比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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Conversation : 2020.4.1 ~ 4.5 #

Since it is going to be publicly distributed, I will adjust a few points of view so as not to be over-understood. Bitcoins described below are all BSV.

First of all, the collapse of the fiat currency system has no necessary causal relationship with the emergence of Bitcoin. Even if Bitcoin does not appear, the modern fiat currency system will naturally disintegrate and collapse. The high growth, high debt and sustainable credit of the economy is an impossible triangle. The current high-growth, high-debt model promoted by the world will inevitably lead to the collapse of the credit system. Of course, this time period is recorded in ten years. Without Bitcoin, the development logic of the United States after the collapse of the fiat currency can refer to the development logic of Germany before World War II. Bitcoin is the Noah’s Ark and savior of fiat currency, not a competitor of fiat currency.

Secondly, even if Bitcoin is successful, the popularity and legalization of the world should be promoted by a responsible government. Bitcoin Economics believes that the government of modern human civilization is sufficiently responsible and responsible. Bitcoin is only an upgrade of human civilization and The tool of progress is not the theoretical source of any anti-government or even violentism. Even if Bitcoin is successful, there should be a long symbiotic period with the traditional economic system to complete the transition and growth of the system. On the one hand, Bitcoin needs to carry out the fault tolerance test of the new system, and on the other hand, Bitcoin’s transition must have a long enough time to complete self-evolution, so as to take care of the interests of the vast majority of people, even if this part of the people is a new economic civilization. For the hindsight, if this theory causes any demand for violence or even bloody sacrifice, then this theory is wrong and needs to be re-examined and developed.

In the end, Bitcoin is a new credit system. It is to complete the underlying logic of human beings from the logic of violent power to the logic of honest power. This is an upgrade of the underlying logic of human civilization, so it will benefit every corner of human society, but at the same time it It still needs continuous development and evolution. Bitcoin does not automatically solve all problems. Many problems, such as the separation of rich and poor, still inevitably require the participation and support of the government. Any self-contained approach is very important for this system. Dangerous, Bitcoin is an open social evolution ecosystem.

The bitcoin system will certainly take care of the afterthought of the new economic civilization, at least the money they make, and there will be no more quantitative easing.

在bitcointalk用satoshi账号发帖的人一直是Gregory Maxwell ??
The person Posting from bitcointalk using satoshi has always been Gregory Maxwell??

是的,之前CSW公开说过,他的很多观点放在了一个论坛上,该论坛是由Gavin Anderson等人创建的,后来这个论坛关闭了,其它人把它的观点经过筛选和剪切甚至断章取义后放到了bitcointalk上,伪造了中本聪的早期痕迹,目的就是从根本上保证中本聪永远无法回来自证身份。
Yes, before the CSW publicly said that many of his views on a BBS, the BBS is Gavin Anderson and others created, then this BBS is closed, the other person’s point of view it filtered and shear on the bitcointalk after even taken out of context, forged in the hearing early traces, purpose is fundamentally guarantee in the hearing can never be back from the identity.

Miners subsidies four years a cycle of decline, will one day be completely disappear, then the chain growth and sustainable development, ecological evolution by what can only rely on the chain of ecological workability, by chain unto the economic incentive to ensure that the currency system of sustainable existence, BTC because only steal the power code, so he killed the COINS possibility to grow, even in this hearing really being buried, the system will one day because the chain of mining wither completely dead, this has nothing to do with who is in the hearing, common sense is the most basic technology.

TsiMing Ho:
1. 支持未确认utxo计算引用链(ancestors)个数,防止因调用链超过50而被拒绝广播,适合小额高频交易应用
2. 支持多地址批量挑选足额utxo,应用无需自行挑选,方便HD钱包使用
MetaSV added UTXO query and select interface, important features:

  1. Support unrecognised utxo calculation reference chain (ancestors) number, prevent rejection by invocation chain of more than 50 radio, suitable for small high-frequency applications
  2. Support for multi-address bulk selection in full amount of utxo, applications do not need to choose their own, easy to use HD wallet The new utxo interface enables developers to quickly build simple and stable wallet applications. Try it out: https://doc.metasv.com/#utxo-2

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April fool’s day news

No matter, there is no country block chain

When it comes to technological innovation, the government is an absolute backwardness, and it is a stupid political decision to let the government charge the innovation frontier. Remember the baidu came out, the country also support deng yaping to a people’s search, finally billions of treading water, international forays, fitment, innovation is all about gene is not investment scale is not traditional power, because the new ecological genes can not survive only to the new environment, the correct gene may have exponential growth, the wrong input can only see the finish line shut down.

If a national chain, we will ask the international chain need not need, if the national chain international chain can’t be replaced, the BSV will exist for a long time, and, in turn, if you have the international chain, national chain also need do not need to draw a question mark, because if the international chain developed, no matter on credit dimension, efficiency dimension, trade dimension, sure are rolling country international chain chain, then the most direct result of the network effect is national chain will eat international chain, the only prerequisite of national chain is country spare no effort to subsidies for a long time, and the Internet only need one. This is a truth.

An Epiphany

The state is the full embodiment of the geopolitical logic in the violent machine. At present, this logic is the lowest level of human logic. However, we have also seen the performance of this logic in these thousands of years, especially in the history of modern wars, so we should have a very profound vigilance and reflection on this logic. War suspicion chain led to an arms race between countries, geopolitical belief differences lead to ideological despise chains, arms imbalance caused by terrorism, military power nuclear deterrence caused worldwide terrorist balance, stand Angle in each country, these are necessary and rational choice, but to stand in the perspective of human reason and fate community, whether this zero-sum game too brutal and stupid, since we had the game theory as a theoretical tool, block chain as a technical tool, I believe that humans have the ability to change this state, put an end to the troubled human civilization thousands of years of violence and power, This is why the upgrading of civilization is so necessary and urgent.

WeChat pay out for many years ago, the technical scheme for mobile payment has been, shenzhen has done before unionpay card SIM card is changed, the hope that through a SIM card or mobile NFC complete scene ground logic of mobile payment, but haven’t done for several years, the main participants are unionpay, several commercial Banks, telecommunications operators, CARDS, POS machine manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers, investigate its reason is the system of industry span is too large, the power and responsibility is not clear, the standard is inconsistent, no clear relationship between higher and lower, eventually lead to the internal logic of the entire project is not clear, the reaction in the specific field, Is the landing of the failure rate is high, no practical, tencent at that time or payment field layman. And WeChat and pay treasure to pay was able to succeed, is because they internalize all external logic, in addition to pay licenses need to apply for, from the project of the client, merchant side, settlement, bank side, promotion and holding in his hand, and out of any problems, power and responsibility is very clear, this also makes the mobile payment today empire.

Libra is the design of the architecture faces like mobile phones pay logic dilemma, the look of Libra apparently committee team very strong, are empty shelves, and inside there is no explicit power and responsibility relations, electronic currency and Libra want to do, no doubt and challenge the authority of the federal reserve, and the authority of the central bank, this one out what will surely been all-round suppressed. In fact, Libra is a more rational approach, which should be like WeChat payment, to make mobile payment of us dollars, and then slowly obtain payment in various countries to take photos, make mobile payment of various legal currency, and make the scene of the ground logic, rather than the first reconstruction of the financial landscape.

From the entire monetary logically speaking, the federal reserve is an integrated a lot of private banking committee organization, Libra want to copy this logic itself is ridiculous, if the fed can do a good job, so there is no need for the new commission, if the fed is doing is not good, what’s the basis of a new committee to make his do good, zuckerberg when doing this project, many think logical relation is not clear, or in accordance with the general project the Libra is reconstructed by means of program logic, but doing so is obviously wrong, the fact proved that, this is the importance of innovation of new genes, People can not be solved by repeating the mistake of previous to the previous questions, new questions need new solutions, new solutions to new innovation gene, and for the moment, only the BSV has certain possibility, complete to reconstruct and upgrade the old financial logic, only BSV have the new dynasty orthodox veins, the decentralization of power, rather than centralized control logic power, a complete build sustainable financial market order logic.

From the whole human history, centralized organization is must have life, the company will collapse, dynasty will end, who will die, civilization will change, only the development of the ecosystem itself is endless endless, sustainable financial ecological logic, makes the human not by those who may end by a centralized organization or corrupt kidnapping, won’t appear any big to fail system cancer, when all the individual competition in constant evolution and metabolism, instead of the organization’s long-term health is assured, and when the centralized organization company, strongman, government, national messed up the economy, At least the BSV credit system is the last port on which mankind can rely, and this is the most fascinating part of BSV.

Scarcity points inside and outside two COINS, the interior scarcity is the upper limit of 21 million gold COINS, this is the development logic of BTC, but internal scarcity is not enough, because the code can be replicated, COINS today, tomorrow, how can you ensure no gold COINS, silver COINS, copper COINS, tokens of the circle in our ICO is just the embodiment of this logic. And external scarcity of currency is the currency of key to success, only do all currency normalization, chain of chain on all things later, COINS, to ensure that other people can’t copy completes the system through a code of plagiarism, which is BSV the pursuit of things, has both external and internal scarcity scarcity, the currency can truly complete, like a QQ software can easily develop, but the social system of an empire of tencent is not so easy as plagiarism, others to plagiarize will no longer be the currency system itself, but the whole credit ecological system of human civilization, This makes the logic of bitcoin being phased out for a long time to come fundamentally impossible.

Alipay and WeChat payment depend on the scarcity of alibaba e-commerce platform and tencent social platform. The social ecology of Facebook is a curiosity around the world, and Libra’s top-down approach to execution is questionable. Bitcoin has the unique nature of systematic design, but the external scarcity of ecology is also rare. Self-reliance is the way. Will it be the way to find opportunities with external ecology like FB?

This is logic, chain unto the BSV itself is not only a set of financial system, but also a set of more perfect than the Internet architecture of network architecture, SPV ensure double offline of point to point communication possible, frictionless communication will make the network application scenario; infinite enrichment of miners in the small world network to ensure the network server communication rate is one of the largest, theory and ecological mining miners rewards and ensure the sources of sustainable evolution of the system resources, and MetaNet is given software application layer provides the evolution of the infinite possible, under this architecture, any application is possible, Libra not only can be done on the BSV, DCEP and CBDC digital currency form also can use BSV do, all need to credit the blessing of the industry can be made from BSV, when everyone was on a chain to do system, the network effect is automatically completed, BSV itself is the best across chain data through logic, the BSV also is limited by the ecological richness and infrastructure issues, but when the BSV system in complete enough infrastructure evolution and ecological evolution and really can do anything, other industry chain can only face or yield to the fate of death, either In addition to the long-term subsidies do not care about the economic efficiency of the government support chain, the final result of other chains can only be to comply with the BSV system, the realization of the chain, which is the same as the relationship between the Internet and LAN.

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This article is a bit messy, and I will rewrite it recently to reflect my recent thinking: bitcoin is not a new currency symbol after the us dollar and RMB, but a new currency carrier after shell, metal, paper and electronic accounts. All currency symbols and value flows will eventually use the currency carrier with the lowest transaction cost. That’s why doc says, bitcoin isn’t competing with the dollar

It’s ok to say that strategically, now it’s 0 to 1 or 10, and we can talk a little bit more about specific tactical paths


At present, the specific tactical path of BSV is as follows:

  1. Through continuous community communication, the concept of BSV ecology is spread.
  2. Through continuous construction on the chain, complete the prosperity of BSV ecological industry.
  3. Through continuous legal appeals, complete the legalization process of BSV ecology and legal confirmation of nakamoto satoshi’s identity.
  4. Through the market operation after the unsealing of tulip, complete the legal replacement of BSV system for BTC system and the cryptographic confirmation of satoshi nakamoto’s identity.
  5. Through continuous patent application, complete the construction of technical barriers and moats for BSV ecology.
  6. Through continuous BSV ecological investment, completed the model construction of BSV feasibility project.
  7. Through continuous ecological construction of miners, the bottom infrastructure of BSV was continuously consolidated.

In the case of ordinary BSVer, the best strategy we have made is to continuously tamp the application scenario logic of BSV in various industries and spread the logic of BSV system as far as possible, complete the logic of viral fission sermon of BSV system and completely overthrow the lie system of BTC counterfeit currency.

@hslayj 总结得非常好。加一句话,中本聪是人,CSW更是人,是人,便有人的特点,圆滑,策略…更有人的弱点
@hslayj summed it up very well. In a word, satoshi nakamoto is a human being, and CSW is a human being. More people’s weaknesses

Rest assured, I’m past the age of starstruck, and CSW is what satoshi nakamoto means to me, not that everything he says is right, but that his opponents are lying. Personally, I think CSW has made many mistakes and some of its views are not perfect. However, the logic in the construction of BSV system is basically ok. Of course, a lot of logic needs to be tested by facts.

我在推特上做广告 一起把重新创造比特币经济学给带着推广啦,重新创造比特币经济学: recreating.org/economics 实时更新群内交流纪录,中英文双语(谷歌翻译),推向西方世界,希望西方人有机会了解到这些宝贵认知。
I advertise on twitter to re-create the currency economics together with the promotion, to create the currency economics: recreating.org/economics updated in real time in the same group communication record, bilingual in English and Chinese (Google translation), to the western world, hope that westerners have a chance to understand these precious knowledge.

我把 重新创造比特币经济学 加到 recreating.org首页了,如果大家记不住recreating.org/economics,就去  recreating.org 的首页点击 重新创造比特币经济学
I add “recreating economics of bitcoin” to the recreating.org home page, if you don’t remember, recreating.org/economics, go to recreating.org home page click to “recreating economics of bitcoin”

Keynesian’s biggest hazard is for the government to lose the cost concept, so that do not have the resources use efficiency of bureaucratic profoundly influenced almost all industries, bureaucracy and academic become bureaucratic scientism, ought to have thoughts and opinions and stand out from the science, became dominated by title and authoritarian evaluation system; The combination of bureaucracy and capital has become bureaucrat-capitalism, turning businesses that were supposed to win by creativity and efficiency into too-big-to-fail giants that nibble away at government subsidies. The combination of bureaucracy and public opinion has become a phenomenon of bureaucratic public opinion, turning the media, which should have relied on digging out the truth and seeking justice, into an ideological mouthpiece of the party.

Look at the modern America, the once led the fighting fascism, people all over the world with one hand led the leader of the civilized order reconstruction after world war ii, defeated by his own hand defeated Germany, Japan became the world’s industrial engine support, after out of the bretton woods system, when the government owns the unparalleled monetary wealth, when the government did not have the concept of cost, what they do again? They start to become arrogant and conceited, cultural colonialism is not only caused the Vietnam war, the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. This kind of pointless bloodshed, also let the oneself in the depths of the financial crisis, terrorism, leadership crisis, now in the United States has lost its former poise and confidence, accompanied in various international affairs bargaining, moment fear losing their old status again on the other hand, this is a double-edged sword, error theory and development, it’s a funeral.

In this outbreak, countries and the common people’s high debt levels, like a healthy patients, the impact of an outbreak can make people’s money, add new disease outbreak, with a sudden event, can make the country’s political system, economic system, financial system, security system by the huge impact, politicians can’t find the solution can only be thrown around, to jilt to jilt to the last may not stop even led to war, and the robustness of the credit system will be questioned by the long term, it is hard to feel lasting peace in the economic system.

If we imagine that if the outbreak occurred in a currency in the financial world, so as the currency is not an asset inflation, whether people or the government, at hand can have enough financial reserves, rather than as it is now leading consumption or excessive investment on real estate, stock, so the problem of financial panic will get a lot of ease, and because the government can’t print the currency, the government also there can be no sustainable currency debt, interest is too high because the government cannot afford, so the usual time government debt is zero, this time the government credit is very good, In order to cope with emergencies, such as the plague, disaster or war special government debt will not lead to direct bankruptcy of government credit, common people’s financial reserves still can let everybody have a financial buffering capacity, not a shutdown for bankruptcy, the worst results even if the government really to the downfall of the bankruptcy, also won’t affect the currency account of the common people, the people still have to rebuild the power of the state and the credit system, which is different in the evolution of the financial system is the basis of the different situation.

There will still be debt in the bitcoin world in the future, but probably at a low level, not zero

There is a general tendency not to borrow, because it is too hard to pay

Has anyone calculated the M1 to M2 money multiplier in the bitcoin world? Because there is always someone who needs to borrow, there must be a money multiplier.
Is the common people’s money in their own wallet or in the bank interest. What’s the interest rate going to be.

Debt levels and interest level, level of interest rates and currency circulation link, the marginal monetary circulation of COINS is 0, after half of this year will reach 1.7%, lower than fiat, and the dollar legal tender in the name of the inflation rate is 2%, actual growth in China’s domestic M2 sometimes even soared to more than 10%, in the money supply larger fiat world, low level of interest rates, debt levels will be high, because debt interest even lower than actual inflation rates, which makes sustainable bonds have the guarantee, the debt is to make money even. And in the currency in the world, the new currency circulation is more and more small, currency credit is more and more big, debt interest will be high, the debt must be used for the purpose of the emergency, borrowed will also soon, sustainable type growth will soon destroy the interest rates on a credit system, so the country will not only zero debt as much as possible, even have the demand of the national currency reserves.

Money multiplier is legal tender system indicators, I tend to think that the currency monetary multiplier is 1, any lending is a risk investment behavior, because almost all the accounts of the reserve requirement ratio is visible, the reserves of high and low will not be central Banks across the board as a result, but the result of the industry’s own risk assessment, the reserve requirement ratio low can yield high profits, but also lead to a high risk, the balance situation by oneself hold, institutions play off deficient, there will be no central bank to come out, also won’t appear big to fail financial oligarchy.

Bitcoin loans are the equivalent of physical loans, which may not pay interest.

No interest, no debit drive

For financing, you can use token

There is also rent for borrowing in kind, and market behavior is profit driven

So, bitcoin is going to change the model of the human economy

Yes, the way an inflationary economy thinks is very different from the way a non-inflationary economy thinks

企业有长期利润,人有长期收入,就应该有贷款吧,肯定会有 想用未来的工资提前买车 这种需求
The enterprise has the long-term profit, the person has the long-term income, should have the loan, certainly will want to use the future salary to buy a car in advance this kind of demand

The current model of unlimited expansion of the credit-driven economy will be held back by bitcoin, and humans tend to live in a minimalist rather than sumptuary way

There is no problem with loans, as long as the loan is willing to return no problem, the problem is sustainable loans, such as national debt, local government debt

Yes, bitcoin will make many financial bubbles disappear completely, because bitcoin itself is a good store of value, people do not need to buy some messy things around to fight inflation.

Time is interest, time is money

Bitcoins also create time value, borrowing bitcoins to make more bitcoins, such as exchange loans, COINS and so on

Novel coronavirus’s transformation of human lifestyle will interact with bitcoin

That depends on how much bitcoins you can earn, and if you can’t earn enough from borrowing bitcoins to even cover the interest, the model doesn’t work. Everything is quantified, the profit is greater than the interest, the loan is true, otherwise is not true

Preferences are subjective, expectations are for the future, and there must be demand.

Once the holder lends bitcoin, it is actually faced with the risk that the lender’s investment fails, so the essence of bitcoin lending is actually a venture investment

Behavior that is now a lot of debt without risk, such as to buy U.S. Treasury bonds, etc., but essentially this kind of behavior is risky, such as the U.S. financial system collapse, the risk to ignore the financial behavior of amplifies the risk factor, to some extent makes the risk really comes, the whole credit system collapse, and on the currency, the currency is clearly the risk of each borrowing, don’t put the credit system based on a centralized institutions or countries under the premise of no default, they liberated the system security, make the credit system is reliable for a long time.

They lent out bitcoins. Real money goes white… Now the number that you have in the bank doesn’t know whether it’s debt or real money, and the bank doesn’t distinguish between debt and real money. In the future bitcoin world, debt and real money can be identified at a glance

The real money is on your private key, the debt is at most a smart contract, the real money stolen can be recovered through the legal system, the debt relationship is broken, the borrower can only consider bad luck, self-admission investment failure.

In the United States, 6.6 million people applied for unemployment benefits last week, a record high

I made a simple mathematical model that once an economy’s inflation level exceeds its economic growth rate, the economy will quickly enter a snowballing downward spiral until the system collapses, and the United States is not too far from this red line.

所有以前的记录已经放到recreating.org/economics 上了, 感谢@清风徐来 整理的记录!从头读一遍,循序渐进,真是一场BSV认知之旅。
All previous records has been on the recreating.org/economics, thank @ the wind to sort out the record! Reading it from the beginning, step by step, is really a BSV cognitive journey.

That’s great 👍

看到精彩的片段 就忍不住发推 😊
See wonderful clips can not but tweeting 😊

BSV is expected in the future

Excellent 👍 really lucky in this group

the same feeling

I used to translate the doctor’s blog and lawyer liu ye’s translation, but I didn’t understand the technology, so I didn’t understand it well. After I entered the group, I understood it more deeply and made progress all the time

@厚德载物 我和您一样
I’m with you

BSV’s content creation atmosphere is really good, everyone is explaining bitcoin from their own perspective

Into the group changed the trading habits, I don’t go short, heart sank down ha ha, obviously feeling of my investment things like a sample is not speculation 😂

“智慧与耐心,是市场挑选合格投资者和筛掉不合格投机者的试卷,投资市场远远不仅仅是涨或跌组成的。”- hslayj
“Wisdom and patience are the test papers that the market selects qualified investors and screens out unqualified speculators. The investment market is much more than just up and down.” - hslayj

“投资是个人决策,要有短期内的亏损心里准备,而且bsv也有政治风险,不是完全能成的,要有风险意识,不要放群里说,你赚了亏了都是自己的,这个意识要非常清楚” - hslayj
“Investment is a personal decision, to be prepared for losses in the short term, and BSV also has political risk, is not completely successful, to have a sense of risk, do not put in the group, you make losses are their own, this awareness should be very clear”

向你们学习 匹配财富
Learn from you to match wealth

In fact, when the United Nations was established, it was to settle disputes for the people of the world, and the law of the sea was established in full reference to the huge suffering caused by the land war caused by geopolitics. However, after decades of development, the United Nations can hardly play the role it was designed to play on major international issues. The world political situation is still more of a battlefield for the game of great powers. BSV appearance, however, is likely to give the UN a giant killer, that is the power of interpretation, currency legislation BSV political neutrality stance with the UN natural fit, legal interpretation and BSV execution problems can completely in the hands of a similar WTO UN organizations, participating countries can also according to the national problem and have a veto, to ensure the safety of currency in the field of politics, so that on the one hand BSV have legal status, no longer afraid of ordinary criminal activities, and will not be a single state power monopoly, can also as much as possible, ensure that all participants’ interests are not violated, To depoliticize economic development as much as possible, the United Nations with the legislative and executive power of this world currency will profoundly strengthen the United Nations’ economic penetration and national influence.

On the other hand, in the traditional monetary system, no matter it is metal currency or legal currency, it is an economic system without the ability to prevent violence. The metal currency can be taken away, and legal currency can even be directly parasitic on the military and political forces of a country. In traditional society, if the fall of a country or city, fiat directly reset, the metal currency robbed directly, the people in order to ensure their financial security and personal safety, can only be similar to the nationalism or nationalism chariot tied to the battlefield, or ordinary people have no ability to live, but in the currency of the world, the logic is different, the downfall of the state if, currency property is still a safe, ordinary people is still by other and even the United Nations to protect the state power, people still have block chain credit system as the power of the rebuild, so a lot of people will not be forced to join the war meat grinder, What people need to do may be to change their city life or rebuild their city economy. Bitcoin may fundamentally eliminate the mass soil of violence, make limited liability government possible, and completely free mankind from the entanglement of thousands of years of geopolitical violence logic.

Political power is acquired by force, and without war, there would be no political power. This idea is expected to be welcomed by few governments

我最近的感悟,就是比特币是一个 society。这个结社的自由的体现。而参与的人,诚实的,正直的人,会因为价值观的统一,在这个结社的前提下保持更加高效的生产效率。



My most recent insight is that bitcoin is a society. The freedom of association. And the people who participate, the honest people, the honest people, because of the unity of values, will be more productive under the premise of this association.

Because people are honest, they save a lot of money because of information asymmetry and the cost of dealing with fraud. In this case, the market can play the role of resource adjustment more fully.

And then the result of this association is that people who join the economy do better business, are more productive, and gradually this association beats all other forms of association. It has defeated all forms of government, all forms of government.

You can think of it as the birth of new forms of organization that cross borders.

@荣哥理财师 你发的这个精辟
This is a brilliant one

Standing in the international political situation now, stand in the Angle of the country, is almost a must engage in arms race, otherwise the disorder diplomacy, even if very good Japanese economic development, also can because he can’t refuse Hiroshima agreement and is pressed on the floor, to taste the defeat the political economic consequences, so in the existing international order, violence logic is the most basic national development logic, from this perspective, your point of view is right. But from the perspective of community of human destiny, human is a rejection of violence, whether various against the militarism agreement or nuclear containment strategy, is the human pursuit of peace and produce all kinds of efforts, so we can put the human will to the deviation of human behavior can be understood as a Nash equilibrium of game theory, human hope overall peace, but not through individual game between countries to reach that place.

But BSV block chain system, for this kind of logic to quell violence found a possible path, if the currency BSV was completed through the national union of international legal confirmation, has become one of the main currency of the international, so all members joined in fact provides the system logic support violence, this time the game logic is the currency union organization and traditional national organization of the game, because there are violent ability, so in the military, traditional national organizations cannot eliminate the currency union, and on the economy, housing of the fiat money system makes the traditional national organization more and more weak, As the bitcoin union organization can support good economic development logic due to the strong credit supply ability of bitcoin and blockchain, the organization within the economic chain will gradually eliminate the organization outside the chain.

The result is satisfactory

And, once the world into the logic of the currency block chain, the currency became the only global currency, then the currency union national game logic, because is the currency union member, you must obey the currency union laws, and due to share a set of values, so the possibility to solve the problem by force is very small, because everyone no COINS rights, regardless of war can’t win, win their first set of gold silver COINS in support of the military, it will dry out militarism belt of the country, if not feasible, and militarism then you will go back to the benign track economic competition, As long as the countries and cities went bankrupt, the people still can be finished through immigration or rebuild the continuation of system, then the national bankruptcy, city bankrupt is the person who can be tolerated and allowed, when all the centralized system of the system life cycle, and everyone will not produce because of the centralized organization to eliminate the survival crisis, then the system’s long-term sustainable and countries for logic, will no longer have the violence may simply be driven by economic logic. The evolution of the information system, this is the game to upgrade the underlying logic, the meeting after the Wolf and the lion see violence, because they are afraid of the other party to first, the law of the jungle of suspicion of the dark chain led to each individual want to attack each other’s first master violence initiative, and we will not take knife to cut the right hand, left hand because they share a set of information value system and BSV is a central nervous system of human in the future, it will make many suspicions in the human history chain thoroughly into the historical dust, shaping a new economic and political philosophy based on the currency.

It is true that mankind hopes for peace and yearns for peace. Bitcoin blockchain design also has incomparable advantages, but this is only in the dream stage, how to find the opportunity to promote bitcoin blockchain, or entry point, is the most practical significance and practical value. The idea is perfect, the reality is cruel

Thinking first, and then to have practice, the starting point of each person is different, see the problem is not the same, the economic significance of the currency, the political significance, clear philosophical discussion, be not theory a good groundwork for the future of the currency system of promotion, meaning is people to give their own, do you think you can also go to do meaningful things, others can do they think the meaningful things, will eventually tested, left right, wrong eliminated, the mystery of the real world unravel before, who all don’t know which way is correct.

何岩这本《重新创造比特币》 很厉害啊,连我远在边陲小镇的兄弟们都知道了
He yan’s book “recreating bitcoin” is so good that even my brothers in a remote border town know it

真的啊 太激动了!
I’m so excited!

Awesome, expect bitcoin economics

说的太棒了!思想和实践都很重要,两条腿走路,每个人选自己感兴趣的角度的去做就好了。罗老师的语言驾驭能力真棒!👍@hslayj 再积累一些文字量 直接可以出书了 就保持这种聊天方式 原生态 接地气!
That’s great! Both thought and practice are important. Walking on two legs, everyone should choose the Angle they are interested in. Mr Luo’s language skills are great! 👍 @ hslayj accumulate some literal can directly book stays this way of chat original grounding spirit!

I’m flattered, Adam Smith’s “the wealth of nations” directly contributed to the human civilization prosperity of market economy, the power of thought is very huge, economic and political philosophy, COINS I think is a great learning, may need a lot of scholars to enrich it in the future, for now, I am currently out of things still very immature, I can do is this, the present theoretical depth and breadth in the field of it remains to be greatly improved. However, I believe that the potential of bitcoin to change the underlying logic of human civilization is of great appeal to all, and the BSV system is a true civilization level gem.

Bitcoin is going to change the basic argument of the wealth of nations, which is that the division of labor in society creates wealth, but the premise of the division of labor on a large scale is finance, is the legal currency of credit

Each theory has its historical limitations and applicability, history can jump out when the history of the limitations of history outlook for higher possibility is the most important significance of the ideas put forward, and a lot of very good theory at that time, history to see, feel stupid is very backward, but as long as can solve the problem of human practical, actually can be called a good theory.

Finance and credit fiat money cannot be equated, Rockefeller’s era also had large-scale division of labor and large-scale creation, there was also a lending financial system.

It can be said that the equity system of the British and Dutch east India companies created today’s wealth, and the foundation of the east India company was Newton’s banknote of gold and pound. Newton was so good that he waded into the currency with physical insight and ruled the world for 500 years

Paper money is also divided into the gold standard era and the credit money era.

Newton’s ideas of physics and finance laid the foundation for today’s western civilization. The gold standard has no paper money, but satoshi nakamoto will replace Newton

There was gold directly in the original dollar, and the logic of the bretton woods system was that the dollar was fixed to gold, and paper money was the gold standard, and it lasted until the 1970s. The modern credit and legal currency system is the product of America’s unilateral withdrawal from the bretton woods system.

Under a true gold standard, paper money is just a proxy product. When paper money really became the national currency, it was used by the rulers, and gold and silver standard was no longer possible, from the song and yuan dynasties. Zhu yuanzhang insisted on the silver standard, so the Ming dynasty missed the opportunity. The United States, like the song and yuan, could not resist the urge to print money

Printing money is the simplest form of taxation, an impulse that no political leader can control

Is rejected silver standard at the beginning of the Ming dynasty, zhu yuanzhang began pushing bao chao, namely the legal tender of the Ming dynasty, is a private circulation of silver has gradually replaced the official currency, and had to show the decrees of reform, and the qing dynasty of silver standard did not stop China’s strong, before the opium war, China’s GDP is accounted for almost a third of the world GDP, so the benefits of credit fiat propaganda, many times I understand because vested interests of bureaucratic system of scientific socialism political demands.

Monetary stimulus is like morphine, which can be useful if used to treat a crisis. If used all day, it can be addictive and cannot be given up until the system is broken.

I thought I could sort it out into a book

@荣哥理财师 出书问题等到BSV体系获得国际法定地位以后再说,那时候的BSV已经进入成年期了,起码不会猝死。
Until the BSV system achieved international legal status, BSV had reached adulthood, at least not sudden death.

①博士的博客 https://www.craigwright.net



New friends can learn about BSV from the following channels:
The doctor’s blog at https://www.craigwright.net
Ii return to genesis https://metanet.press
Official :BSVofficial
Public number: qiu shaoxian flirts with Metanet

  1. Best seller: he yan, “recreating bitcoin”
  2. The historical record of http://www.recreating.org/economics

Everyone has different cognition of BSV, so any problem can be sent to the group, so that we can communicate and learn and grow together. Answer questions for more and more friends.

We in line with the cognition of BSV enhance and upgrade of human civilization are looking forward to establish this study group of mutual exchange, group has a deep understanding of the preacher of BSV ecological system, has entity do very successful entrepreneurs and the mainstream media reporter industry as well as the good friend, sincere and efficient communication in the group is coin ring valuable a piece of pure land, hope everyone together to protect [hug].

This group suggests that members should think independently and make clear the principle of self-financing. BSV is still a high-risk product at present, so the decision should be cautious. This group is not allowed to talk about short-term market prices, is not allowed to discuss leverage contract loan investment and other high-risk operation Suggestions, is not allowed to slander other members and personal attacks, after a warning is invalid, the administrator will send the plane tickets, thank you to maintain the group learning and growth discussion atmosphere.

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 6 : 经济危机


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比特币经济学 2 : 法律
比特币经济学 3 : CSW
比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
比特币经济学 5 : 核心概念定调
比特币经济学 6 : 经济危机 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 7 : 路径 HOT !!!
比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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