比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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Conversation : 产业区块链 2020.4.22 ~ 4.28 #










Today we are going to talk about blockchain in the industry. Tencent, baidu, huawei, ali, wal-mart, facebook, amazon, Microsoft, softbank, Google is very cattle company, has a good technical ability and the development strategic insight, I believe they also have the ability to develop very good block chain application software and landing scenario, however, the final home to return to block chain must be belong to a chain, the reasons are the following several aspects.

Any enterprise has its unique development genes, such as tencent is the social gene, this made him do social software is quite handy, but also extended to other areas is not necessarily useful, even if tencent’s strategic vision is strong enough to see the chain blocks, the trend of the future, the enterprise gene but he may not allow it to do so. Have a piece of meat, such as the cliff saw also came to the lion, strength again big also useless, the meat can be found after it crows away, because the crow have wings, crow gene is more suitable for rob to the meat, this is the genetic ability determines the enterprise’s development direction, strategic ability to a lot of time can’t make up for the inadequacy of genes, a better strategy is to give full play to their own genetic advantage find the fruits of their own turf, tencent clap nets essence is the gene to be not moved before the enterprise internal development disorder, and tencent is very wise, gave up next to play games, Instead of investing in electricity gene of jingdong, far good strategy is not a lot of time, but is deeply understand what is suitable for what is not suitable for, so when big companies find their corporate gene is not suitable for all belong to a chain, they will become the promoters and participants to a chain, because they have good capacity for strategic vision and layout.

So what kind of ecological gene is needed for all chain alignment of blockchain?

(1) : political neutrality, no country is willing to put their own national security and credit database in someone else’s hands, so it would rule out almost all the Chinese background of enterprise, because of the ideology difference makes the natural with the international community, especially the western developed countries political discrimination for Chinese enterprises, Chinese companies have natural political background is the stereotype of the western world, the United States to huawei’s attitude is the symbolization of stereotypes, and obviously with us regulatory color block chain, non-western countries such as China, Russia, also can have the concerns, This chain of political suspicion does not require hard evidence, and ideological differences cannot be bridged in a short time.

Stability, (2) : agreement block is an ecological chain, allow all things belong to a chain on the chain is the premise of a stable and predictable rules, which make it sound so easy, almost difficult than ascend day to do it, because any one rule set, will face the real world of multiplayer gaming environment, a 2% inflation rate is likely to bring the fed fiat world level of game, the agreement is a stable set how much difficulty, born in the history of human civilization can truly sustainable evolution of the stability pact is extremely rare, and refinements to the technical field of the stability pact is almost not, So the stability pact is more than just a matter of not change agreement, and you can deal in the long game process, keep the validity, balance and sustainable development, this is in addition to the BSV, the difficulty of the chain to achieve equivalent to other blocks from scratch again another invention COINS, Internet, computer, the emergence of the civilization level of industrial innovation is very occasionally, belongs to not repeat of his inspiration.

(3) : long time credit, credit and technology, the technology itself, as long as can solve the problem is that good technology and credit needs time to accumulate, that is to say, a good technical and not immediately block chain system, still need to be long enough to become the source of credit, it also determines the software development iteration method is not suitable for block chain agreement, because each iteration is broke the original credit framework, and the new credit framework whether can succeed, still need long time to observe in the real world, but for the moment to have the longest time and credit context only this astute in BSV system.

(4) : can do all things, all belong to a chain means what you can do all block chain, should be the main chain, it is made in order to be an industry chain, and finally the only books, it is difficult to develop global because can solve a problem not representative can solve all problems, if you can’t solve every problem, then the chain is always waiting to be collected in the chain, but for now, to be able to do all transaction block chain chain, only the BSV chain and other chain industry is the development logic of starting point, and gradually expanded, such logic has created almost insurmountable several problems, such as cross chain logic is hard to overcome, For example, we want tigers to grow wings, which is called cross-chain logic. But it is impossible for tigers to grow wings in real genes, because the sequence of gene development determines the digestive system, weight system and evolutionary path of animals with wings are not consistent with tigers. The best cross-chain logic is essentially a one-of-a-kind chain, a block chain that is designed to do everything in the first place.

(5) : the power to the center, the BSV is still not fully achieve this layer, but the current block only BSV chain system have the potential to complete the decentralization of power, the power of the BTC center is the Core team, BCH counterfeit currency such as the power center of developers is the agreement, the power of the dollar centre was the federal reserve, if the world will need a center, the fed has almost is a perfect example of the centralized system, the fed is concerned about commercial interests, also about the political interests, the fed is centralized in the world that the development of the world for decades anchored, I find it hard to imagine a centre of the financial system to be as rational as the federal reserve, restraint, but the fed also inevitably make mistakes, as said yesterday, once the world has the authority center, then all resources will be absorbed power central black hole, and once the power center collapse, the entire system is only human, so the currency the biggest advantage of decentralization, I think that is the stability pact has brought the decentralization of power, when all the nodes can be eliminated, any node fault will not enlarge to the entire system, people will soon find alternative collapse node, This provides a very good source of power for the logical upgrade of the underlying civilization of the whole world.

: the affinity of law, law is the crystallization of the development of human civilization, but also the memory of civilization itself, there is no legal system to protect the human race, the human race will instantly fall into the dark jungle abyss, the cost of cooperation between people will become extremely high, this also explains the anarchists will never go far. Anarchists can either become a rabble or a dictator who monopolizes all social discourse in order to prevent social disintegration, so anarchists are even more dangerous than dictators, who may have conscience concerns about their country and their people, and anarchists almost certainly lead to disorder and chaos. Without legal affinity anonymous COINS and fight censorship coin essence is the continuation of the anarchism, they feel just on yourself, but once a country collapse, again good also can refugees as personal ability, to improve system are far better than no, knocking down all social improvement ideas are dangerous and irresponsible.

So, all is not to say that an industry chain development belongs to a chain to the eldest brother can accomplish on their own evolutionary logic block chain, but it is a must carry a clear-cut stand, at the outset what block chain construction train of thought, only a chain unto a block chain can really have gathered all industry data dimensions, breadth, depth, to become the world the truth, the only source of human wealth protection safety and personal safety and security system of honesty and credit of contract, a suspicion to break all civilization and separation of the underlying framework of civilization.

One of the things that I think is interesting recently is that in today’s politics, fiat money can actually be viewed as an PoS. Even though fiat money’s initial intentions may be relatively neutral, the growing interest groups themselves can influence it politically. Take, for example, structural inflation. The mode of legal coin may be referred to by PoS

Fiat money or POS is not neutral from the beginning of creation, from the gene has been planted cancer.

PoW is relatively new to PoS, and before that, free markets, including currencies, were hard to defend. Free markets gave rise to giants such as trusts, which quickly merged with political power and in turn interfered with free markets. And the world economy is once again being distorted into a patchwork of regulated markets for a few. This is the process of capitalism moving towards imperialism, because there is no firm enough force to prevent political power, and the free competitive market moves towards a firm pattern of differential distribution of interests. PoW may prevent this.

TsiMing Ho:
I have analyzed in the video that pow is the most efficient means of entropy reduction, and no other scheme is as stable as pow

POW is a black hole on earth

对的,POW是地球上的黑洞。文章最后一句说了,比特币 SHA256 矿机挖矿所消耗电力的是资源,Metanet 上不断积累的信息亦是资源。如今,一方面 BSV 内修贤德不断提升以容纳万物,另一方面中本聪初心不改坚持不懈欲以正其名义,萝卜与大棒双管齐下,距离 BTC 这个庞氏骗局泡沫破灭还有多久呢?让我们拭目以待。
Right, POW is the black hole on earth. The power consumed by the SHA256 mining machine is a resource, and the information accumulated on Metanet is also a resource. How long will it be before the bubble of the BTC ponzi scheme bursts? Let’s wait and see.

Fiat is the best centralized currency, metal currency behind not private firms of silver ticket such as tokens, itself reserves risk bigger, because people don’t know how much is their reserve requirements, they can only by increasing the sunk costs (high grade decoration, increase network nodes) and raise interest rates to deposit-taking, whether increase the sunk cost or increase interest, is likely to be at the expense of the reserve requirement ratio at the expense of, in the end may be large firms collapsed overnight, this makes the reliability of the financial system is small, the trade friction is very big, firm runs, so through the national credit, It is the rational choice of almost all countries to eliminate the financial security chain of suspicion and establish the minimum reserve system. But fiat also can’t get away from all the disadvantages of centralized system, its itself also has a life cycle, early life to flourish, mid game life, life, the end of the floor pour all fiat inflation is not interest group in the late, but if it does not do so, the whole system collapses, so save fiat system it was useless to try, and let people live forever, like the right thing to do is to create a new set of does not rely on the old system of trust system, complete trust system excessive of peace, this also is the meaning of the BSV theory of Noah’s ark.

Sure enough, the last competitor is fiat currency. I remember that the analysis of BSN and dcep last year copied many technologies of BSV

BSV itself is a peer-to-peer network based on miners, while BSN is at best an access network based on state permission. BSV is obviously politically neutral, and BSN is a typical project dominated by a single country. The future of BSV is the theory of ecological development without power center. No matter how BSN develops, it is still a grip of centralized power. The credit source of BSV is the honest credit of multi-dimensional multi-subject data compared with each other. The credit source of BSN is the authoritative credit of large enterprises and governments. BSV’s competitive strategy is the market competitive strategy with leading efficiency, while BSN’s competitive strategy is more an extension of political strategy with political priority. BSV is a new international modern financial order, and BSN is the technical integration scheme of China’s multi-chain game. The upper limit of BSV is to reconstruct the logic framework of human power, and the upper limit of BSN is the LAN of national politically sensitive data. It looks like the same thing, but it’s really two species.

Whenever you have a digital currency anchored to the dollar, use BSV

Sooner or later. Currencies will always migrate to lower transaction costs. Think about why USDT moved from BTC to ETH to TRX because of transaction costs. This trend will not stop

Now the BSV no explosion, mainly because the chain block industry also in subsidies, did not enter the commercial landing stage, the traditional big companies, clairvoyance, ensemble of vc institutions of government and of unknown sleep folded block chain industry and leek inject a large amount of subsidies to the industry, so as long as there is a name of chain blocks are feeling now, and the world. However, if the blockchain industry is truly established, what users care about is:

  1. Whether the transaction cost is cheap enough, it basically eliminates the small chain like BTC.
  2. Whether the transaction speed is fast enough, this basically eliminates the series computing resource mode like ETH.
  3. Whether the application market of blockchain is large enough, it basically eliminates many single functional chains.
  4. Whether the legalization of block chain is standard enough, which basically eliminates the anonymous currency such as BCH and munro currency and the anti-censorship chain.
  5. Whether the judging rules of blockchain are internationalized enough, which basically eliminates the national chain with too obvious political tendency.
  6. Whether there are enough data dimensions of blockchain to bring more credit support, it basically eliminates all the industry chains dominated by large enterprises.
  7. The sustainable evolution of the block chain environment basically eliminates the equity voting chain based on POS mechanism.
  8. Whether the technical legality of blockchain is guaranteed, it basically eliminates the private chain that does not do patent construction at all.
  9. Whether the credit system of blockchain is sustainable in the time dimension, which basically eliminates most chains that can only survive on subsidies. Rich of time, who looks like a leader, ebb tide, just know who’s been swimming naked, really understand the logic of BSV, to understand the future and the past in the field of block chain, chain blocks in all walks of life really fall to the ground, the astute vision in BSV technology structure and advantages can be embodied in every transaction details, before that, the claims of the spooky: time estimated to last for a while.




Main chain, tencent, ali I don’t think China has a lot of opportunities, but should also have the chance to giant level, industry application and Internet come out later, many Internet ecological head, BSV major contrast is the Internet, ecological chain is the main corresponding on the Internet all kinds of applied ecology, this is my understanding.

Ecology can be transplanted, such as the Chinese state-controlled bharat sanchar nigam to block the main chain of the chain of industry to unify, the following construction company might focus on industry application, if after the state-controlled bharat sanchar nigam washed-up, industry application logic of logic, the industrial chain, ecological logic, profits are ready, directly can change to have the development potential of main chain.

Insurance is a contract can be written as intelligence, property right verification can also be done through the chain resources, it can increase the credibility of insurance, can also be for the government to save a lot of the cost of maintenance of server, a lot of this kind of application, as long as there is the realm of public information, there are trust and cost problems, block chain is mainly to solve the problem.

Ali, tencent is to solve the block chain industry engineering and business problems of BSV system solve the problems of the is the underlying logic of human civilization, dimensions is not the same, solve the difficulty is far, can be compared with BSV invention may be paper, steam engine, computer, Internet, and the engineering innovation problems is tens of thousands every year, literally a graduate may can apply for a heap.

Is there any chance of any conflict between ali and tencent’s patent and doctor’s

There are tens of thousands of patents in the blockchain field

When there will be a international patent applications in patent examination, and if there is conflict, new patents will not pass, will be withdrawn or modified, so as long as it is the international patent, dividing line is clear, if there is a patent conflict, the practice of big companies are commonly as far as possible reduce the conflict of laws, through the exchange of the patent right or patent royalties way to achieve a win-win situation, really the seat, are generally considered how to how a win-win cooperation.

State-controlled bharat sanchar nigam itself is a good strategy, can be integrated block chain in the field of normal force, can give a legal identity labels on block chain enterprises, can let the industry chain has a unified competition platform, can make the whole block has a false start international chain industry opportunities, can share various block chain advantage resources, can provide credit endorsement for early application block chain,. However, the final probability is similar to the fate of the national foreign trade network and the people’s search. In many cases, the innovation projects that take the lead in politics cannot escape the characteristics of slow genetic adaptability and can play an excessive role, so that the application of the block chain industry in China can have a training site to achieve the historic mission.

How to let ali tencent ping an steal to the front, afraid of being suppressed by them later

Block chain in the specific industry application of the patent is endless, who has the advantage. There is no eu on the list, you can guess whether the eu will use the Chinese chain or the American chain in the future. The coinage circle is the coinage without chain ecology, and the coinage circle is the coinage without chain ecology, which is the castration version of BSV. The essence of castration is “we need an honest world, except those who master the rules.

It means that only BSV can combine the coinage with the chain chain

At present, yes, unless the BSV system suffers political persecution or blockchain fails to find applications for a long time, these probabilities may not be large, but risk factors still need to be considered.

The number of applications from alibaba and tencent is large, the authorization rate is actually very low

No currency block incentives is a big problem, the infrastructure must ultimately depends on the main chain of the project project owner to host infrastructure upgrades, and block chain itself was given a centralized organization should not be long-term contribution to profits, so this kind of architecture of like BCH tax miners dead circulation, keep the logic chain, ecological die, keep the ecological construction of logic, the cost will be high, in the chain of finally lost the main chain, chain cost problem is besides BSV system on a never around in the past, a good structure should be a very good ductility and environment adaptability, Once the problem is solved with complex thinking, the problem will become more and more complex, and finally be killed by its own complexity. Simplicity is very important for the public platform.


Honest world of logic and the logic of the world power is conflicting, want not to offend anyone is to put the new system, this is the consistent idea of the construction of large enterprises, but the new industry a lot of time not grow natural linear, but the logic of the original world subvert our innovation in a dry and then to complete the new king of upper, think that year ali not only kill the traditional offline retail mode smoothly, tencent is also standing on telecom operators only achievements of today’s social Wang Guome head, so that new field need new genes, and the genes of old enterprise has finalized the design, power and can’t solve every problem.

Blocks in the main chain of the chain of logic has been identified, the white paper in 2008, so the real need to protect the core must have very limited number of patents, I remember Shadders said in an interview his task is to let his retirement as soon as possible, it also suggests that the construction of the main chain logic is basically over, no amount of technology can solve the issues of some engineering problems or industry chain, to block chain in each branch in the field of construction, it is sea situation, after the ecological construction in the chain of battlefield not worse than now COINS ring battlefield, Bloodletting, capital butcher’s knife, old and new alternate also can be the normal phenomenon of ecological growth.

Can you think of it as, for example, building a house, we have a patent on the library type and the layout of all the houses, how they build it, what materials they use to build it, how they do it, how they do it, as long as the floor is finished, the house will use the library type patent we applied for

Can understand so, BSV itself is a kind of network structure and the way of data exchange, data specific to the real world, how the data on the chain, how to get to the business process, how to implement the data multi-dimensional interaction, how to develop long-term credit data, how to implement the business logic of the cash, how to complete the data logical upgrades, this requires chain ecological completed in constant competition and trial and error, the more dimension data source, data upload the main body, the greater the amount of data accumulation, the more the longer data accumulated, false data accountability system more perfect, the more likely it is that the data is honest In the end, the development will become the only source of truth in the world. Only this power can transcend the political logic and the logic of violence, and finally heal the inherent hostility and suspicion of human beings through honesty, and complete the upgrading of the underlying logic of civilization from violence to honesty. Without the only account of the world, the subject of the control system between multiple accounts will never be able to put down the hostility to the competitors, the only truth is also not to talk about, said to go, finally or see who’s hard, who has more money, the road to honesty can only be forged by the honesty itself.

Today is Winklevoss brothers and BM on both sides of the line, tomorrow is li xiaolai and wu jihan these early participants of the uncertainty, the day after tomorrow is the coinage of the once big V of the rush to the end is the coinage of leeks regret not at the outset, Winklevoss brothers have switched sides, the first domino has begun to fall.

BM is in line?

BM has previously said that bitcoin does not necessarily refer to BTC in particular, and that he has invested part of BSV to hedge nakamoto satoshi risk.

More people are changing their minds about BSV

Don’t read the BSV logic, many of the details of the chain block is a thin, like how to just calculate win the standard industry standards, such as how will disappear after the chain chain subsidies, such as how to deal with cryptography wealth loss problem, such as block chain and legal relationship, such as what is what is decentralized and significance, such as how to think about relationship and chain blocks, such as what logic across the chain should be as the standard, such as COINS how to guarantee its irreplaceability, thoroughly understand the answers to these questions, only read BSV, so the BSV is not just because of this our himself and wonderful, But it is itself a block chain industry of sunflower treasure dian the second half of the book, let the world know this astute in CSW’s identity is not merely a kind of totem worship, but to make all people have the opportunity to really understand what block chain is really an opportunity, when everyone would like to know the truth of the BSV system, chain unto a industry trends is really began.

The BSV community needs to correct one thing: attitude. This smug approach is inappropriate and unprofessional. This negativity has driven away those who could have built or supported the next generation of applications.

On the contrary, BSV has no community, only society. What do you think of BSV? You can build your own community

In essence, the only consensus in the BSV community is probably satoshi nakamoto’s 2008 white paper. All kinds of people have the same understanding and conception of BSV. Those who have theories think that it is impossible for a blind man to touch an elephant. Some people eat melon and pie, just buy some pockets and take a ride. Those who complained that BSV was not the same as I thought, and that satoshi nakamoto had changed his mind. There are those who think that the community should have a first-come-first-served approach according to seniority. The bigger the community is, the greater this kind of diversity is. Grasp your original intention, don’t let the bad voice affect your steps, think about what you want to do, what you can do is the most important thing.

所以呢我觉得现在的BSV缺乏一个点 打破这个点会进入另外的一个天地,并不是不愿意去推动BSV的良性发展,相反有很多人是有心无力缺乏一个主观意识的大局方向
Therefore, I think that the current BSV lacks a point to break this point and will enter another world. It is not that we are unwilling to promote the benign development of BSV, on the contrary, there are many people who have the heart and are unable to lack a subjective consciousness of the overall direction

This is what I want to do in this group, sequence BSV relationship with the real world, sequence politics, economy, history, technology, and the resonance of the BSV system, when the wind came, might be more willing to accept new investors is a new voice and a new train of thought, in the real world of zombie maybe you can find a new way, the wind came, I estimate that this is the CSW chung identity name, before this, we do our own things, strengthen the BSV system framework, theoretical foundation and construction of this will allow others to walk a lot less detours, every journey begins with a single step, The birth of a new world requires the continuous contributions of many, many people, and I agree with you that the BSV community needs to accommodate as many people as possible who don’t know the truth.


Investors, builders, ordinary actors, politicians, entrepreneurs, academics, etc., the participation of each identity behind has practical significance and the extension direction of may, the establishment of a modern joint-stock is to pull the ordinary participants into the capital to the game, to how much activity into the original system can be textual research, pay attention to the participation of common people, therefore, is a mature financial system must take account of the key elements of the pure elitism I also don’t approve of.

BSV system is essentially a peer-to-peer networks, based on all ecological participants is an open platform for the continued evolution, for a truly understand the meaning of decentralized organization, it is the best way as early as possible to participate in the construction of the network, rather than start to build another peer-to-peer networks, network effects on this platform is very obvious, first place at the head of the pack, the second drink soup is less than is the ultimate fate of block chain platform. We just think if tencent’s invoice and wal-mart’s supply chain system is developed on the BSV, so in fact the world chain system and chain retail supply chain system on the invoice can be both sets of system standardization, and themselves as a result, they can only in their stock of users to promote their industry chain, and not to mention the invoice system and through data interface through the supply chain system, this is the information system difference island to block chain system obstacles, and once saw the trend for the development of large companies, a global chain block standard certainly will will be on the agenda, Just as it is true that many of the early lans eventually converge into the Internet, the development cycle of blockchain should be much faster with the industrial thinking of the Internet in front of it. In many cases, a new world may be born when a point is reached. What is lacking is the opportunity to let the traditional masters see it.


Competition between industry chain, the final triple substitutions are actually see who dominated the BSV system of niche, the definition of the system data standardization work, or various industry chain each sing is out of, rather than stakeholders of industry participants, would be more willing to adopt the applicability broader industry standards and data standard, this will make the first occupy the BSV system ecological niche of enterprises of industry leading position is blessing by participants from all over the world, has a leading position and industry standards in the field of the defined rights, this is the BSV ecological appeal to all industry participants, This is the great wind of the next era, the first to see the business will have the next era of ferry tickets, and tickets are limited, first come, first served, first served, first served, so for all the smart people, this is a gunshot, have to participate in the race of the era.

Chain in enterprise competitive dimensions, ali, IBM, chain, wal-mart chain, tencent chain, the chain of huawei, face book chain, the chain of Google, Microsoft chain to develop into whatever kind, they can be hard to eat each other, because the dimension is the ability of overlap each other, are based on the research and development capabilities, products of modern enterprise investment ability and marketing ability, and only based on the power of the original agreement in BSV just shut up on ethics have unify pack, let everybody’s royal descent, because this power is in the block chain to the ultimate source of the world, this is the BSV chain unto a blood relation of giving moral advantage, This is also why many people hope BSV died, the royal family is not dead, one day not to speak of the usurpation, otherwise it is the world back, everyone has to kill the rebellion.

@hslayj 有时间回复下,中本聪正名按照法律程序在7月就该水落石出了,凯文发推说要十月份,那时候又是开大会了,感觉后面还会往后推,因为根本就不需要繁文缛节,证明自己是中本聪真身,Craig博士根本就不想,他要证明自己到底难在哪里呢
Have time to reply, the rectification in accordance with the law in the hearing procedures in July to the bottom, KaiWenFa excuse to October, and it is convention, feeling will push back behind, because don’t need red tape, proved himself in the hearing, Dr Craig didn’t want to be, where he wants to prove himself the difficulty


十月份,律师团队将在英国通过法律证明Csw博士就是中本聪@hslayj 谷歌,苹果,脸书,等其他大型互联网公司,无法攻击Bsv,因为它有强大的专利保护
My understanding is that the tulip case of July, only determine the property ownership of tulip case, said Kevin’s case in October, it should not be tulip case, but he said he was not a libel CSW litigation in the hearing of cases involving people, tulip legal judgment of case is not in CSW this our judgment of identity, the decision is to determine the basic cases, whether he is in our legal opinion of the objective facts.

In October, a team of lawyers in the UK will prove that Dr Csw is satoshi nakamoto, apple, facebook and other big Internet companies that cannot attack Bsv because of its strong patent protection


Every innovation product has itself characteristics of products, many products are actually does not depend on the founder, such as the inventor of the last container also themselves bankrupt, the invention of the qr code and carry forward is different subject, but block chain is a very interesting product, the characteristic of this product is credit accumulation and technology iteration with natural contradiction, each new technology iteration produces the collapse of credit system, to maintain the sustainability of credit, to guarantee the stability of the agreement as possible and to ensure the stability of the agreement in addition to the understanding of the literal meaning, the accumulation of time and the last is indispensable, This limits the risk of platform iteration brought by technological innovation, and at present, the possible competitors of BSV system have not even appeared, so even if they do appear in the future, the continuous accumulation time of credit is an insurmountable gap.

A lot of things take time, Rome was not built in a day, the transformation of macro logic is usually in ten years, patience and thinking are the two essential elements to grasp the dividend of The Times,

BSV feels like BTC makes ETH?

What else had ETH done but cheat?

Can ETH build a social media like twetch?

BSV essence is a not tamper with the database, the ETH compares himself to a computer, I think for block chain, computing is not important, the most important data, the data of the multidimensional comparative can achievement data system of honesty and credibility and accountability system, and calculate the problem, you get the data, code, grab a cell by a third party to complete, so still no understanding of nature of the ETH block chain, the financial industry, it also made illegal for him and calculating a hidden under the queuing delay.

比特币在创始区块中就有“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout forbanks.”这段信息,作为做软件开发人来说,应该知道一个数据库和一个文本的差异其实就是硬盘容量差异,能记录一段话就能记录一个数据库,就能记录整个人类的数据,最终形成整个人类的真实信息交互,形成全世界的唯一真相之源。
COINS in founding block in "The Times’ 03 / Jan / 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout forbanks.” this piece of information, as do software developers, should know that a database and a text is hard disk capacity differences, can record a passage to a database, you can record The whole human data, and finally formed The whole human true information interaction, forming The source of The world’s only truth.

BTC in essence is the developers to use the power of kindness and openness, by removing the hearing system permissions, and his supporters in the COINS hijacked, but due to a lack of understanding model of COINS, dropped the COINS of all ability castration, eventually formed the BTC, now completed the block chain version of civet cats in prince Edward, the BSV is back on the tragedy of prince, only by understanding the BSV, block chain system can truly understand thoroughly all the truth, this is any other block chain system can’t do it.

@软件开发🏅金海 比特币本来就比ETH强大,BTC自我阉割而已,如果你不相信,可以读一读电子书和wiki。no time to try to convince everyone
Bitcoin is inherently more powerful than the ETH. BTC is self-emasculating. If you don’t believe me, read ebooks and wikis. No time to try to convince everyone

ETH will shut down soon

To solve the

When the heap is higher than the shore, the waves must be turbulent

Going from $49 down to $192, that’s a slope, and if you keep going down, you don’t know how many dollars you’re going to get

@软件开发🏅金海 你都说还需要学习,何况他人
You say you still need to learn, let alone others

From the results of today’s BSV’s cattle, very cow 👍 👍 👍 hang up those patterns of currency, such as hair, can go to the stock exchange is one of the few

Called CSW faker, CSW launched legal action is not very normal, detractors threat against by law represents the CSW is that use the law to solve the problem, not with slander and abuse to denigrate the keyboard man of others, for those who has stolen the chung results in people, attack this hearing was decided to their position. For those who don’t know the truth, listen to the voice of CSW and understand the difference between BSV and BTC, which is more conducive to the discovery of the truth. For BTC, do you really think that a system of single-digit transfers per second can support a global financial and trade network?

Can to 100 dollars above is absolutely cattle, must learn from the master, do not learn to be guilty, otherwise will be mercilessly trampled at the foot, learn to learn to learn

Prejudice and disagreement are the source of profit! Great prejudice and difference is a great source of profit! Not only to learn, more important is the ability to think independently

In the hearing itself is an architect, his ability to code is not very outstanding, so change the BTC things back to back, realize all the white paper vision, still needs a professional team to support, and chain of ecological engineering as the example of master need to complete, this is in the hearing nchain are needed to support him. Nchian’s chief technology officer Shadders said, his job is to let yourself unemployed, this is the highest respect for the stability pact, know what their own historical mission, and then refined to daily work, this is the development direction of the nChain, so the so-called centralized libel, is don’t understand what is decentralized, the decentralized means locking protocol after stable development and credit environment, also only in BSV toward this direction, the other so-called decentralized definition, is a thin, the developer itself is all block chain node at the center of power, Only if the developers are committed to putting themselves out of work will the chain’s eventual development be truly decentralized-that is, to build and expand the ecosystem around a stable agreement.

Charles university has no doubts. The rest of the doubters are criminals

Any question can be asked. It’s ok to be sharp. If we can’t even persuade the well-meaning new entrants, it will be more difficult for us to go out of the community and into the world.

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This letter spell it out with BSV 😊 as well take this perspective, we both felt so humble and calm, and very grateful to have the precious youth and bears a big responsibility. So we will invest more firmly in the future and work to build the new world that lies ahead. Our journey in this new world has only just begun.

@孙牧 嗯,新世界中,这一段旅程才刚刚开始
Well, in the new world, this journey is just beginning

Yes, winter is the best improvement opportunity, the old forces gradually exposed the weak places in the winter, the cold winter will kill those fragile body, release resources for the new competitors, the old order gradually collapse, new order is territory of germination, the new rules will be more and more from the bondage of traditional power, have their own territory and kingdoms, every spring, there is a revival as a prelude to, and dreariness of winter like that sentence, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 10 : 去中心化


比特币经济学 : 首页
比特币经济学 1 : 开讲
比特币经济学 2 : 法律
比特币经济学 3 : CSW
比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调
比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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比特币经济学 3 : CSW

比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 # Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV # CONTENTS (目录) # 比特币经济学 : 首页 比特币经济学 1 : 开讲 比特币经济学 2 : 法律 比特币经济学 3 : CSW 比特币经济学... Continue →