, and economic decline or failure of the region, The political security, personal security and property security of the people at the bottom can still be guaranteed, and they can concentrate on the reconstruction of their homes.

I think this is probably a better political form for all of humanity, and when there is no chain of political suspicion, war is likely to disappear.

So, when all parts of justice cannot agree, the currency has the highest authority of the currency world, the white paper explanatory power, complete the long-term stability of the currency agreement, and all the region justice agreed, in theory, the human can reach to the amendments of this agreement of our white paper, this will prevent this power after the death of the white content and COINS in the problem of buggy code brings to the system unstable, makes the legitimacy of the white paper currency status with the sustainability of law rely on and error correction.

I don’t think the deal handler can do more than 20% of the math. I don’t understand that.

No more than 20% in order to do the balance of power in the region between limited, national league or constraints on their own force construction, either to a union reorganization into two, or let some join quit the countries or regions, so mainly to prevent the occurrence of a unipolar world, once a political literal, the UN’s power will slowly is dominated by super powers, just like today’s America, this will form the suspicion on the political chain, could bring political militarism revival of soil, these are just my product of behind closed doors, the actual case what will happen, I don’t know.

Build this system mainly use the game theory thought, try to power a zero-sum game scene into a win-win game scenes, a lot of things rules, the bureau is different, the bureau determines the execution behavior of late, so the best way is that the bureau set up reasonable as far as possible, at the beginning, such as the national self-determination principle although original intention is good, but the result of game becomes today’s nationalist and religious and cultural colonialism, consider a problem from the perspective of game theory, a lot of the time will go a lot of internal friction less detours.

As said yesterday, the currency world if it can operate under United Nations rules to follow the rules of work force, if this kind of global political framework can really cut the earth thoroughly nuclear Arsenal and military containment, to ensure that the people in the bankruptcy of the local government, will still be able to guarantee the safety of people and property security and political security, so I think the government would appear a kind of new organization form, “ZeRenHua limited government”. “Limited accountability government” can be a small government or a large government, a democratic government or a centralized government, depending on the local people’s cultural and historical accumulation of political power, the limited accountability of the government has the following advantages.


The investment is risky, BSV’s political risk is not small, without the support of the United Nations national organization, BSV is likely to suffer political persecution, BSV ecology is not prosperous, may also suffer from the chain of death, so it needs to be regarded as a venture investment behavior. Find out for yourself how to invest. There is no foolproof strategy.

Investment behavior as far as possible don’t put in the group said, after that let’s group a illegal fund-raising group, we set up this group is not encouraged investment BSV, because it is risk behavior, but to look into the possibility of BSV basic logic to understand the BSV, COINS logic to understand, in the field of block chain won’t be cheated, as for the BSV whether can become, that is to say, because is too large for the impact of the pattern of interests, a lot of history of the development of capricious.



Let’s move on to limited liability government.

In the tradition of unlimited liability for the government, the government due to the lack of a clear quantitative dimensions, and can only do that when the power of government to other forces cannot contain, or enslaving the people either political leaders will have to be myths, and mode of unlimited power, unlimited liability for the government of the game is a very typical power winner-take-all zero-sum game paradigm, abnormal death of the emperor in the history of Chinese proportion accounted for a total of nearly half the emperor, people only pray politician is a saint, or by adopting a spread, government restrictions on power or defaced politicians to do ordinary people’s fear of political anger, But these measures could cause a host of other problems.

“Limited government” will make politicians normalization, this group can neither business nor be darken, neither from than the savior of the world also need not since more than a servant, politicians will have the same power and obligation, and ordinary people make professional politicians and become a common professional managers, because it is assigned by a normal program can, can also be normal program away, so politicians can even lifelong and high salary, this group will be able to make this a lot of real talent in politics construction and creation.


Second, the “limited government” will make the government’s behavior boundaries clear, the government’s normal bankruptcy will be allowed, then test the effectiveness of the political system will be completely is possible, when a kind of political rule of death, people may need to do is to rebuild a city bankruptcy, rather than go to war or whom to blame, only to fault tolerance system, just may have a genetic mutation of innovation, it will have a really can make government innovation practice of political and economic soil, and innovation failure also has a good exit path, make institutional innovation only need to bear the burden of economic losses, It’s not a threat to people’s property or their safety.

Nationalism and humanistic concept conflict will not happen again, because the morphology change of the country or the government will become relatively more easily, and humanistic thinking will become all the motive force of the development of socialism, because human genes is after hundreds of settling down in one hundred million, is going to change human nature may require millions of years of directed evolution and eliminated, and system configuration and change, in this case, in the form of collective under the rule of limited government, will be more easy, individuals with property security and personal safety, also won’t tied to the national socialist collectivism chariot wheels.


Finally, in the work force at the top of the United Nations political logic and the currency of the underlying economic logic architecture, the middle city of bits in the national urban league (or bits) with bits of political logic will be very clear, this also is the government’s “limited ZeRenHua” provides the possibility that bit of the city development path that followed the development of local economy as much as possible to attract global economic chain of industrial limited bits at the local, to seek the support of the local people; The development path of bit-state (or bit-city alliance) will be to ensure the political power and legal order of participating cities as much as possible, and provide all kinds of political services that a single city cannot provide, such as disaster management, political coordination, dispute settlement, etc. And when the bit city cannot win industry competition of globalization, the city will gradually wither, this makes local protectionism is not feasible, the national urban league (or bits) and when the bit unable to protect its normal order of the city of bits, bit national urban league (or bits) will also face the state restructuring or join city fleeing political risk.

In this logic, there is no any city is bankrupt, no any country cannot be eliminated, this makes possible the continuation of the economic health of mankind, not by local protectionism and limit the direction of the trend of the development of the global trade, human geopolitical game logic, also will completely from violent competition to economy and order competition, political upgrade to complete the underlying logic of human civilization.

Actually understand the chain block for changing the meaning of the human society civilization, will understand why besides BSV, why other chain or currency are unlikely to succeed, to change the underlying logic of human civilization, just by digital currency XinYongHua (BTC) is useless, only the digital cash (BCH) XinYongHua is useless, only rely on industry data XinYongHua industry chain is also useless, only multidimensional long time accumulation of chain owned by a logic to support XinYongHua information data to all mankind, also can only be as honest power rules play the underlying technology foundation, One is the information for data of one thing, many, many different people in the same thing long time accumulation of data to be a credit, only truly multidimensional data credit can also upgrade supporting the bottom layer of the whole human civilization, human revolution of ultimate artifact to currency laps fraudsters there become leek knife instead, say the currency is the pearl of dust is not too much, and change the established reality carry forward is the mission of our generation.

the Bank of England (BoE), is that it might be more beneficial to 
turn to a private digital currency, instead of trying to build a 
completely new alternative. 


Britain is a former world empire, and there are smart people in the financial system.

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大约两年前,英国央行开始探索 CBDC,自那时以来一直在继续努力。最近,它开始探索数字货币的用例,同时承认替代方案可能会对当前的银行和金融结构产生负面影响。不过,似乎轮盘已经开始运转了,英国央行分析师昨天在一次网络研讨会上表示,私人实体最终可能会提供比中央银行设计更好的数字解决方案。

Bitcoin Association即将启动一系列开发者活动,各位有才华的开发者可以与BA共同在国内最大的开发者平台共同搭建BSV开发专区,可以与nChain研究团队每周定期线上交流学习。
Bitcoin Association is about to launch a series of developer activities, in which talented developers can jointly build the BSV development zone on the largest developer platform in China together with BA, and have regular weekly online communication and learning with the research team of nChain.
Interested developers are invited to add WeChat: bitcoinassociation
After wechat, please take the initiative to declare: participate in developer activities



Today chat COINS more likely tax issues in the world, because of limited government discussed earlier ZeRenHua problem, so the government itself cannot by dropping prospective deficits, print, cut, modern means such as to complete the social financial control work, will be very important for the government fiscal and tax link, even directly related to the rise and fall of a city and a city the robustness of the alliance.

In the currency in the world, because the government is monetary means, so the government must use fiscal reserves instead of fiscal deficit deal with the uncertainty of external environment, the government fiscal reserves are low, in the face of disaster and all kinds of unexpected events, on the one hand, through their own bonds through fiscal reserves or crisis, on the other hand can seek aid the city alliance, and all the behavior, can be through the currency to accurately measure the economic scale, when a city budget deficit for a long time, no one is willing to take on their own currency security to the city’s fiscal subsidies, for a long time This makes the economic logic of city bankruptcy very clear.

, on the other hand, because of the global cities are thirst for economic industry and competition, so the government and the company will form a binary checks and balances, on the one hand, the local government will choose in local enterprises, company will also have same place choice, choose enterprises in long-term double game, company with better liquidity for game initiative, the government will have to reduce VAT and personal taxes through the way that companies and individuals fall to the ground, I’m inclined to think that the final game equilibrium, should be the government will not be able to charge any personal income tax and value-added tax, the government must seek other revenue sources.


Government revenue sources I tend to think there will be more functional property taxes.

First of all, is the property tax, because the value of the property itself quality directly depends on the construction of city, so the tax is likely to be the best source of income, government finance and real estate tax is closely related to the level of wealth, the rich live in nature is a good house and your house, the poor live in a small house and cheap, so the tax structure is reasonable, the difficulty of the tax will also is very low, because the value of the house and area is transparent, general taxpayers tax evasion; Property tax second benefit is can reduce the real estate financial attributes, makes the house is to live, not to invest, it makes the local investment property out of financial markets, allowing the poor to have a place to live, not intensified because of regional conflict between the rich and the poor, the poor residency damaged stability and unity of the city; A third benefit of a property tax is that it depends directly on the quality of the city’s construction. Property tax is a long-term and stable source of tax revenue, so that the city’s financial security has a basic tax base, not to worry about the basic wage every day.

Is second, quantitative garbage tax, that is, garbage metering, such as displacement, displacement, or according to kg, according to according to the quantitative indexes such as volume, because the garbage problem is a big problem of contemporary urban management, only the government called on garbage classification, garbage incineration and landfill are likely to bring bigger environmental disaster, so the garbage disposal problem should become an innovation in emerging markets, actively introduce all kinds of garbage disposal method, which requires a great deal of capital investment and market driven. Quantified garbage tax can not only introduce business and capital into garbage treatment, but also actively reduce the willingness to produce garbage, so that garbage can be contained at the production level and commercial innovation ability and capital driving force can be introduced at the treatment level.

Third, consumption tax, city merchants cooperation, can completely and BSV purse in a city universal standard BSV purse, each merchants can only through the standard wallet clearing of accounts and records, so the general merchants to shopping at the same time, the consumption tax has been closed up, such a tax model basic tax cost, as long as the guarantee all merchants with standard wallet, useless wallet behavior of report can be in accordance with the tax evasion, so can a city with a tax evasion office can complete the whole city of GST. In addition, the consumption tax can be adjusted to different tax rates for different goods. Luxury goods and high-end consumer goods can be taxed at a high rate, while daily necessities and low-end consumer goods can be taxed at a low rate, so as to tax the rich as much as possible and ease the contradiction between the rich and the poor.

Fourth, is the road to use tax, city can use big data on different roads of different peaks of price differential, different weather, the time point, holidays, hot issues, road maintenance, corresponding to different urban road tax, to use the marketization road, each car with the government’s unified GPS work to complete tax records, GPS data on BSV belong to personal data, after tax, put the data to the government for tax liquidation, this makes the urban traffic congestion problem is no longer needed to handle a large number of traffic police and traffic resources, Reduce the traffic management cost and traffic congestion loss of the city, so that the city has no traffic congestion and the government has the source of tax revenue, and truly achieve a win-win choice between the government and citizens.

最后,是遗产税,个人认为这个可能是比较难收但是又不得不收的税,甚至可能要在联合国层面立法进行全人类的最小遗产税约定,并且这个税率要在可执行的前提下尽可能的高。如果没有遗产税,大量的一代富豪创造的财富流转到二代富豪手里甚至三代富豪手里时,因为富豪后代不一定有富豪本身的财富驾驭能力,而使得财富不仅对于富豪后代来说还是社会来说,都可能造成财富灾难,富豪后代可能不得不面对一辈子走下坡路的窘境,也会让整个社会的财富创造意愿减弱,当累计足够长的时间后,甚至可能出现比较大的社会鸿沟。对于富一代来说,人们当然会尊重他的财富创造旅程和财产权,但是对于富二代来说,穷二代很可能将这种 差异视为阶层剥削,激化贫富矛盾和社会矛盾,使得比特币的永续逻辑在根本上发生动摇,甚至可能诞生例如将全世界无产者联合起来的共产主义思潮,重新让世界走向撕裂,不管是对富人来说还是对穷人来说,这种局面绝对是双输的。
Finally, there is inheritance tax, which I think may be difficult to collect but has to be collected. It may even be necessary to legislate at the level of the United Nations for a minimum inheritance tax for all mankind, and the tax rate should be as high as possible under the premise of being enforceable. If there is no inheritance tax, a large number of rich generation create wealth transfer to the second generation rich even third generation hand in hand, because of the rich offspring may not have the wealth of the rich itself ability, and makes not only for rich offspring or social wealth, is likely to cause disaster, rich future generations may have to face a lifetime down, also make the whole social wealth creation will abate, when the cumulative after long enough, even larger social gap may occur. For rich generation, of course, people would respect his journey of wealth creation and property rights, but for the rich second generation, poor second generation is likely to see the difference as class exploitation, intensified and the social contradictions between the rich and the poor, making the currency sustainable logic fundamentally changed, and may even birth such as communist ideological trend of the world unite, to let the world to tear, for rich or for poor people, this situation is absolutely lose-lose.

Later sure there will be other kinds of tax, but the thinking of tax will not need anything, government people what to pay, because the government is faced with the economic geography of competition and global trade competition, but the government to do something in return for social feedback, this will make the government’s function is reinforced, the government and companies have better services will and create desire, the government also will be eliminated because of the sense of crisis and improvement will produce, which makes the new political evolution logic with better financial reason, to complete the unit at the bottom of the logical evolution of human civilization.

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Not to the problem of human destiny community perspective of nationalism doomed battle is a hurt, the loss of eight hundred one thousand negative and game, the game is the same in the United States, China, jump out of the world’s political struggle, the human is impossible to have tomorrow, we concentrate on building our Noah’s ark, wait until those dull against socialist ideological trend to mess things up, hope to be able to save some more.

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 7 : 路径


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比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
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Recreating Bitcoin 5:Public Key and Private Key

Public Key & Private Key # So how are the public key and private key of a user generated? This is precisely the essence of asymmetrical encryption. User’s public key is derived from private key through computation, and user’s private... Continue →