比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃


比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 #

Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV #


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比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
比特币经济学 9 : 产业区块链
比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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Conversation : 2020.3.21~3.26 #

In accordance with the previous BTC logic, halving the beginning should be embodies in the mine, makes a lot of the old mill because income in half and was forced to shut down, the market’s main short power is miners, strength weakened, miners break so as to promote the prices, market supply and demand, but this time in half a true li kui, before the many beneficiaries of the two cycles will be aimed at this time in half for fixed point operation, so half the strength of the how much, what time to, this is pretty much in risk factors, and the need to consider.

The earth is only a decentralized system, namely, natural ecology itself, block chain also need only a decentralized system, that is to complete the political neutrality and thousands of chain to a building after the currency BSV ecological itself (the current BSV are hard to say is decentralized, not to mention all day change agreement blind fool counterfeiters and counterfeit currency), in addition to all of the decentralized logic are pseudo logic, decentralization, decentralized financial exchanges, decentralized market, decentralized bank, decentralized government, decentralized company, they do most distributed, decentralized cannot do.

去中心化的真正含义是you can’t change the fucking rules,概念都不懂的情况下谈去中心化就是瞎扯蛋,骗子太多了,需要多次重温博士的视频
The real meaning of decentralization is that you can’t change the fucking rules. If you don’t understand the concepts, talking about decentralization is nonsense. There are too many frauds, so you need to review the doctor’s video for many times

Top theoretical physicists like zhang shousheng have been thrown off buildings by so-called mathematics and code, not to mention the fact that ordinary people have no ability to identify code quality and mathematical encryption algorithms. The best way to spot a cheater is to follow through on every concept, not to be swayed by the big words, and not to accept theories you don’t understand.

The coin ring scam was the last straw that broke zhang’s heart

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The United States is a financial country, there are several financial killer mace is very powerful, this article is well written, is about the history of the dollar financial war brief.

That’s a good point. If we add the sustainable logic of POW, after the block subsidy finally disappears, only the largest ecology on the chain can achieve the eternal living soil of miners and the source of POW profits, so BSV is the ultimate survival chain. This logic is more perfect ~~

TsiMing Ho:
There is no block cap to match the fee and energy input

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The United States has lost face, and the era of a global legal currency system is not far away.

Inflation, the economic crisis began

The United States has its hands full now

Keynesian is not so much economic theory, political theory, rather out of the bretton woods system in the United States after the gold standard, the collapse of the fiat money system may have been doomed, accomplished today for a bit of seigniorage sustainable inflation logic, sustainable inflation logic in the country’s banking system has given rise to a sustainable debt logic, when debt reaches a certain size, the collapse of the system is almost a certainty, this and personal loan sharks robbing Peter to pay Paul and there is no essential difference between political game is a zero-sum game and even negative and game process, even if won a temporary interests, but also will lose eternal trust, Too often people overestimate the power of power, and democracy amplifies that illusion. But the collapse of the old system, sometimes is not necessarily a bad thing, he put the old bad logic out, leaving the space and the possibility of the growth of the new system be, enables young people to set up in is not affected by the old authority on a whole new world, without excessive ignored the Nash equilibrium in the system of the old world, crisis and opportunity always accompanies.

Video presentation by Twetch founder at CoinGeek conference in London (Chinese subtitles)
How BSV changes social media and how individual users can gain personal brand and advertising revenue through their influence!
BSV changes the world!

On the chain of social or to find the traditional social software can not achieve the scene, to give users enough reasons to pull their own circle into, and now several products to strengthen

Yeah, now that the social products on BSV are still dominated by heterosexual friends, it seems difficult to survive in the future

Should be the traditional social + BSV, such as the robot on the chain do very well
WeChat classes are strong relationships that are hard to replace

能结合一些原创作品 交易相关的行业社交,我感觉还有点机会,比如脉脉 猪八戒这一类
I feel there is still a chance to combine with some industry networking related to the original work trading, such as pulse pig and eight quit

Cross - border pig eight quit, can save settlement cost

I am thinking of professional scenes requiring historical records, such as the teacher and students to assign homework, daily communication, homework feedback and so on. With a public database, each student will have a strong pertinence when reviewing, can have their own growth curve, and can be connected with a variety of learning software through the interface.

Or strangers in tourist areas can exchange historical transaction records and comments, which can also deepen the trust of strangers. In short, to make full use of the common database features of the scenario, only on the chain software can do, or there is no comparative competitive advantage.

@hslayj 想和您谈谈SPV
Merkle 可以保证在交易指数增长的情况下,SPV钱包的体积基本不增长(或者说是缓慢的线性增长)
@hslayj would like to talk to you about the SPV
I have read the doctor’s article carefully today, and I seem to understand logically the description of SPV, but the specific verification process is not very clear
Merkle can guarantee that the volume of the SPV wallet grows little (or slowly, linearly) as the transaction grows exponentially.

I understand SPV is quite simple, is ready to pay the template to the buyer seller digital signature verification, and then sent to get the results of the validation miners, after returning to real buyers account even if the deal, then the transaction into the memory pool waiting for packaging, because itself is a validation logic, so fast, can meet the second grade.

I used to think so, but I don’t think so now

SPV钱包的增长主要是区块头增长,每一个区块打包成功后,不管区块大小有多大,都会通过merkle tree的哈希计算完成一个区块头80个字节左右,线性添加到SPV钱包中就行了。
The growth of SPV wallet is mainly the growth of block head. After each block is successfully packaged, no matter how big the block size is, a block head of 80 bytes or so will be completed through the hash calculation of merkle tree, and it will be linearly added to the SPV wallet.

Not every SPV is to add a block, a only added once the block header, such as a block there are 1 million trades, so you do a hash for every deal, it is concluded that 1 million trade hash, then in half-and-half hash 20 times, becomes a block head, the head of the 80 - byte block will be added to the SPV purse, not every deal

Block headers are all added to the SPV that’s right, but it’s not the size of the block, it’s not the number of transactions, it’s not the size of the transaction.

区块链的所有的区块头都会保存的钱包里面,但只有和你交易关联的merkle . paths 才会被保存。钱包本质是UTXO集合,意味着 每一个utxo都会对应一个merkle path, 而这个merkle path的占的字节数与他所在的区块包含的交易对数成对数关系。我是这么认为的交易数量
All of the blockchain’s blockheads will be stored in the wallet, but only merkle’s paths associated with your transaction will be saved. The wallet is essentially a UTXO collection, meaning that each UTXO corresponds to a merkle path whose number of bytes corresponds to the logarithm pairs of transactions contained in his block. I think so

merkle path 应该是指UTXO的区块位置吧,应该有多少UTXO就有多少merkle path吧
Merkle path should be the location of the UTXO block, and there should be as many merkle paths as there are UTXO blocks

Each UTXO corresponds to a path

If utxo is large, will the SPV hold up?

The block head is the macro block state, which is determined by the historical transaction records of all people. Utxo is the corresponding status of each account, which is the account status of a single person, which is different.

@蒋杰 撑的住
hold on

For example, icbc has 1 million transactions a day, but your account has only 1 transaction. Utxo refers to this transaction, and the linear superposition of block head is determined by 1 million transactions.

Does the SPV have to be verified by the miner every time it is charged? Can’t you independently verify that?

No miners are needed. Verification is independent

区块头是为了确定区块链的历史状态是真实的,因为每一个区块不管有多大,通过merkle tree的对数哈希以后,就只会有一个确定的80个字节左右的区块头,你只要认准了这80个字节,那区块中几百P的内容你都可以确定是没有篡改过的正版区块内容。
State of the history of the first is to determine the block chain is real, because each block no matter how, through the tree of logarithmic merkle hash later, it will only have a certain about 80 bytes of the block header, you as long as the 80 bytes at a time, hundreds of P content in the blocks you can be sure is not tampered with the original block content.

If the utxo is not maintained by you, how do you verify that it is not spent? At least verify that the current block has not been spent before

The same is true for wallets without SPVS, such as the current BTC wallet, but they don’t implement SPVS

BTC is not, BTC is the buyer initiated, submit the request to the miners, miners packaged on the chain, the completion of the transaction, and SPV is not the same

我说现在的大部分钱包,比如imtoken 等等
I said most wallets today, like imtoken and so on




所以不管从merkle tree的设计上来说,还是SPV设计上来说,中本聪就从来没有想过反政府。
SPV may cause double flower, but because the transaction amount is small, and the legal responsibility is clear, so the buyer does not need to double flower, which requires the block chain to be protected by law and real name

The BTC has gone too far in the anti-government direction, so the SPV is not going to work.

If the SPV does not need to be chained, the BTC must wait for the data to be chained, so there is such a big difference in transaction speed.

So in terms of the design of merkle tree, or the design of the SPV, satoshi nakamoto never thought of being anti-government.

merkle tree 就是为了方便扩容,如此而已
Merkle tree is for expansion, that’s all

At present, there is no soil left for micro-payment in China. Alibaba and tencent have done a good job. BSV China still needs to rely on this kind of industry chain to make good technical samples to break through the siege.

How does a house subcommittee prepare to release digital currency?

The dollar’s credit system is on the verge of collapse, and it would be even more fun to have a BTC as a lifeline.

Hehe, doc unlocks tulip and kills BTC with BTC
However, the San Francisco meeting scheduled for June may be canceled or postponed due to the outbreak

Today, when the us congressmen suggested that China should hold us Treasury bonds in default, they really cried their eyes out. They really don’t understand that the international financial chain of suspicion is the grave digger to destroy the us dollar credit system.

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Such written by the way, the currency is a beacon of human civilization, is the modern credit system of the world’s reserve, is a systemic collapse after Noah’s ark, fiat system it with any existing system to form positive competition, only in the modern political game system, politicians play off later, out when the person who accept a son wipe.

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Good article, suggest everybody to have a look

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The United States and China all have their own the underlying economic structure problem, the United States is the financial surplus, China’s overcapacity, but the terms of the influence of the outbreak, the financial surplus is devastating blow, the United States now have do the overdraft forward credit to emergency, epidemic blow to America’s financial credit system can be devastating, instead, China’s overcapacity problem became the outbreak during the advantage of sending aid, so just from this year, the day of the Chinese should be better than americans, but in the long term, the collapse of the old system is predictable, the new system will be what kind, It depends on how the international game plays out over the next few years, but the winning hand is now in China’s hands.

As long as China’s adherence to the area of international cooperation and win-win policy, pursue the human destiny community of political neutrality, the organization for a new international order and alliances, rather like the United States be a leader of them, the American unilateralism policy must be more walk more narrow in the world, China’s demographic dividend and bonus on economic development industry chain are occupied the advantage of the time dimension, China need not special to do, momentum is on the Chinese side, while the United States in the economic crisis has exposed the financial weakness of vital international influence will be badly affected, The United States is not allowed to further military expansion and economic overspending in the United States fiscal, just from the conventional perspective of the United States is not too much to win. Of course, if China wants to succeed the United States as the leader, or the United States adopts an aggressive military strategy, then the uncertainty is greater.

BSV is actually a triple substitutions, if the underlying logic which powers through the first block chain, perfect the BSV legal construction and the international federation of the bottom of society, can in the new order will have greater voice and standards development ability, human civilization to upgrade logic than political game logic, semiconductor revolution of the industrial revolution in Britain, the United States is to upgrade the classic case of this paradigm.

The main logic of currency circle now is that BTC created the stock currency to rise, BSV should be separated from them, BSVer has a more professional understanding, more active construction will, more active learning and growth spirit, this is the reason why BSV can succeed in the mass soil. As long as everyone succeeds in elaborating the underlying logic of the block chain, for ordinary investors, even if they do not invest, they at least understand the logic of the block chain, and can avoid most of the coinage trap and avoid being cheated. The communication logic of preaching and the logic of viral communication are the same. Even if everyone convinces only a few people, the efficiency will be exponential after enough rounds, so that people in the circle of money will not be fooled, and people in the circle of chain will find the right chain logic as soon as possible, this process is actually a win-win situation.

Yes, although the previous way of publishing the light group records can be explored by people who are interested in it, the information density is still low. Later websites and public accounts are set up in the hope of better dissemination

I was concerned because of the pull disk, finally learn, turn

In fact, the key cognitive closed most of the time is a few points, the knowledge of the one-way infusion effect may be a lot of time to meet the expected, or want to discuss with on bifurcation may effect is better, which requires a lot of discussion atmosphere, like the current currency circle the ethos of intolerance is not very good, there are many human’s rational consensus of angles. Sermons to yourself is actually a pretty big ascension process, the key points of QiongGen analogy on the control of the source and find the key historical events are need a lot of learning, and for the future of block chain that is need a wide range of knowledge and overall understanding, to only cognition, to get wealth, cognitive less than go with the flow of wealth is to go with the flow of the outflow. Growth is a timeless proposition.

Because of the outbreak, the world is in turmoil, why didn’t BSV come forward and feel nothing to do with finance

BSV come out or not by CSW coingeek can complete several organizations, need the whole human cognitive upgrades and civilization, BSV actually already have stepped up potential, just the power of push to the front desk is needed social foundation and the development of time, if the BSV early supporters and participants are on the sidelines, then expect other people to promote and achieve more impossible. BSVer must first have the temperament of a leader, so that the ecology of BSV can truly realize the integration of all rivers into one chain.

The total limit of BSV is 21 million, which determines that BSV will rise in the world. There will be no normalized inflation and sustainable debt in the world. Any issuance of legal tender will bring the price of legal tender to BSV down, which is the financial function of BSV.

To be the world’s ledger is not what BSV says it can do. When the middle and middle, such as electronic money, become currencies, bitcoin may just be bitcoin

You mean when CBDC and DCEP were currencies?

In order to become the world’s account book, we need to have political neutrality, otherwise we can only become the national account book or the industry account book, and there is political neutrality and expansion infinity and block chain legitimacy, currently only BSV has.

Traditional central bank system, there are three layer structure, the central bank faucet, commercial Banks and circulation of user layer, DCEP and CBDC is the central bank issued, so the first layer structure and the second layer structure, it can’t revolution, because it is difficult to overthrow their survival logic, and the third layer user flow logic, actually pay treasure and WeChat payment has done very well, so the DCEP and CBDC, in my opinion, most likely is turned to the aftermath of the power, and to become a new ecological survival genes, if DCEP and CBDC under the logic of the central bank also with Keynesian regulation economy, such as central bank today In fact, they are just the new bottle for the old wine of traditional central Banks. What is the essential difference between a digital currency and a fiat currency that keeps devaluing and inflating?

If the bottom of the decp is still in China, your money is still in someone else’s hands

BSV is independent of the power game outside the impartiality of credit system, the credit system can only be used similar to the scarcity of metal currency attribute is complete, the BSV to human justice provides the possibility of too much credit, finance, business, politics will have BSV development space, as long as the underlying human is fair, hope the BSV is likely to be the first to hold cage of violence and power, the power of the human paradigm can also through the system logic to honest logic by violence, after all, in the heart most certainly want to live in a world of honest, Not in a world where power is everything.

Let me ask you a more informal question. Once BSV has been in existence for a long time, how will the big village of BSV affect the future situation

BSV behind of so-called dasso CoinGeek should be said, no matter from justice perspective and its own interests Angle, the optimal strategy is the continued support of the BSV CoinGeek ecological development, to complete all currency normalization and chain unto the BSV ecological vision, after all, the BSV from birth who didn’t want to muddle with thousands of COINS belong to one and all is a king should have originally owned by a chain.

Said too far may no one willing to listen to, say what BSV specific capable, vehicle location data chain can effect a radical cure congestion, small micro enterprise books chain to finish P2P underlying credit accumulation, supply chain chain can increase the circulation efficiency of products manufactured, cases on chain can solve information asymmetry of patients and doctors, can finish the democratic election ballot chain of openness, personal data chain can finish the paperless data interface of the individual, the tourist trade chain can eradicate tourist area rip off phenomenon, intelligent contract contribute credit chain to complete the contract itself, on the food supply chain can complete the whole process of food safety monitoring, Financial transaction data chain can complete the public supervision of the financial system, students can completely make students continuously on the data of chain can follow up your own mistakes and to complete the focus of the lifelong learning, this is my summary of these days, I believe that there are many is I don’t have access to many areas, but also after the chain and traditional logic completely inconsistent business logic and user logic, which is after all chain unto a BSV ecological at the beginning of the road.

When the data scale, data volume and data dimension are enough, a lot of new business models will automatically appear, which is impossible for the traditional Internet and the so-called industry chain, alliance chain to complete, all of these possibilities can only come from the chain.

That’s right. Are there any other chains that can’t be made

是的,其它链做不出来,因为即使做出来了,怎么让这个链成为行业标准、怎么和其它链的数据交互、怎么完成这个链的长期经济激励,这些都是问题,比如BSV做了一套车辆位置数据上链系统,中国的华为公司做了一套车辆位置数据上链系统,我们假如他们做的一样好,你觉得美国人和欧洲人敢用华为做的系统么,而这个系统如果要和当地的天王系统打通,我们真的要每个城市做一个接口么,还是说最好有一个天网BSV 系统直接和这个系统进行数据交换呢,这些可能性只有在万链归一时才有可能,行业链永远面临的难题就是,行业标准无法确立,行业推广难以开展,补贴消失后链枯萎。
Yes, other chain do not to come out, because even if to come, how to make the chain industry standard, how to interact with the data of other chain, how to complete the chain of economic incentives for a long time, these are the problems, such as BSV do a set of vehicle location data link system, China’s huawei company do a set of vehicle location data link system, we just as good if they do, what do you think of the americans and the europeans can do with huawei system, and this system if you want to and the local pop get through, do we really want to each city to do an interface? Or is it better to have a skynet BSV system directly and this system for data exchange, these possibilities are only possible in the return of the 10,000 chain, the industry chain will always face the problem is that the industry standard can not be established, industry promotion is difficult to carry out, subsidies disappear after the chain wither.

Remove political interference, as long as the pursuit of efficiency and business, the best block chain is BSV, and if you want to consider the political factors, so many systems do not make block chain, direct use of LAN is good.

Again, for instance, I went to a supermarket to buy milk powder, I can see is probably the user evaluation of milk powder, and can see the milk powder production process of industry chain, also can see the milk powder brand sales, also can see the powder of various types of health certificate, also can see the milk powder price comparison of all the stores, it is involved in many industry data of cross validation, we are hope to see these in a system, hope every data in different systems? The production data is of one dimension, but the use of data is often the more dimensions, the better, which is why we need a universal chain.

Conversation : 2020.3.27~3.31 #

@hslayj怎么看待其他公链,比如ETH、EOS,这几天查了很多资料说图灵完备   到现在都不太懂
What does @hslayj think of other public chains, such as ETH and EOS? He has searched a lot of information these days and said that he still doesn’t understand Turing well

@任小重 先看看图灵机,再看看比特币脚本操作码里的副栈,主栈副栈就像图灵机纸带的两端
First look at the Turing machine and then look at the sub-stack in the bitcoin script operation code. The sub-stack of the main stack is just like the ends of the paper tape of the Turing machine

Turing complete is the ability to compute any number, and the bitcoin script has that ability, the ability to compute any number?

The definition of Turing completeness is complex and simple to understand as isomorphic to Turing, meaning that any problem that can be calculated in a high-level language can be calculated in a bitcoin script

Yes, it’s easier in a high-level language. Both C and Python are Turing complete programming languages. HTML, CSS and SQL are typical Turing incomplete programming languages.

First of all, what is the chain block, block chain is through an open book this way, the complete data multi-dimensional display, finally complete the accumulation of honesty, so what can complete the accumulation of data, the database, so the essence of chain block is the database, not Turing machine, not the computer, Turing completeness are not important, so the ETH began to throw out the concept of not important, although the BSV turing-complete, but I don’t think this thing is very important, because as long as to ensure the integrity data are honest, you can get own contract. The underlying logic of blockchain is honesty, which comes from the diversity and comparability of data dimensions. To confuse people with a technical term, it is just the form of self-packaging of many projects.

ETH series is force to complete the contract, all day granny verbosity and national senior files in their system had to be in the list of CPU queue, stupid is a stupid can’t block chain architecture, also receive dilettante, this all what age, playing contracts still think in series circuit, it can not block, finally simply won’t run large applications.

我认为图灵完备是很重要的,图灵完备的脚本,才可能是实现任何想实现的东西,比如说写个操作系统啥的,像core 党、禁用操作符,导致BTC只能做有限的事情
I think turing-complete is very important. Turing-complete scripts can be used to implement anything you want, such as writing an operating system, core-blocking, disabling operators, so that BTC can only do a limited number of things

It’s certainly useful, but it’s not very useful to people outside of the profession. Compared to credit, it’s a technical detail that doesn’t need to be discussed at all. That’s what I mean.

The big block plus Turing complete to have enough imagination, both can not be missing, a lot of restrictions are actually very direct, for example, the brain size of people and chimpanzees are very different, small block such as BTC, even give him Turing complete, there is no bird use.

Even if Turing is not complete, as long as there is data or script, it can be calculated under the chain. At present, I have not seen any advantages of mining machine calculation on the chain compared with the calculation of service providers under the chain. In the future, some scenarios may be required.

ETH说它图灵完备是优势,BTC CORE说树莓派节点是优势,其它山寨币说自己去中心化是优势,还有币圈盛行的代码就是法律逻辑,本质都是把系统的众多细节中的一个细节断章取义后扩大成系统的全部,然后用专业名词镇住不懂的外行,任由它们摆布和割韭菜,就好像要饭的眼里,皇帝就是一个端着金饭碗要饭的人一样。
ETH said it is advantage turing-complete, BTC CORE said raspberries pie node is advantage, other counterfeit currency decentralization is an advantage, and currency prevailing code is legal logic, the essence is one of the many details of the system all details after taken out of context to expand into the system, and then use specialized terms, do not understand the lay of god let their mercy and cut chives, and like a beggar’s eyes, the emperor is a carried live on begging.

邱少的《重返创世纪》https://metanet.press第8章8.1.2. 比特币的图灵完备性
return to genesis https://metanet.press chapter 8 8.1.2. The Turing completeness of bitcoin

Not that I don’t understand turing-complete, but you take turing-complete system into account, a lot of things will be very complicated, you put the BSV understanding into a database system is very simple, as long as the database on the traditional software, other functions are basically consistent, then on the database to find a way to get through carries on the data of various aspects, it is easier to form multi-dimensional data systems get through, be sure to finish the function other than the database on the chain is not not ok, but doing so is worth, project their own server can be selected for operation, only the key data upload network is ok, Calculation problem when it comes to the chain, there is a chain of cost, cost and ecological link in the chain of, how many good application ecosystem can support the current chain of concurrent, can support the advantages of chain operation, it is a project of economic balance problem, so I just said turing-complete in fact did not imagine so important, it better the icing on the cake, not can also do it projects.

What hslayj means by “unimportant” is that there is no need to compare bitcoins to ethereum at this point, since it is so easy to implement Turing completeness in the stack language

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He yan’s book “recreating bitcoin” is highly recommended. This book is the popular science reading of BSV approved by CSW, which can help you understand the underlying logic of a lot of BSV

多谢 罗兄🙏
Thank you


Fact is also proved that only the BSV have dug up the material, dig out technical route can dig miners ecology industry upgrade and iteration, application logic can dig out infrastructure chain scenario development and fall to the ground, digging out the possibility of software construction level can also dig to reverse remodeling of the entire human order, this is the block chain was always supposed to look like, rather like BTC took out a set of code, just in there waiting for the price, the future of humanity belongs to positive builder, rather than being speculators.

@何岩 英文版可以在美国亚马逊买的到吗
Is the English version available on amazon in the United States

@清风徐来 英文版在非中国的亚马逊能买到 例如美国 日本 英国 加拿大的亚马逊,搜索recreating bitcoin
English version in the amazon can buy in China such as the United States Japan Britain Canada amazon, search recreating bitcoins

The BSV community is full of talented people. I have never heard of any faith of BSV finally defecting, but many people who supported BCH and BTC have defected.

I am one

There will be more and more people like you

Can cheat a person for a long time, also can cheat all the people for a period of time, but you can’t always to deceive all the people, the truth is always the debate the Ming, with lies to maintain scam there is always a collapse of that day of, the currency circle lies too much too much, a lot of sunshine teenager also is pushed this environment become trivial blame uncle, BSV community as long as keep the common heart, efforts to grow, and ensure its own self-consistent and full dialectical logic honesty, been fully rational debate, on the day of the wind to, there will be thousands of Buddha nature worship.

赚钱是自己的能力 不是因为币让你赚钱了 是因为你的选择 ,没有币 你照样可以用其他技能赚钱 是自己能力的变现
The ability to make money is not because money makes you money because of your choice, no money you can still use other skills to make money is the realization of their ability

Coin circle logic is to cheat the gun logic, only fall in love do not get married, waiting for the house pull dish cut leek; The logic of BSV is the logic of loyalty. Not only do we have to get married and have children in love, but we also have to raise the children as adults. Because BSV is an ecology and needs to be built.

@hslayj 每次看您的发言都是一种享受,学习,不管什么样的问题您都真诚自洽,充分辩证的回答,真的发自内心感谢BSV社区有这么棒的布道者,我们这些后辈在这么好的学习氛围当中,不努力学习成长都不好意思,努力学习等风来[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][拥抱][拥抱][拥抱]
@ hslayj every time see your speech is a kind of enjoyment, learning, no matter what kind of questions you are sincere self consistent, dialectical fully the answer, really thank you from the heart BSV community has the great preacher, the next in the midst of such a good learning atmosphere, don’t study hard grow all embarrassed, study hard, such as the wind to [rose] [rose] [rose] [hug] [hug] [hug]

@清风徐来 也多谢你组织了这个群,每个人都贡献自己力所能及的力量,BSV社区就是这么蒸蒸日上的
Thank you for organizing this group. Everyone contributes what they can. The BSV community is thriving


Learn together [coffee][rose] progress together

The doctor’s blog at www.craigwright.net
Ii return to genesis https://metanet.press
Aaron67 blog: https://aaron67.cc
Official :BSVofficial
Wechat Public number: 邱少闲聊Metanet

各位大佬好,重新创造比特币的最新中文版都放到recreating.org/bsv上了,方便大家阅读。另外我在首页recreating.org/index发起了“重新创造运动”(Recreating Movement)欢迎加入一起Recreating Someting…[悠闲]
Good bosses, to create the latest Chinese version of the currency on recreating.org/bsv, facilitate everybody to read. And I on the front page recreating.org/index launched “to create Movement” (Recreating the Movement) welcome to join together Recreating Someting… [ease]


There are some places where you still see a little bit of a solution, like function equivalence, right?

@任小重 很多地方我都是靠直觉写的 ,写的比较浪 不一定“正确”,我也不追求“正确”
I write a lot of things intuitively, not necessarily “right”, and I don’t pursue “right”.

The universal computer, who can say what the concept is, and the Turing outage, which is not very well understood

The universal computer is actually not accurate. I think it should be called the universal database

My understanding is very simple, if the script can define the Numbers and the addition, it can combine to build all the calculations. I didn’t learn the concept of Turing downtime, I guess the script is limited in length, so the calculation is limited. These are intuitively simple explanations.
The universal computer is an ideal possibility, if the cost is not taken into account, the whole world only USES bitcoin-based mining machine computing power, not the two-layer computing

状态就放到交易里 二层网络不保存状态,我直觉上的理解,不知道真实是否可行
The state goes into the transaction and the second layer of the network doesn’t save the state, and I don’t know if that’s true or not, based on my intuition

All SPVS are stateless, and the states are read from the transaction, including algorithms and data, just like the “somatic cells”, the different representation logic of the somatic cells comes from the unique ledger (DNA).

There’s a lot of state in the deal. Ethereum is proud of it. It’s a classic

Think of the whole bitcoin as a living thing, where the mining machine represents the germ cell, the SPV represents the body cell, and the ledger represents the gene. The cell can write the algorithm and data into the gene at any time, while the representation of the cell reads the algorithm and data in the gene. This is mentioned in canto xii, the more intuitive metaphor, this is what I call the more wavy way of writing [sweat].

我很早也有过区块链基因论,但是和你认为的不一样,@hslayj 罗老哥怎么看区块链基因论?
I’ve had a blockchain gene theory for a long time, but it’s not what you think. What does @hslayj luo think about blockchain gene theory?

Thanks to teacher he for his teaching, small reward, no respect [shy] [shy], I understand why lawyers soha BSV, this brother is to learn DNA, as expected god’s creation is the most awesome, block chain is the bionics of DNA ah

Life is the most complex structure

After all, our understanding of genes is so limited that we need professionals to teach us

我猜想 ,猜想而已,没准整个宇宙都是全息性的,“分型”,任意小的单元上都可以发现全宇宙的信息,也就是像DNA的设计,每个细胞拥有整体的全部信息,那么每个原子也拥有宇宙的全部信息,原子里也有一种我们看不见的宇宙唯一账本,全宇宙实时同步。以上纯属胡乱猜想
I guess, guess, maybe the whole universe are holographic, “points”, any small units can be found that all the information of the universe, which is like the design of DNA, every cell has all the information of the whole, then each atom also has all the information of the universe, in the atomic there is also a universe is the only book we can’t see, the universe real-time synchronization. These are wild guesses

It may be true that BSV is still in the single-cell era

嗯呢 量子态 虽然我现在也没理解量子
Well, quantum states even though I don’t understand quantum right now

There is a lot of room for evolution. Is it convenient for lawyer liu to talk about the similar relationship between genes and blockchain from a professional perspective

If genes can’t be tampered with to record human life, the bitcoin blockchain can’t be tampered with to record human social behavior

That’s a vivid metaphor

I would like to ask, the script of bitcoin is Turing complete, I think there is Turing complete script in the gene, but now humans do not know

I understand that the brain and the body are Turing complete in their own right, and that genes are just a ledger of data. It’s not in the genes. It’s in the brain and the body

The types of amino acids and the way the peptide chains fold are all controlled by these scripts, and it is because of these functions that the intelligent creatures like human beings have evolved. On the other hand, competing species that started with our ancestors at the same time, bifurcated due to the environment, causing certain operators to be limited or lost, causing them to fail on the evolutionary path without any trace of existence

The ecology of BSV block chain has three layers: the ecology of the hardware miner layer, the ecology of the Metanet software application layer, and the cognitive ecology of the block chain in the real world. The ecology of each layer can evolve in a cycle, which also guarantees the sustainability of BSV in hardware, infinite possibilities in software, and the ability to reverse the influence of the real world. So to block chain understanding into living organisms, or ecological system can be, and that is why this structure can’t literally change, not like ordinary software according to the external demand rapid iteration, you can’t cut a man’s arm to see what else to give him increase possibility, that is why all the other chain is doomed to be the cause of the disabled, in the design of the moment, the currency block chain just like a baby be born came into this world, we need to treat him like a life, to give him time to grow and create possibilities, we can’t treat it as machine, cutting arm cut leg tomorrow today, Because after a few twists and turns, the blockchain is dead, which is why the white paper is so important, and the stability protocol so important.

The gene itself cannot complete the Turing complete function of life independently, it needs the outside protease, nuclease and other assistance to complete the gene transcription, replication and assembly, and then realize the Turing complete life. The Turing completeness of the bitcoin script is the same as that of the script. It requires two layers such as oracle to work together to realize the Turing completeness of the script, so as to realize the chain of everything and the chain of all.

The human brain is one level higher than the Turing machine and can solve the Turing shutdown problem

There’s a book about genes, and the first biological filaments are RNA, and then proteins, and then DNA, and RNA is structurally unstable, so eventually DNA is passed down from generation to generation as a carrier

A novel coronavirus is avirus that has only RNA

BTC, then BCH, then BSV, BTC carrier is too small, BCH is unstable, so finally BSV is handed down

Today’s ai can’t be called ai, and BSV may one day evolve to be autonomous

这个怎么理解,进化 自主意识
How do we understand this? Evolutionary autonomy

layer 1也是图灵完备,只不过比较贵
Layer 1 is also Turing complete, but more expensive

The outer protease is also genetically defined

@比特币张摩西 不是。这是鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡的问题,生命非常复杂,人类所知万一
It’s a chicken-and-egg problem. Life is very complicated

Autonomous consciousness or difficult, autonomous consciousness not only depends on the accumulation of internal data complete algorithm, the main rely on external selection mechanism of independent consciousness out of artificial intelligence for now does not have the external conditions that evolution of autonomous consciousness, many movie novel the romance of artificial intelligence, is a long time, as long as the human existence, there would be no independent consciousness artificial intelligence.

Institute of international finance (IIF) said the global debt breakthrough 250 trillion dollars last year, this year the new crown $infinite quantitative easing (qe), the digital casually will go back to move up, calculate, according to an average of 4% interest is the interest payments of $10 trillion a year, more than 10% of global GDP, this is how businesses can net interest rate of more than 10% of the or p/e ratio of less than 10, fiat has been formed in the black hole, no matter how many actual growth are throwing money in to the system, and to cut interest rates even negative interest rates to ease debt interest cost, so who are willing to borrow, May in addition to the printing press dominates the central bank, no one wants to borrow money, debt run is a big probability event, when central Banks all over the global debt, a flood of currency incremental broke through its central bank’s credit system, which is the current economic situation, the world economy has been sustainable debt logic into a terminally ill patient, also met a new crown this fate, this system every day more, human beings cannot advance in the swamp, even deeper, when young people grow up, really willing to pay for the older generation of overlord meal to eat, the stove is a must, this is the historical mission of BSV, The logic of the financial system does not change, the human race will never get out of this deepening debt swamp.

Fiat currency has expansibility, without expansion can not solve economic problems

That’s what central Banks do, looking for a theory to support their continued printing of money

Keynesian’s biggest problem is putting the government in economic participants, as a kind of fiscal convergent method, the central bank’s legal tender system control logic is undoubtedly successful, but as the underlying social and economic operation of the logic, it would be a big problem, sustainable inflation makes money stored value attribute disappear, creating a sustainable debt logic and all unnecessary fight inflation investments, at present a lot of debt since the first day of the borrowing didn’t intend to return. When the scale of sustainable debt exceeds the average rate of economic development, the system will naturally collapse. The lesson is profound enough that the United States, the largest economic, political and military power in the world, is now a deadbeat and a miser.

read the teacher’s sayings, feel inspired

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👍 👍 👍 
No matter in any industry, the blockchain project can only become the world standard after it has truly entered the BSV and won the BSV niche competition. Otherwise, no matter how good it is, it can only be the overlord of the fish pond. We are looking forward to seeing the explosion of various forms of BSV ecology

How to combine to sports BSV, imagine not too 😁

The management and publicity of referee qualification and referee report, the issuance of sports lottery chain, the token of sports tickets, the standardization and publicity of doping control process, the permanent chain of sports honor, the application and approval process of sports events, as long as you want to do, there are still a lot of details.

Feeling luo teacher in the end has done how many information projects

I’m flattered that the skill industry has specialized, these belong to my professional direction, see and handle a lot of projects, analogy is not difficult.

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Huawei will be hit hard by the United States this year, chip this

Don’t you blow it all the time..

之前还没有往死里打,豁免了几个月,要是往死里打击华为  估计华为很难的,毕竟华为没有制造芯片的能力  只有设计的能力,射频芯片这块又严重依赖美国
It has not been done before, and it has been exempted for a few months. It will be hard for huawei to be hit hard. After all, huawei does not have the ability to make chips, only the ability to design them

Huawei new IP system, should be driven by national ministry of industry, huawei is typical of pragmatism, corporate culture does not encourage excessive blind innovation, the system should be to prevent the two countries completely opposite, after the United States from the underlying infrastructure such as domain name root servers on foreclosures for China, in China’s Internet paralysis, as to replace the Internet, didn’t so intend to estimate their own.

China already has a network of the Great Wall, and the Internet are separated, if now mature technology, the underlying change into a new engine, from the point of view of national security, it is cost-effective, but also ordinary people’s perception will be smooth, after the mistrust of the United States has a national or is China’s national political, slowly, there will be a new based on the network of political security requirements, if according to this logic, there is the United States after the Internet and the points of the Chinese Internet, which is based on political first international form reverse effects to the development of technical route, and if from human destiny community higher point of view, Such a game is no doubt like the prisoner’s dilemma. It is a lose-lose game, and the lack of exchange of information will deepen the chain of suspicion and cultural barriers between each other. This is the future of the international network game without BSV.

The imminent launch of the bsv-eur trading pair on Bittrex, a us digital asset exchange, means the market for BSV trading against euro fiat currencies is set to rise sharply.

next chapter : Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin 5 : 核心概念定调


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比特币经济学 4 : 法币崩溃
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比特币经济学 8 : 万链归一
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比特币经济学 10 : 去中心化
比特币经济学 11 : 代际剥削
比特币经济学 12 : 族群矛盾
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比特币经济学 7 : 路径

比特币经济学:基于BitcoinSV的全新视角来重新构想世界经济格局 # Recreating Economics based on Bitcoin : Reimagining the world economic landscape based on a new perspective of BitcoinSV # CONTENTS (目录) # 比特币经济学 : 首页 比特币经济学 1 : 开讲 比特币经济学 2 : 法律 比特币经济学 3 : CSW 比特币经济学... Continue →