比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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Conversation : 2020.4.15 ~ 4.16 #

DotWallet, Is it an app on BSV?

Wallet app, metanet.press

So these wallet addresses are built on the BSV blockchain and will never disappear? Does that mean that?

@武夷茶 是这个意思

It is a problem for the BSV community to separate the speculators from the builders, which is actually my biggest worry for the BSV community. The relationship between the builders and the speculators is more like the relationship between the boat and the water. Modern financial system most participants are speculators, the survival of the soil more speculators are investors, even when a lot of speculation and investment behavior is mutual influence each other, speculators itself also can grow up to be communicators and investors, and investors directly determines the input of an industry, so you can make a builder more opportunities for trial and error and financing ability. What is needed is not binary oppositional thinking of either/or, but a win-win atmosphere of inclusiveness and inclusiveness. Only when all participants find their positions in a system can they have the ability to rise to the sky and the confidence to change the world.

It is reasonable that intellectuals should have a broad mind and be able to accept different opinions

嗯😊 只要没有人身攻击和诽谤,正常探讨是很好的成长路径,哪怕观点不一样,只要尊重事实与逻辑,就是健康探讨
Well 😊 as long as no personal attacks and defamation, normal is good growth path, even if the view is not the same, as long as respect facts and logic, is health

Yes, everyone can learn the use and application of BSV to grow. I think as long as the opinions and problems in accordance with laws and regulations can be studied and discussed

Our group is a growth exchange group, more discussion [coffee] more exchange, we grow together. I have just finished all the doctor’s blog last weekend, in the combination group of people chat and hslayj big architecture on understanding and better than before, after all, is not related to our major, some content to understand a bit confusing, but still want to learn by more matching their investment behavior, going to translate liu lawyers and CoinGeek articles look at the deeper understanding.

A quick look

The east has the wind of the gentleman, the west has the noble spirit, the essence is to emphasize a kind of strong thinking, because they think of themselves as the strong, so it is the normal life to meet people who are weaker than themselves, so there will be more inclusive feelings; Met someone better than they are is a rare opportunity to study progress, so that there will be more grateful spirit and respect for the strong, BSV really want to in reality all chain unto a leader, which tolerates latecomers ignorance, allowing their different or even make a mistake of the strong spirit must be the spirit of the community, otherwise no one is willing to accept the pretensions and intolerance, bully others community atmosphere of leadership, the back of the road is very long, behind may also need to nearly ten thousand times of community capacity, COINS community truly has the ability to bid for artifact.

The east has the wind of the gentleman, the west has the noble spirit, the essence is to emphasize a kind of strong thinking, this word is a little bit Nietzsche’s meaning, Nietzsche himself advocated is the strong thinking, despise the traditional morality

Each morality and thought has its own economic, political and cultural background, which is the common standard of people’s behavior at that time. Therefore, they all have more or less little historical applicability and limitations, so it is better not to despise them. It is better to constantly examine them from the perspective of dynamic development.

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这篇文章对于BSVer目前对外界观望者应该秉持的态度挺犀利的,现阶段摒弃噪音,快速打造出若干全球范围的、对用户有普世价值的Killer Application才是重中之重,毕竟之前的弯路浪费了不少时间,先发优势几乎快没有了。
This article is very sharp about BSVer’s current attitude towards outsiders. At this stage, it is the priority to quickly build a number of global and universal Killer applications without noise. After all, the previous detour wasted a lot of time, and the first-mover advantage is almost gone.

If BSV system is the first step of nirvana reborn, I think that now should be in the second stage of BSV system, it is the return of the king, every major financial innovation in the history of the human nature is an upgrade of civilization thought, the emergence of the relationship between debt and the emergence of the joint-stock company, reshape the relationship between man and religion, the relation between man and society, and the interpersonal relationship is the largest source of financial creation, let common people to participate, let colleagues involved, make all areas of people involved, the game can continue, COINS in the past ten years of catastrophe is the presence of government and charlatans these ghosts shadows work bring significant impact, but the depth of the currency itself lacks enough thought system led to the practitioners, having no unified recognition improved conventional power no gripper, chain qi, and people on the surface of the thousand one thousand COINS ring chain ring grimace would emerge in endlessly. CSW reflected on the early mistakes, which was actually a good example of the community, and admitted that BSV is not perfect at present, and the BSV system needs more development power and social support. I think it is the main melody of the second stage of BSV return of the king. The window period is only a few years, and time waits for no one.

Is around the corner, it is imperative to 👍

In the chat record forwarded to the group yesterday, general manager Lin (Ming zhe) mentioned that “the core value of BSV is the only source of truth in the world that cannot be tampered with”, which is very acceptable, but I still have a doubt. It is impossible to build one chain in a day. It still needs to be completed by one project and one region. Then, specific to some specific domestic data chain demand, BSV and ant financial, webank and other enterprises to promote the alliance chain, how to compete? Considering the previous attitude of domestic ZF to BTC and the supervision of Internet environment, I feel that BSV has no obvious bright spot. In this case, how to promote BSV in China? At present, is it more realistic for domestic BSV technology companies and developers to focus on BSV infrastructure and provide ToB services for overseas companies? !

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Such a project is definitely suitable for BSV, but how can BSV compete with AntFin in China? Do you have any ideas to discuss together

Such depository receipts do not make much sense in law

@刘晔律师 愿闻其详
To know the details

Because of the lack of an identity system

The user registers can fill in id card information

Depositing certificate is not the content of depositing works has not changed, but the uniqueness of depositing works and identity

@孙牧 用户冒充注册呢,身份系统的解决只有万链归一下才有可能
The user impersonates register, the solution of identity system only 10 thousand chain return ability is possible

Previous works may not be able to solve this problem, but after the system is launched, the author’s works published on this platform can still play a very good role in the storage, for those who want to protect their works

The value of data increases exponentially with the latitude of data, so the logic of block chain must be that the big chain eats the small chain, the international chain eats the national chain, and finally integrates into the only source of truth in the world. General manager Lin’s generalization in this respect is indeed accurate

“身份系统的解决只有万链归一下才有可能”这个可以展开解释一下吗?或者有相关的文章链接也行 @刘晔律师
“The solution of the identity system is only possible once the chain returns” can this be expanded to explain? Or a link to a related article will do

It is still necessary to prove that the person who publishes the work on this platform is the creator himself, which is the essence of BSV

Safety, cost, capacity, speed, the best

So far, all blockchain depository projects have no legal value

Accounts must be less accurate, if there are two sets of accounts is likely to be a set of false accounts, so the coexistence of multiple chains will bring credit exclusion problems, finally complete the big account on the small account of credit roller, small account is faced with the credit crisis and chain wilt, the only way to block chain

It’s good to have a barrister in the community

And the only project qualified for all chain one, only satoshi nakamoto’s real participation is the original clean source of the block chain, others will never around this topic, people can not create an honest world through defamation of the founder, unless BSV which naive died. If alibaba chain and tencent chain do well in the future, they may directly do ecological transplantation. The strategic layout of large enterprises is never to fight against the trend, but to follow the trend

@孙牧 非常简单,如果有两条链,有两人均声称独立创作了某一作品,也就是出现了两个真相来源,怎么办?还得靠现实其他证据,也就是还需消耗其他成本。所以,万链归一,仅有一个真相来源时,成本最低。
Very simply, what if there were two chains, two people claiming to have independently created a work, that is, two sources of truth? There is real evidence that there are other costs involved. So, when the chain is one and there is only one source of truth, the cost is lowest.

And so far, all coinage and chain coinage are subsets of BSV, not even parallel, let alone equally competitive

One million chain, for human civilization of tens of thousands of years, is earth-shattering, of course, will not come to this soon


@孙牧 上链时间不等于创作时间,实际上,BSV要作的便是实时行为实时记录,这样真相只有一个
On the chain time is not equal to creation time, in fact, BSV to do is real-time behavior real-time record, so that there is only one truth

For the author who wants to protect his work and understand the meaning of the chain of his work, after he finishes his work and before he shows it to others, he can chain his work by himself, right?

Instead of putting it away and putting it on the chain. Under BSV, the upper chain itself is creation

Understand the difference between LAN and Internet

Yesterday, I was reading about the history of the Internet, from APRANet to NFSNet, compared to the currency in recent years, the process of some interesting 😁

@刘晔律师 如果一方声称自己2020年创作;另一方声称自己2019年创作,并拿出了2019年作品已经上链的交易,有用吗?
If one party claims to be creating in 2020; The other party claims that it will produce the work in 2019 and offers a deal that the 2019 work is already on the chain. Is that useful?

I still don’t understand, at this point (works preservation certificate) BSV has what different advantages over ant public chain?

Imagine a photographer completing a shoot and there seems to be no difference in the steps of his chain on BSV and ant TWC?

Credit is a network effect, such as the patent this thing, you have a Chinese patent to foreign countries is not good, the need for international patent to be good, the chain of its own credit ability in the competition will be superior or inferior.

That’s a good point

I think only the public chain of pow can fully guarantee that history cannot be tampered with

@孙牧 蚂蚁链需要信任阿里的。蚂蚁链证明与bsv冲突时,以谁为准?
Ant chain needs to trust ali. In case of conflict between ant chain proof and BSV, who shall prevail?

Latitude and the data, the more the longer time history, data base, the greater the chain end credit the higher latitude, for users, if I can get the recognition of the world’s best credit directly, it is not necessary to use some unpopular industry chain, and if the BSV industry chain to become the industry standard, then it will have an incentive to complete ecological migration to the BSV, essentially the process for the user, and BSV ecological industry chain is a win-win.

The truth will not conflict, if the chain of data conflict, on the chain of evidence to find other problems in the link, find the falsification

Alibaba and tencent do block chain, the essence is the same as the original telecommunications, mobile do Internet, the track is must be grabbed, the gene is certain to be inconsistent, the industry trend is still driven by its historical inevitability

@孙牧 BSV竞争胜出,万链归一了就有意义,否则跟蚂蚁链确实区别不大
BSV competition to win, all the chain is meaningful, otherwise with ant chain is not really different

The essence of ali chain is not trust chain, but trust ali. The essence of ali chain does not increase people’s trust in ali, while the real logic of blockchain is. I don’t know this stranger, but he showed me some data, then I can absolutely believe the authenticity of this data, the trust created from the air is the biggest charm of blockchain

The political neutrality gene of blockchain is actually very important, which actually excludes a lot of industry giants. It is good for them to do the industry chain. When the chain is completed, the global blockchain industry standard may be established very soon, just like the logic of automobile parts production and automobile assembly

和林总沟通了一下,和群里的观点不谋而合! @hslayj @刘晔律师 多谢答疑
And Lin communicated, and the group’s point of view happened to coincide!  

In fact, there are a lot of masters, block chain, the logic of the chain, once established, there will be a lot of industry resources quickly poured in, and the original mobile Internet logic, the first to have meat to eat, then can only drink soup, it is ready to be eliminated, entrepreneurs this group is the least need to worry about.

Does it mean that if the block chain of ali is set up at this stage, there will be no living space for many chains, especially those without consensus

Now, in essence, many of the chain ecology, except the miners’ group, is based on subsidies to survive at a loss or some on chives. No one has fully found the market niche of blockchain.
A business goes from idea to business model to business maturity to industry status in a decade. Many seemingly easy paths are not so easy. The entrepreneurs who survive are the best of the best

It looks like the next few days are going to be a time when the ringleaders are going to be holding on to the bitcoin thigh and fighting against the alliance chain. Things that can’t be expanded and have no consensus are doomed to zero.

Yes, the logic of BSV’s comeback in the blockchain field is: the one who succeeds will prosper, the one who goes against will perish, the devil will destroy, and either death or injury.

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This list basically shows that the country’s current blockchain development idea is to encourage the industry chain to try to develop, and BSV has not entered the decision-making horizon of the country

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Unfortunately there is no BSV

In the foreseeable long period of time should be difficult to see the figure of the national team in the BSV system, which is the same as the original jack ma before ali made two websites China network yellow pages and China’s foreign trade website but had to flee because of the national team background, do not worry too much about the national team. Politics is about control and orthodoxy, while innovation is about bold attempts and genetic mutations. To borrow a phrase from jack ma, “today is cruel, tomorrow is cruel, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, and most people die tomorrow night.

Will the blockchain developed by large companies eventually lose people’s trust in large companies and become the trust in the blockchain itself developed by large companies? Into a similar common chain?

Blockchain is based on the information technology of multiple strangers. There is no blockchain of a large company

Fiat inflation system is essentially a huge generational the Nash equilibrium of game formation, authority by overdraw the future system of credit to finance system overdrafts ability, increasing the newborn generation after the host has to follow the early starter who game strategy of overdraft of the next generation of credit system to maintain system, is the final result of overdraft of credit system deepening, others have lost the ability to struggle against, in the economy now financial capacity of young generation has become more and more weak, GDP figures look very good-looking is guo jin min tui, the whole system as a continuous himself eating its own tail snake finally collapse. The national team is not a big deal in the blockchain field, because honesty and strength are two things.

Read the BSV system, was formed on the cognition of human civilization of all existing system dimension reduction through cognitive, also can see the whole block incarnations of chain system and future evolution path, despite the BSV block chain, is always wandered the gate, could not see to too many unknown logic, it is always for the political reform &opening-up international is not the past. System of the United States as the world’s most advanced science and technology, now has not been a drag on a fragile financial system of the door, put the wealth to the rich market economy, democratic politics is the political knife to the poor, the system sex vulnerability exists in all aspects of the political system, the structure of the traditional system collapse is predictable.

The market economy gives wealth to the rich, while the democracy gives the political butcher’s knife to the poor. This kind of systematic fragility exists in all aspects of the political system. The structural collapse of the traditional system is predictable.


The United States has not experienced many dynastic changes in China, and it is normal to be insufficiently guarded against the fragility of the system. The arrogance of the system exists in many orthodox values. Believe it or not, history will give the answer.

The logic that you can solve a problem by printing money is magical, but in terms of the logic of the system, people are used to it, even if almost all the examples of printing money in history have a bad end, but every time the mainstream people or the people in power will think this is an exception.

Build Noah’s ark BSV and save as much as you can when the flood comes. Of inflation system can make wealth time credit more solid, can people from longer latitude planning of wealth, not like today, take money afraid of depreciation, afraid to investment losses, saving a disgrace, borrowing a glorious, when the accident comes, only face a feather of the financial crisis, the elderly insecure because pension by countries, young people are insecure because income but prices rise, everybody is insecure, because all people have a debt.

Well, after getting to know BSV, looking at many of the existing systems does have the sense of dimensionality reduction. The world is never what it appears to be.

Early game, countries will BSV system participating countries will be very obvious industry first mover advantage, I have said before Treasury system rebirthing logic, early BSV system of participating countries will be able to through the industry first mover advantage quickly solve the problem of national debt and the economy of public debt, this is a country with a level of trillion-dollar bonus, or even $zombie survivors of the financial system is the only chance, interested can look at the previous chat logs.


It is not necessary for all countries to participate in the BSV construction in the early stage, as long as the early participating countries are the final winners, which is the charm of the BSV system.

From the perspective of the company, the perspective of the product, the perspective of the industry, the perspective of the country, the perspective of the world, the perspective of history, the perspective of civilization, the perspective of nature, the conclusion will be different.

Will it affect BSV if the doctor does not get his name back this year

As long as CSW can move tulips, it will be ok, if not, it will delay the maturity of BSV for one or two years, after all, no matter how good the logic is, it is no use asking everyone to listen patiently, the meaning of name correction is to make the world willing to listen to the value and logic of BSV system.

Whatever BSV ending, now money ring is difficult to have survivors, because most of the practitioners who know nothing about the true meaning of chain blocks, is the hidden trouble of civilization and BSV to solve the problem, most of the existing block only put himself when a product chain, chain unto a slogan couldn’t shout, let alone to implement and try, at best, a local area network (LAN) application.

Many people use evolution model to introduce their own chain, chain block actually more like a kind of ecological, however, continued evolution was aimed at ecological chain, rather than the chain itself, deal with stable chain itself is to sustain long-term predictability of the rules of the if chain itself can be improved continuously, the reformer is the center of the chain power, as long as there is power, honesty is to yield to power, honest world is always a mirage.
Now only BSV can make the agreement stable, and no other one can fight

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The fact that ETH and EOS are selected suggests that they have a weakness that can be controlled

BSV and Internet network structure is different, the Internet has a root domain name to domain name system to control the entire network of information, is essentially a system can be the center of the American political control node, the BSV system server is a peer-to-peer network of small world structure, the political need to control the system, by controlling the support of the system all the miners are needed to complete, and the distribution of miners are extremely scattered, which requires widely within the scope of international political cooperation, this makes the BSV financial system cannot be a single government control and monopoly, for wealth and power between the support architecture, Only when credit is not monopolized by power can it truly embody the credit support of the only source of truth in the world, and only then can it truly have the potential to become an honest power system that changes the underlying logic of mankind.

BSV still needs to run on the Internet in physics, and those that cannot exist completely independently all need to be based on the TCP/IP transport layer protocol, so centralization or decentralization is relative, without absolute decentralization

@孙牧 我认为去中心化是一个绝对概念,就是没有人可以修改规则
I think decentralization is an absolute concept, that no one can change the rules

The TCP/IP protocol is stable, which is decentralization

If the external conditions need to be modified, right?

Nothing but bugs

A stable agreement is not the same thing as not being able to change the rules, right? ! IP needs to evolve to IPv6

Stability and stability are not the same thing

@孙牧 什么东西能够完全独立存在的呢……
What can exist completely on its own…

I don’t think so, so I think it’s debatable that the BSV mentioned in our group is the only decentralized main chain

@孙牧 我认为去中心化是一个绝对概念,就是没有人可以修改规则
I think decentralization is an absolute concept, that no one can change the rules

I beg to differ

That’s how I understand it

The BTC used this as an excuse to reject development

Core can’t complain

Change ok, 51% calculate force cent a fork is

After the version of BSV is stabilized, we just hope that the protocol will be stabilized and the details will be gradually improved through BRFC, so is it too absolute to say that "no one can change the rules”?

Except the BUG

Changing the code and changing the protocol are two different things. Changing the code can be a way to fix bugs. That’s fine. Tax rules could be changed tomorrow, production caps could be increased the day after tomorrow, and the final form would be the next federal reserve or central bank

I’ve written before that a unanimous vote in the republic of numeracy can change the logic of the rules, and you can go back and see that the rules can’t be changed, they can only be changed with the consent of all the participants, or a few people make decisions on behalf of the majority, and they will eventually lead to the center of power

The traditional logic is that we need to find a good leader, let him lead us to do everything well, if things go wrong, we need to change the leader. The logic of bitcoin is, we don’t need leadership, we have a common rule which is the 2008 white paper on bitcoin, a common protocol for advancing systems, the centralized system in each system is an ecological species, survival of the fittest. Even satoshi nakamoto cannot change the agreement himself. If the rules are really wrong, they can only be changed years later if all the participants agree.

The agreement of BSV is the agreement that experienced 12 years of test, BTC is the lightning network that adds 17 years, BCH is still changing agreement now, not to mention other various industry chain, that is every day change agreement. So BSV is the only decentralized system that I’m comfortable with. Other decentralized definition logic is funny, such as the BTC raspberry PI node, such as BCH’s rules for everyone to rule, such as other cryptocurrency censorship anarchic logic, with more people incorrectly informed, the real meaning is distorted.

Many people think that metanet is an add-on protocol, but it’s not. The first bitcoin block has a message from satoshi nakamoto. Have the message means you can put the data, any kind of database rules nature is a series of data combination, as long as the block is enough big, can put a table can put in a word, can put a database that can put all the data, can put the human history, can become the world’s only source of truth, so metanet essence is also derived from the 2008 white paper currency, just put the blocks increased. If bitcoin could do everything, there would be no need for various industry chains to split credit.

In addition, the white paper of satoshi nakamoto did not mention decentralization, which is often falsely reported by later generations, and the block size is not increased. It was originally not stipulated in the code

It’s hard to imagine a global opportunity for industrial change, not even a founder, and the direction of real-world opinion is truly magical. To be misunderstood, to be hurt, to be nailed to a cross and yet to save the world is a phenomenon that can find a historical prototype in satoshi nakamoto. Only such an experience can become the most solid and first foundation stone of an honest world, which the best people would like to follow and respect.

CSW has a lot of academic papers, including a lot of papers and works on the bitcoin white paper before 2008, so it’s ok for the academic community to write this way, don’t be misled by the private key logic of cryptography circles

A read of CSW’s blog reveals a lot of confusion, and the smell of the originator is so obvious that such a person would not bother to pretend to be someone else

Yes, there are many, many gains from reading it

well he did use the name satoshi though[Onlooker]

The official website of the court has more specific court documents, look at the original text, do not look at the interpretation, especially do not look at the interpretation of the CSW media all day long, take an oben cong is clearly accused of directionality

Only the originator really CARES about the context of every detail. Creating a system without it requires not only sufficient intelligence, but also the great courage to break the traditional rules. Therefore, the originator’s flavor is obvious, and CSW’s blog is full of this flavor. And the coinage circle can be compared with his person, a person can not see.

Conversation : 2020.4.17 ~ 4.21 #

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I hope to hear a lecture on analyzing bitcoin from an Austrian perspective

Only when the bitcoin economy becomes a reality will the Austrian ideology be able to flourish. Thought of economic imperialism come true only in a world without violence intimidation possible, the idea of small government is only effective in purely economic game, war butcher’s knife, small government did not make, qi destroyed in the qin dynasty and song dynasty destroyed in Mongolia and the Ming dynasty destroyed in the qing dynasty are typical economic loss to the military, I before writing basic is already very pure currency used for the Austrian thinking, the details of the differences is because of historical environment, after all, any theory is the dialectical development.

As for the differentiation of the economic school, I think it is similar to the differentiation of the school in physics. The research object is different, the logical starting point is different, and there will be great differences in conclusions in the cross field. The Austrian school emphasizes the understanding of the world from the perspective of individual marginal choice, which is the most appropriate knowledge of human nature. Marxism is to understand the world from the perspective of equalitarianism, which is the most important pursuit of equality. Keynesianism is to understand the world from the perspective of national politics, which is the closest to the existing world political pattern. Chicago school of economics is more from the perspective of engineering practical deconstruction of real problems, is the closest to the real world knowledge. Itself has its applicability and limitations of these sciences may eventually have a kind of knowledge to unify all the knowledge, to complete the grand unified theory in economics, and Darwin’s natural evolution and human development history for this kind of economic thought in fact provides a good thoughts and modeling tools, finally let economics complete humanity, equality, political, and practical in the field of perfect and unified I think is possible. There’s no need to be archaistic. BSV itself brings new variables to the world, just as humans who evolved the frontal cortex differ from other animals.

What is the essential difference between Bsv and BCH? The same expansion route, just the block size

BSV itself is a system built according to the bitcoin white paper, which requires the decentralization of power. The block limit of BCH is expected to grow synchronously with the application expansion. BSV believes that the block size should expand rapidly before the application needs. BCH believes that bitcoin is not perfect, which requires hundreds of years of fast iteration and running in small steps. BSV believes that bitcoin can already do everything, and it needs 10,000 COINS to be returned to one. BCH thinks the bitcoin system should be resistant to government scrutiny, while BSV thinks bitcoin should embrace regulation and law. BCH believes that the function expansion of bitcoin can be completed in the protocol layer, while BSV believes that the function expansion of bitcoin should be completed on metanet on the second layer and the protocol should be locked for a long time. BCH believes that bitcoin will not attract industry chains to join, and BSV believes that the only destination for bitcoin is the return of the 10,000 chain.

In philosophy, BCH doesn’t understand human nature, in economics, BCH doesn’t understand money, and in technology, BCH doesn’t understand how to expand. Right

Understand the underlying unchanged, you can according to the constitution in the eyes of the law of logic, computer von neumann architecture according to the man, the TCP/IP protocol of the Internet to understand the underlying the same logic, the underlying constant mean, there’s no need to extend to change the underlying structure on the function, as far as possible to ensure the stability of the underlying architecture for the upper construction function, every day in change agreement is the result of the power center extremely around the manipulation of the party is complete, the final result is that the fed’s next, if the currency and the next is the result of the fed, I think that the currency is no meaning.

No BSV, headed by Anglo-Saxon white supremacist may not allow China according to the existing economic growth driven the premier beauty refactoring world order, China is not likely to let completely cut off its own area of the rise of western civilization road, a lot of traditional economic problems are likely to be turned into a political question, a rat even passionate thucydides trap reed is waiting ahead of mankind stepping in. Only BSV has the potential to save mankind from the clash of civilisations, modified by Darwinian evolution in the death of political and social, let the world to have the ability to shape the new civilization of human civilization community underlying logic framework, violence and political zero-sum game completely locked into a cage of history, how to praise the contribution of this smart enough, and allow the leader has drawbacks, especially BSV community maturity and powerful symbol.

Key problem is that the game seems to be conducive to the United States, but the United States to play a collapse, large-scale expansion of financial ability, to the United States government has a long-term returns without considering the source of wealth, from gold dollar system chip off a property bubble in the global range, because the U.S. government can put the don’t profligacy is responsible for the money, the United States for decades of cultural colonialism is the overdraft global economic resources to maintain their own armed forces, the consequences of the abuse of strategic resources is now the United States economy as a whole system of unsustainable, print the proceeds as parents give the money, Some day it will run out, and in the end it will take real skill to get a foothold in the modern economic world. When credit runs out, the game of borrowing to sustain growth is lost, and America’s broader economic contraction is foreseeable. On the one hand, the us dollar system is the only supporting framework of the global credit system; on the other hand, the us dollar system is about to collapse due to the long-term credit overdraft.

Every organization as well as life has its sustainable life cycle, the Keynesian political above economic assumptions is the government will never make a mistake, and once the assumption fails, then a monopoly on all social resources to the failure of the government will put all into a recession, and only rely on the separate power and wealth, let the power of the government collapsed, the local people’s personal wealth and security of person still can be protected, excessive power was able to finish the real smooth or eliminated, and this logic can only rely on global can we truly achieve the BSV system to the power center. BSV really opened the door to Darwinian evolution of social government.

A win-win system works for everyone involved: politicians don’t have to worry about being second-guessed, businessmen don’t have to worry about being vilified, the rich don’t have to worry about being communist, and the poor don’t have to worry about starving to death. To solve these problems, first of all you need in the field of global public honesty system, lies in the field of public because of multidimensional data source and is easy to burst, a thief cost because of the existence of honest books and infinitely high, a thief returns because of the money back is easy to the infinite low, can really achieve the little thief even in theory there is no thief. The future of humanity does not need the life-and-death political game logic, who and who is the one who really need, not just the social competition under the improvement of logic, but the only way to break fear political suspicion chain, is the only credible public BSV credit database system, this is the need to go on the way for a long time, the road may be tortuous, but the destination is clear.

BSV is technically a set of credit database books all over the world, in the sense of sociology is essentially a set honesty system for social improvement tools, so involved in a lot of economic, political, financial, philosophical topics, see for a long time the content of this group of become accustomed to, if it is not used to climb a building inside can be to this group of historical records, ensure are BSV continuation of the topic, if there is a problem, can at any time up for discussion

Actually look at the history of BSV, as if to see a live human development, a world for honest world good product (BSV) out of good ideas, when its value shown first captured by speculators (BTC advocated cash only stay up), and then captured by imitators (ETH, EOS), and then captured by anarchists (BCH), and then captured by various criminals (all kinds of fake currency), and then captured by centralized authority organizations (Libra, national chain), which is the thousands of years of human civilization honesty how difficulties and obstacles on the road, A simple but valuable and even beneficial honest quality in the real world still has so many obstacles, and in the fog of power and wealth, a careless, will stumble, the progress of society and the development of civilization is really not easy.

The emergence of central bank digital currency will not benefit anonymous currency

The essence of DCEP is actually the central bank’s version of WeChat payment or alipay payment, which is to change the operator. The central bank’s idea is to control the money bag of all the citizens, and this demand may be in nature contradictory to the needs of the people. National wealth and national wealth will form a zero-sum game in many cases.

DCEP may be the food stamp of the new age

Golden circle securities

Yes, on the project, DCEP can restrict the directional flow of money, maybe specify that you can only buy certain goods or even specify that you can only buy certain brands, and the engineering logic can be implemented on the code.

Disobedience can wipe out your assets at any time

In the short term, the large silver dollar notes that are taken and seized are favorable to the rule


For thousands of years, human development has prioritized the logic of violence over the logic of economics.

DCEP or Libra, or later CBDC, are basically variants of M0. Is M0 the real problem with modern inflation systems? Obviously not. If you look at M2, you can understand the logic of money issuance. The printing press is too slow.

通胀也有好处吧?通胀合理的话  就业率也会好,你看中国从1978年  不断在通胀  但是生活水平也有巨大提高啊,只要不是恶性的通胀
Inflation is good, isn’t it? Employment would be fine if inflation were reasonable, you see China has been inflating since 1978 but living standards have also improved dramatically, as long as it’s not hyperinflation

Inflation is taking money out of your pocket every day to make you nervous and get to work

It’s good for the country to print a lot of money, it’s good for employment, it’s good for consumerism, it’s good for the future and it’s good for the present, like morphine.

As long as it is not like the gold and silver of the fever of the national government

Keynes’s theory of moderate inflation is a toxic legacy

The fruits of China’s reform and opening up cannot be attributed to the inflation system. The fruits of reform and opening up are due to the government’s willingness to try new things, introduce new technologies and replace political movements with political development, which is the foundation of development

It is only a matter of time before moderate inflation turns into hyperinflation

I think deflation is more scary, as long as the income generated by economic development can beat inflation

This is the inherent contradiction of paper money economy

So what BSV is trying to build is an inflationary or a deflationary economic model

Non-inflationary, non-deflationary, balanced economy

@任小重 真实世界在金属货币体系中是度过了几千年的,所以说通胀好于通缩属于一种政治谎言,我先去吃饭了,吃完饭展开讲通胀逻辑。
The real world has been in a metal monetary system for thousands of years, so it is a political lie to say that inflation is better than deflation.

只要经济发展带来的收入能跑赢通胀就可以?   意思是:只要你的工资能跑赢我从你口袋掏钱的速度就好了。。
As long as the income from economic development can beat inflation? As long as your salary beats the rate at which I can take money out of your pocket.

是这个逻辑,你看改革开放的这40年就是这个逻辑,货币确实在贬值,但是生活水平40年确实有进步,人们能赚到的钱 跑过了政府从口袋里面拿走的,当然我不是说 中国的经济发展就是靠通胀 @刘晔律师   我同意你的观点
It’s the logic, you see the 40 years of reform and opening up is the logic, the currency does depreciate, but the standard of living does improve in 40 years, the money people can earn has run out of the government’s pocket, of course I’m not saying China’s economic development is based on inflation @liu ye lawyer I agree with you

We were lucky for 40 years, but it was soon over. There have been several, though not many, periods of peace and prosperity in Chinese history that have lasted 30 or 40 years.

The renminbi is not the logical origin of inflation


我以前就是个市场自由派  看完了哈耶克的自由宪章的前两章 就更加坚定了我的看法

@任小重 相关性≠因果性

政府不从老百姓身上拿钱是不可能的 要么就收税 要么就通胀  发达国家收税的权利被严格限制   就只有通胀了  不然政府破产了 啥都玩完


以前中国银本位的时候  不就是政府只能收税吗?律师说的平衡经济是什么?



Bitcoin economy is an economy that has not appeared in human history, which needs to be practiced and explored. It’s just that we don’t have to be shackled by existing economic theories. The impact of a novel coronavirus on human economics and theory is unprecedented


When there is a lot of inflation in China, because after the reform and opening up, produce a large amount of foreign exchange quotas, home also can print the corresponding money to give the foreign trade enterprise, then the binding us dollar, the dollar to print more and more, the RMB with the print, the more it is to follow after the internationalisation of the renminbi dollars toward a knock-on effect, belong to the younger brother follow the logic of eldest brother, so China’s inflation initial logic is actually a process into the international financial order, be regarded as a passive process.

As for the logic of global inflation, this is from fiat gold standard to fiat from a continuous developing process of the gold standard, is the beginning of the blanket to lower the price of fiat, in the seventy s, the dollar out of the bretton woods agreement, have entered the era of fiat inflation, inflation, the fed is very guilty, I remember when the fed rate is to rise to about 20%, it’s just smoking and the young man and a bit guilty a truth, wait for operator, you see a disaster today trillions of dollars in direct expansion, old smokers have become accustomed to, to death, Smoke a day to indulge oneself for a day anyway not quit, the mess to the people behind clean up. But can the young, as future successors, let the mess rot, the global credit system collapse as soon as the dollar does? That is the embarrassment the inflation system has to face today. It is addicted to morphine.

Political and economic relations, like a big lobster clip and the relationship between the body, not the tongs, got killed by other lobster, big clip is too big, the body nutrition is a dead end, the clip size is determined by what is determined by the environment, the free market, like small government centralized political like big government, but the really big government or small government, also look at the external competitive environment. The rise of China has a lot of external resistance. It may push small government to be eaten up long ago. Big government has expanded military power and international influence. What does the BSV system bring? The BSV system enables people to trust each other. In the future, many things may not need the competition between the government and the military.


Deflation if you have any questions, be sure there is, first of all is the basic local deflation is equal to the capital outflows, suggests that regional competitiveness is abate, the government regardless of the place were eliminated, comprehensive deflation could bring money enough problems, the issue currency is never less than, 2.1 quadrillion, trading unit is not belong to the unique metal currency problem, happened many times in history, if not enough COINS, then split unit is a bit more, the deflation of the biggest problems, I think it’s exploitation of the problems of intergenerational inheritance, if there is no friction or friction between generations is very small, So some of the stupid descendents of the rich may not be able to make some of the smart descendents of the poor, which is essentially where Marx’s theory of communism comes from.

In short, has a lot to the historical limitations of Keynesian and applicability, different environments require different forms of government, let people around the government essentially change the human nature, for the government to have people around just political reform, from the difficulty in speaking is far, I don’t like big government, as humans would have to evolve into ants or bees, but now China’s rise is not without big government, white supremacist and put an end to the pride and prejudice of socialism democracy will not be broken, human is hard to enter the next era - social form of evolution.

At present, China’s M2 monetary aggregate is 200 trillion yuan, the base money is 30 trillion yuan, and the credit money created by Banks is over 160 trillion yuan. Modern market economy countries mainly rely on debt to issue credit currency. The more credit money, the more debt, the more total interest, the formation of all walks of life to work for the bank interest slavery. The central bank’s main task is to keep prices rising at a moderate pace to meet the profitability of capital investment.


An error system, each of these participants suffering like the prisoner’s dilemma, a system of the right, everyone can find their own position and mutual benefit and win-win, and the evolution of the system is the need to constantly of trial and error, allowed to make mistakes really system is the system, and now the big leader dare making mistakes, a careless is the abyss, cautious political ecology reflects the real system is need to be greatly improved.

From the perspective of national game, countries have their own reasons and reasons to do so. Therefore, it is said that the current international pattern needs to be transformed to the marrow, and BSV is the weapon of transformation. The community of Shared future of mankind needs the protection of human honesty and credit database to eliminate the chain of suspicion and usher in a new chapter.


Just now, ali cloud announced: the next three years to invest 200 billion, for the cloud operating system, server, chip, network and other major core technology research and development and data center construction.

The research results of XG laboratory of dharma hospital and flathead brother will be firstly applied in aliyun’s next generation data center. Core self-development technologies such as feitian cloud operating system, optical 800 chip, dpca server, self-research cloud switch, high-performance low-latency network, and large computing system cluster will be deployed in the cloud data center on a large scale.

I think that justice through violence is part of violence itself, as it is in China, as it is in other countries, as it is in the United States. To achieve true justice, you need to do it nonviolently, and those who do it now are eliminated by violence, and I hope that BSV will help to do it everywhere in the future.

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History is the gene of a civilization, throw history doesn’t make sense to talk about civilization, profiling is not good is evil binary plauralistic structure in the form of civilization essence is being lazy, democracy has its suitable scope and applicable period, even if it is really good, and it wasn’t by beating others meal can solve, gradual improvement, to face the problem is a good step of social reform, the tiger wondered why the rabbit don’t eat meat, bees are curious why don’t other animals social, the social gene is different, different social form, apply the political stage, gradually improve the occasion, step by step is a region to get rich is a good way.

No state violence backing machine, the current international law order is a joke, use the law to solve international problems especially big contradiction, it is almost impossible to down who listen to, the truth is that the world is a world of multiple civilizations coexist, intolerance doesn’t solve problems, the existence of nuclear weapons could make people disappear together, and to solve the clash of civilisations, face up to the differences of civilization, system, stage of development, through the interests of the community of human civilization, uniting all talent is a real problem solving ideas, also is the human for future American hegemony era should really be thinking about something.

Down racial differences, the differences of civilization, difference, the difference of ideology, is a how difficult things, I believe that is easy to understand, a small group of there are different opinions, let alone a country and even each different historical civilization, and establish human public credit database, let all people can use a system of discourse reconstruction honest power civilization framework, I think it’s possible to eliminate the suspicion chain frame of civilization, which is BSV system to humans in the future to provide the highest value, and we are always in the direction of the struggle for the thinking of, see complain about problems is not the right direction, Seeing the problem and finding the cure is the way out.


BSV won’t care about you is American or Chinese, it is Christianity or atheism, is white or yellow, it is capitalism or socialism, is democratic or authoritarian, BSV only care about you do contribution for the world have a person willing to pay for the only true wealth equality can bring full political equality and personality equality, or relying on any centralized solution, nature is all the people as the center be forgotten, the United States or the federal reserve is no exception.

So my final conclusion is that the current human far haven’t master the best social form, without trial and error try more political just an ego continuously until the self-destruction of machine, and in order not to let political destruction with all people go to hell, we need to use honest power rules to limit the power of the government system, and then let them orderly competition, superior bad discard, complete social form of peaceful evolution.




The civilization upgrade brought by the BSV system is a kind of peaceful coexistence, peaceful coexistence, lofty feelings in the world, the scenery of the top of the mountain without boundaries. This is a new (heart) world that is visible and difficult to see. After all, it subverts the underlying operating rules of the whole traditional society.

Comparing the ponzi properties of other COINS, BSV has been going in the right direction. As a Bsver, we should give BSV some time to let various applications fall and explode. In addition, we should try to understand the relevant information from the source
When reviewing and the content of the court hearing, can focus on the public see translation, lawyer liu 】 【 could also benefit from the high less “to return to the genesis of https://metanet.press and He Yan recreating.org/bsv began learning to create COINS, combined with our group communication content http://www.recreating.org/economics will better understand the deeper.

I sincerely thank Lao luo for your sermon, which has enabled me and the group friends who have not changed the thinking of BTC to deepen our understanding of BSV and feel your many excellent qualities in the communication process. Thank you

BSV is regulated does that mean that you can regulate the way money is used?

I think we should stop promoting "pandering to regulation” and overcorrect it. BSV is just not anti-government, not illegal.
Don’t think about it much beyond that. A new technology, in the legal realm, nothing more. In other technologies, few people ask these questions.

COINS are asymmetric encryption, which means that if you know a person breaking the law, so his history can be traced back to the government, to ensure that the criminals to run not to drop, but the government to put everyone supervised the records of consumption, that is not reality, finds out every cryptography identity because it is not realistic, can only find one. The traceability of large amounts of money in monetary and financial circulation is the cornerstone of anti-money laundering laws all over the world.

Currency after the success of the future will be, there must be two very different government attitude, is a kind of support, is a kind of opposition, and the currency can only do is to make the support of his local leading economic construction, and then let all the government had to join the currency system, as if all had not joined the global trade country finally missed the industrial revolution, let others miss industry is the biggest punishment for the opponents the currency system.

To succeed, bitcoin needs to overthrow the colonial rule of the dollar.

No, it can be done in parallel. The dollar system will rot on its own. Bitcoin is not a challenger but a savior.

When everyone messes up, bitcoin automatically takes over when fiat money and countries cannot be trusted. Saving the world from a credit crunch is bitcoin’s greatest contribution.

What bitcoin wants to change is the law of the jungle of world politics and the doctor of the world’s health. It is very important to wait for the patient to come to us. He thinks he is not sick, and you put him to bed for surgery.

Bitcoin needs to wait for libra,dcep, country chain, regional chain, global legal currency system, BTC and other private chains to mess up, and then finally out of the chain, return to the king.

Bitcoin is not currently eligible to compete with fiat currencies.

The white paper doesn’t say it’s going to completely replace fiat money, does it?

The white paper is part of the plan and there will be no mention of fiat money

说句实话DCEP搞砸应该不太可能,国家站台的项目是说没就没的?想什么呢 这可是m0属性,比特币没了DCEP都不会没,虽然我并不喜欢这玩意 但事实如此。
To tell you the truth, it’s unlikely that DCEP will mess up. What do you think? This is an m0 property. Bitcoin doesn’t die without DCEP, which I don’t like, but it does.

Bitcoin:A Peer To Peer Electronic Cash System,比特币:一种点对点的电子支付系统,并没有提到比特币是一种货币。

Bitcoin is a billing system, and dcep is legal currency

There is no English translation for the Chinese word for “currency.” cash and currency are slightly different

Fiat is my ra collapse theory, CSW nor predict fiat collapse, this is not a universally recognized theory, also has not been widely discussed and validation of the facts, so in addition to this group of people, others should be don’t know, but this argument is my original research of COINS, so I to explain the logic here, I can say, you can listen to, the fact how to still want to see the real world.


Fiat system’s inflation rate has been fed by the inflation rate of about 2%, the fed inflation according to the basic fact that the difference between the performance and the data to continuously adjust interest rates (of course also consider other factors, but the rate of inflation is the main index), the high inflation rates will turn off the faucet and low inflation will cut interest rates on faucets, this is the legal tender in decades the basic logic of the world.

However, the logic of inflation has given birth to a financial fact, that is, taking cash cannot maintain its value. A long-term cash reserve is essentially sending money with inflation interest rate to the country, which will be swallowed up by the country after a long time. When people in order to combat inflation, people are going to have to through the banking system to increase profits, while the unordered competition of the banking system may make bank failures, so central Banks had to enforce a minimum reserve ratio, in order to prevent financial run lead to bank failure behavior, and fiat have a safe life and death - the reserve requirement ratio, the higher the ratio, the security system, the lower the ratio, the easier system runs on risk. And because all depositors and the financial system depended on the banking system to survive, the economy bled to death when the banking system failed, creating the first too-big-to-fail financial system.

Modern finance is the equivalent of forcing everyone onto the gambling table. Replacing fiat money is personal prediction, even personal ideals, but not as a slogan, at least for 10 years

Bank the money after receiving the customer, because they cannot afford to lock in a warehouse not to spend, because it will cause inflation loss, so all Banks’ liquidity assets investment have to go out, complete financial their profits, that risk investment itself is a kind of behavior, after all the money is forced to go, actually creates the first heavy liquidity risk, the money could be used to buy national debt, could be used to buy corporate debt, could be used to mortgage, could be used in other types of investment, and this kind of investment behavior, has led many do not have financial attributes of products completely turned into a financial product itself, such as the U.S. debt is considered to be the safest assets, Real estate is regarded as a good investment target, which is the real feedback brought by the excess liquidity. The debt is not used to repay, but to invest, and the house is not used to live, but to invest, which causes the long-term bubble of stock market, bond market and property market to become the economic reality.

For local government authorities, fiat inflation is a set of intergenerational game Nash equilibrium of the system, once the first generation of leaders decided to start the expansion of the inflation system (for the United States, it is out of the gold standard in the seventy s), then the essence in overdraw the future of the whole system of credit, and for the next governor successor, they almost don’t have any choice, only to continue the game logic. For example, if a governor comes to power and his ruling local government has a debt of 100 million yuan on its books, will he pay it back? He won’t, because he take place if the income to pay off debts, the construction of the place and his political commitment is financial runs, so he is the optimal choice is to continue to borrow more money, part of the interest, also part for economic development and complete her political commitment on stage, this makes the debt snowball roll would be more bubbles, the greater the until region debt bankruptcy, essentially a lot of local government debt in China and the United States of the development of the national debt is the logic of slowly.

Can national central Banks, which are the monetary source of the inflation system, stop this inflationary expansion? Nature also cannot, because the world is essentially a multilateral trade game system, the development of the national and foreign trade development has the most direct relation, and the essence of foreign trade growth is a multinational game market behavior, the devaluation of a nation’s legal tender in they country goods relatively have the price advantage, on the other hand, if a country yuan appreciation, so their country’s goods prices rise will bring the export of foreign trade system is damaged, so in order to expand exports and trade surplus, fiat system is essentially a price game battlefield, price war game system determines, once someone started to fall, Others must follow this strategy until a new price equilibrium is reached, so central Banks seem capable of determining inflation, but their national identity leaves them no choice in the international devaluation game.

Under the dual dislocations of local governments and local central Banks, fce inflation is an irreversible and even growing process, somewhat like a snowball, which at first appears to be a small ball of snow and eventually causes an avalanche as time and distance increase. A rising inflation rate would force central Banks to cut interest rates and reserve requirements, printing more money to ease the system’s credit crunch. However such behavior once in the environment of market economy, can cause the real interest rate is negative, the meaning of the so-called real interest rates is the bank’s interest is less than the real inflation, which creates a lending spree of the whole system, because in this system, to borrow money is to earn money, so all the people who can borrow money, have tried to borrow money, borrow money is no longer a risk behavior, but the profit behavior, this kind of the behavior of the national debt has become a inflation system to expand the biggest driving force, real estate, equity pledge, a pledge credit pledge, as long as you can think of things, will be mortgaged to the bank, in return for loans.

However, bubble is a bubble, bubble in the field of any broken, will result in financial chain chain reaction, such as a large company’s share price fell, due to the company for stock pledge, so Banks have to hold the liquidation assets, but the bank’s assets liquidation, and could directly lead to a company or an industry meltdown, once the dominoes in the banking system, containers will be easy to clean out the reserves of the financial system, cause the whole system of the credit crunch. So, even for real reformers, this system also is hopeless, this highly interconnected system problems, just like a cancer has spread to the whole body of the patient is a truth, not to remove cancer is dead, removed the cancer, all dies, the system is no turning back, by the strongman interference. Reserve once the banking system by implosion, countries have to infinite printing money out of credit for the whole system, as the federal reserve’s performance, but it is essentially in morphine, did not solve the problem, the only delay the question, with morphine to play more and more, the fiat money system of credit is worse and worse, when fiat inflation has long than local development speed, people have real into a full-blown recession, fiat system collapse is inevitable at this time, all people don’t believe that fiat, hyperinflation came, then state what do doesn’t matter, Because everyone no longer believes in the state.

When I introduced the process, is not to join the currency, that is to say, fiat disaster since it began on the first day of the planted hidden danger, after the end of its life cycle, if there is no other credit carrier to rebuild trust, then will happen many times in the history of Chinese regime change or war phenomenon, because of the old rules have been broken, the new consensus has not yet found, people must to be ranked by force, and then by the winner to define the new rules. Rational power is limited after all, the beauty of the market is very fast it will give all participants feedback, there is no market rules and political field, a political policy, most of the time whether good or bad is defined by the rulers itself, but the knock-on effect will happen after so many years, it is by all the people, under this case, the politicians are more likely to overdraw the future meet eyes, like napoleon’s famous phrase about “after my death even if the deluge,” admitted that political limitations, therefore, will distinguish the life of the political system and the fate of human is the ultimate fate of BSV system development, There is no higher tribute to the reform of government than to let the government get it wrong and not to let everyone suffer. A good system benefits everyone, even the political actors.

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 9 : 产业区块链


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比特币经济学 1 : 开讲
比特币经济学 2 : 法律
比特币经济学 3 : CSW
比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调
比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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